More of the same shit from Obama

lostincypress's Avatar
Reagan office for SIX YEARS before unemployment dropped below 7%
See? Same shit as usual

Oh, tax cuts didn't create jobs or increase revenue or solve all of our economic problems after we said they would? Well shit....we better cut taxes some more.

Fucking idiots.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 03:58 PM
Reagan office for SIX YEARS before unemployment dropped below 7% Originally Posted by lostincypress
runnin Ronnie averaged 7.5 % for 8 years
Reagan office for SIX YEARS before unemployment dropped below 7% Originally Posted by lostincypress
SEE?!? SEE??!?!? Cutting taxes creates jobs. In Shrub's case, it just takes more than 6 years.....a lot more.

It doesn't make any difference what really caused any economic meltdown or problem. The Republican solutions is always the same: cut taxes. Now, what does this tell you? Professor?

Maybe they are going to propose tax cuts NO MATTER WHAT BECAUSE IT IS A BASIC BELIEF?

Just like the first solution to any real or imaginary future fiscal crisis is to cut social security, medicare and Medicaid. They've hated those programs since day one and will use any real or imaginary fiscal crisis to propose elimination of those programs as the solution. It is what they do.
I B Hankering's Avatar
nothing exacerbated the financial melt down, the Government let Lehman Bros go down the tubes and AIG insured the rest of the big banks as a hedge just in case one of them failed ... AIG owed so much money to cover policies held by all the major banks they would have went down too and took the world economy with them.

I posted the link to the 55 minute vid that explained the bank bailouts, you along with the rest of the Clinton crowd were too stupid to educate yourselves and watch it.

you are as uninformed about the entire situation as I am tired fucking with idiots like you.

The End. Originally Posted by CJ7
FACT: All of the above, you Kool Aid sotted lib-retard, is directly attributable to Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (1977), which forced banks to make risky loans, and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's signing the Financial Services Modernization Act (1999).

The bad financial policy inherent in Carter's Community Reinvestment Act was exacerbated by Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator amping up those requirements AND his abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act.

The collapse of the housing market, which had been fraudulently stimulated by the Community Reinvestment Act, was made worse by the fraudulent derivatives market that thrived AFTER Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator signed the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1922.

Keep drinking your Kool Aid, CBJ7, You're the uninformed, ignorant lib-RETARD!
lostincypress's Avatar
During the last two years of Reagan's Presidency unemployment was reduced due to the hiring boom in the legal profession. How many of Reagan's cabinet/staff were indicted for felonies....well, I have my shoes on so I'll have to stop at 10 for now. Yes, Ronnie knew how to throw a scandal....Iran Contra was spectacular....Oliver North pleading the Fifth....a Marine Officer pleading the Fifth...ugh...and Ronnie couldn't remember signing the Presidential Finding that authorized the transfer of arms to Iran....through Israel no less....damn memory.....and Ronnie's month long "Do Not Disturb" vacations to the California ranch.....yep, that's my man Ronnie....what was it Margaret Thatcher...another conservative hero...said about Ronnie....

Now here are some quotes about the hero of the RIGHT........I cannot attest to their accuracy but they are humorous ....for some....maybe not for others.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 05:22 PM
SEE?!? SEE??!?!? Cutting taxes creates jobs. In Shrub's case, it just takes more than 6 years.....a lot more.

It doesn't make any difference what really caused any economic meltdown or problem. The Republican solutions is always the same: cut taxes. Now, what does this tell you? Professor?

Maybe they are going to propose tax cuts NO MATTER WHAT BECAUSE IT IS A BASIC BELIEF?

