Providers that try to scam the customer out of the 1 hour session.

GingerKatt's Avatar
My policy is that showers before and after, are OTC. 10-15 mins is no big deal to me. But I never have another appointment who's arriving soon. I choose to be low volume and see 1 a day, IF it's 2 in a day, they have to be hours apart. I take a while to prepare, long bath, oufit, throwing out stockings with runs, doing wash from the 1st, and getting clean sheets out. I just don't want more than 3-5 a week, it's not as fun. But I totally understand those ladies that need to book several a day to make expenses or save money. As long as they don't short the clients on the time. Then the client should write a review. Eventually clients who read reviews will differentiate between those that say under Time- "60 mins but went over" and those that say "60 mins but got 20".
Jules, I suggest you be careful with how you conduct yourself in this board. I'm the second member (or fucktard, whatever you prefer) who you're publicly attacking today in the forums. Earlier today, you publicly insulted another member, calling him a moron, for which you received a warning from a moderator. Now you're attacking me. Who will you attack next? Originally Posted by WhiteHippy
I wouldn't waste my time on this if I were you. She has a bunch of White Knights that will come marching in to gang up on you to "save the day". A bunch of wk's who get nothing in return, and look like complete fools protecting her.
I don't need a fake handle having fucktard telling me how to run my business. I do just fine without your invaluable input, thanks tho.

the day you decided to join is the same day a full of lies review went up on me, I guess that's a coincidence tho lol. You also contacted me that day lecturing me on my decision to not see middle eastern/Indian men. Claimed to be brand new right? When I ignored your pm (like I do the many other pm and emails I get every month on the subject) you then set out to supposedly pm multiple guys that have reviewed me, interview guys in the chat room, and receive all of this secret information on how horrible of a provider I am. (Eye roll)

This was all self admitted in one of your very first posts here on eccie. That Behavior is pretty creepy, obsessive, and stalker like.

I don't have the desire or time to investigate you any further. It's clear to anyone with half a brain you are a double handle. it's easy for women hating guys like you to sit behind a computer and bully women from anonymous handles.

For every guy who hates a woman that is willing to speak her mind and stand up for what she feels is right or believes in there are 3 more that love it and end up booking with me.

Just like you feel the best providers are ones who shut up and let hobbyists throw their weight around I feel the best hobbyists are ones that don't have time to stalk a stupid hooker board and fight with other grown ass men all day.

Agreeing to disagree is perfectly fine. It's our right. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Let's see, in one post, you've called me a creep, stalker, obsessed with you, and a woman! All because I disagreed with you.

I will reply to your post not because I care about your angry bitter rantings but because I don't want my name to be slandered by you.

I started screening you well before I sent you a PM. Yes, screening you. I was seriously considering visiting you but I always screen my providers before I see them. So yes, I did PM men who reviewed you and I did chat with men online who met you. I wanted to know what they really thought of you. I wanted to know if it's worth my time and money to meet you. If that makes me a creep, stalker, and obsessed with you, so be it. I guess when you ask for multiple references and contact each reference before meeting a new client, you're an obsessed stalker and creep too, right?

I have as much right to screen you as you do me.

Yes, since I joined eccie, I sent you 1 PM, which was in early May. Yes, as part of that PM, I did ask about your no Indian or Middle Eastern policy. I was merely curious since you mention that in every ad of yours, I thought you might have a story behind it. If anything, I was offended that you grouped Indians and Middle Easterners together when you would write "Indian/Middle Easterner" in your ads because I've worked and lived in both those areas of the world and I know that Indians and Middle Easterners are very different people. Apart from that, I don't care who you see or don't see. I fully respect the right of providers to not see certain groups, for whatever reason. In fact, in a past Welcome Wagon thread where I was replying to Randall Creed, I even defended your choice not to see Indians or Middle Easterners, stating that I'm sure Jules has her valid reasons for not seeing them and that it's Jule's business, Jule's choice. I can PM you the link to that thread or you can find it yourself.

After you ignored the first and only PM I sent to you in early May, I didn't send you any more PMs or try to contact you in anyway. I guess I should win the award for worst creep/stalker in the world.

Exactly how am I a woman hater? Can you post any proof that validates that accusation of yours?

The person who wrote that recent No review about you, Jules, was not me, it was Brass Balls. My reply in his review, in which I described the research/screening I did on you and the input I received from other guys about you, received likes from 8 different guys. Feel free to check yourself. That should show that I'm not just blowing smoke off my ass. Instead of getting angry at me for exchanging information, which is the function of this forum, ask yourself why all these guys have negative opinions about you and the service you provide?

You have insulted me plenty already and shown your true nature but I refuse to respond in kind. All I will say is, I'm not scared of you. I'm not scared of your white knights or your provider friends. I will post the truth. I'm not looking to fight with you. In fact I ended my last post in this thread wishing you the best of luck for your business. However, if you attack me and slander my name and reputation, I will not stay quiet.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I wouldn't waste my time on this if I were you. She has a bunch of White Knights that will come marching in to gang up on you to "save the day". A bunch of wk's who get nothing in return, and look like complete fools protecting her. Originally Posted by SteveOTX
I actually tell my guys to stay out of drama. I can handle my own.

you fake handles need to stick together, keep up the good work
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Hahaha okay well feel free to invite these 8 men that have seen me and received horrible service to publicly back you and your claims up.