Just like the first solution to any real or imaginary future fiscal crisis is to cut social security, medicare and Medicaid. They've hated those programs since day one and will use any real or imaginary fiscal crisis to propose elimination of those programs as the solution. It is what they do. Originally Posted by timpage
the constant salvo from the House to repeal Obamacare will end in a war to make the tax cuts permanent ..

who will cave ?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In 2005, Bush and McCain tried to pass legislation to audit Fannie and Freddie. They were stopped by a party line vote. The train wreck was coming but we were not allowed to turn around and see the locomotive.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You guys are not very good at your jobs. George Soros should ask for his money back. Okay, RR's average unemployment rate was 7.5% according to someone here (names are changed to protect the stupid). I never mentioned an average so it is a pointless statistic. During the eight years of RR unemployment DID drop below 7%. Also, anyone have the guts to tell the readers here what unemployment (Jimmy Carter's stats) was when RR took office? I'll let you stew over that.

The thing is that five years after RR first took office his policies had reduced unemployment, created growth, and increased the GDP so higher than another president who just happens to also have five years in office. I wonder who that could be... Your idol is a failure, an utter, absolute failure who has no idea how the world works.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 10:06 AM
You guys are not very good at your jobs. George Soros should ask for his money back. Okay, RR's average unemployment rate was 7.5% according to someone here (names are changed to protect the stupid). I never mentioned an average so it is a pointless statistic. During the eight years of RR unemployment DID drop below 7%. Also, anyone have the guts to tell the readers here what unemployment (Jimmy Carter's stats) was when RR took office? I'll let you stew over that.

The thing is that five years after RR first took office his policies had reduced unemployment, created growth, and increased the GDP so higher than another president who just happens to also have five years in office. I wonder who that could be... Your idol is a failure, an utter, absolute failure who has no idea how the world works. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

try this sport ..

two years after RR took office (too late to blame Carter) unemployment reached (above) 10 % and remained above 10% for 10 consecutive months..

a record yet to be touched by Obie.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
LMAO, you accept Obama blaming Bush five years into his presidency and don't give RR the credit of two years? You are a partisan hack. What was the prime interest rate when Obummer took office? How about the misery index (a Jimmy Carter invention)? Things were much worse when RR came in and he fixed them. You can't say the same about Obama. Actually you can say the same but it just wouldn't be true would it?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 10:38 AM
LMAO, you accept Obama blaming Bush five years into his presidency and don't give RR the credit of two years? You are a partisan hack. What was the prime interest rate when Obummer took office? How about the misery index (a Jimmy Carter invention)? Things were much worse when RR came in and he fixed them. You can't say the same about Obama. Actually you can say the same but it just wouldn't be true would it? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

quit deflecting

10 months above 10% unemployment during Reagans 2nd and 3rd years .. the world didn't end, in fact, Reagan was and still is the rightwing hero
FACT: All of the above, you Kool Aid sotted lib-retard, is directly attributable to Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (1977), which forced banks to make risky loans, and Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's signing the Financial Services Modernization Act (1999).

The bad financial policy inherent in Carter's Community Reinvestment Act was exacerbated by Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator amping up those requirements AND his abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act.

The collapse of the housing market, which had been fraudulently stimulated by the Community Reinvestment Act, was made worse by the fraudulent derivatives market that thrived AFTER Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator signed the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 abolishing the Glass-Steagall Act of 1922.

Keep drinking your Kool Aid, CBJ7, You're the uninformed, ignorant lib-RETARD!
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

IB the sexual perv will blame everyone but who really caused the problem. Try Greenspan and Goldman for a change Idiot Boy,
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 10:44 AM
IB the sexual perv will blame everyone but who really caused the problem. Try Greenspan and Goldman for a change Idiot Boy, Originally Posted by i'va biggen

IdiotBoy thinks Redlegs and Jayhawkers are the same thing too
I B Hankering's Avatar
IdiotBoy thinks Redlegs and Jayhawkers are the same thing too Originally Posted by CJ7
All Red Legs were Jayhawkers, but not all Jayhawkers were Red Legs, and -- despite your most ignorant assertion otherwise, nincompoop -- Red Legs and Jayhawkers were not Missourians, CBJ7. BTW, CJ7, your ignorance is on display here and here. Meanwhile, your ignorant ass can't back up your asinine lie with a citation, jackass.