Of course everyone won't click, yes I speak my mind and sometimes can come off bitchy but I'm not a bad provider so I find that really hard to believe. Anyone that's ACTUALLY met me can tell you I am super sweet and laid back bcd.

Trust me your decision to not meet me does not have me losing a bit of sleep.

What if I told you I was raped/robbed by a middle eastern man? Would my choice not to see them still offend you?

Your posts reek of bitter hobbyist. Anyone can see that.

The majority of my reviews have little to no comments. Where are all of these white knights? As I've said before most of my regulars are p411 members or eccie members that mostly lurk and use this site to do their homework on a lady that interests them.

For someone that's only met one eccie lady you sure do have lots of input on many ladies and situations here. I'm sure if someone had the time or desire to read all of your long winded posts you have slipped up somewhere but I don't have that kind of time on my hands.
needingmilking's Avatar
... and sometimes can come off bitchy... Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
The politically correct term is bossy now...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
The politically correct term is bossy now... Originally Posted by needingmilking
I'm not bossy in the bedroom or in session though, as a matter of fact I'm more submissive than dominate if I had to pick a side.

With all of the negative horrible things going on around us I just wish people would be a little kinder and less creepy around here.

I come here to escape my real life and have fun. Lately that has been harder to do due to all of the troll shit and petty drama.
Hahaha okay well feel free to invite these 8 men that have seen me and received horrible service to publicly back you and your claims up.

Of course everyone won't click, yes I speak my mind and sometimes can come off bitchy but I'm not a bad provider so I find that really hard to believe. Anyone that's ACTUALLY met me can tell you I am super sweet and laid back bcd.

Trust me your decision to not meet me does not have me losing a bit of sleep.

What if I told you I was raped/robbed by a middle eastern man? Would my choice not to see them still offend you?

Your posts reek of bitter hobbyist. Anyone can see that.

The majority of my reviews have little to no comments. Where are all of these white knights? As I've said before most of my regulars are p411 members or eccie members that mostly lurk and use this site to do their homework on a lady that interests them.

For someone that's only met one eccie lady you sure do have lots of input on many ladies and situations here. I'm sure if someone had the time or desire to read all of your long winded posts you have slipped up somewhere but I don't have that kind of time on my hands. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Your decision to not see middle eastern men has NEVER offended me. Let me make that clear. That's why I defended your policy (just like I defended the policy of NBA women too) in my post in a past welcome wagon thread. It's your body, your choice, period. I'm very sorry to hear that you were robbed and raped. You're a remarkably strong woman to survive such a horrific incident and still continue providing. I applaud you for that. As for the monster who did that to you, well I believe in karma and I'm sure he will get his fair due and hopefully much much more.

You claim that my posts are that of a bitter hobbyist. If that is the case, how come I haven't started any beef with you in the past 2 months that I've been an eccie member? Yes, I posted the input I received from the other guys who met you in Brass Balls review but since then, for the past nearly 2 months, I haven't mentioned you at all.

Even today, you started this beef with me. You entered this thread and accused me of having a second handle. It was only then that I addressed you. I wasn't looking to fight with you at all. So no, I'm not a bitter hobbyist.

If you've read my past posts, you would know that though I started an eccie account only 2 months ago, I've been lurking on eccie for years. I have seen eccie ladies in past years too. So I'm very familiar with a lot of situations and ladies here.

If you go back to my post on Brass Balls review of you, I clearly mentioned that I'm sure some guys did have a good time with you BCD. Feel free to confirm that yourself.
GingerKatt's Avatar
I'm not bossy in the bedroom or in session though, as a matter of fact I'm more submissive than dominate if I had to pick a side.

With all of the negative horrible things going on around us I just wish people would be a little kinder and less creepy around here. And maybe the ladies wou

I come here to escape my real life and have fun. Lately that has been harder to do due to all of the troll shit and petty drama. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I feel exactly the same way Jules. This place is getting more creepy and less kind, with lots of trolls who start petty dramas.

And now, as I read CoEd threads to educate myself, and keep up with what's happening on Eccie. And for some reason; several men/trolls have actually posted that they won't see ladies who post in CoEd. Another one said, "the hookers need to only post their ads. And only in CoEd if absolutely necessary." And I read at least 2 more. One said they only post to cause drama and trouble. That is SO not true, and DNS is growing long.

Without the providers, it would either be another men's Lounge, or they'd whip out their dicks and see who has the biggest one. It'd just be a total sausage fest. And without Jules it'd be pretty boring. I've seen a close up face pic and she's a beautiful woman with a great rep for being a fantastic provider. You guys are acting like it's recess and you're picking on the girl who never even notices you. It's childish and stupid.

But thing is. The Forum is called CoEd, and it's not always drama full of nasty posts or drama.
Sometimes it's fun.

And the back and forth convo can be stimulating. I've gotten several PM'S from hobbyist, when I post a lot in one evening (which its rare for me to post). So apparently many men like having attractive women to talk to, pretty.much every woman who posts, is pretty, witty, flirty and has a good business. And if a guy and a provider are flirting already in CoEd, email, text; I can tell you from experience ; the session is fantastic. So guys, try being fun and flirty in CoEd. You might see a lady you've never noticed before, and get a great date out of it. Or just read it and try to understand a woman's POV.
mmcqtx's Avatar
Maybe my world is just a little too simple, but if a girl rushes me, wastes time or doesn't provide the service I asked for, I give her a "NO" review and find one who doesn't rush, doesn't waste time and provides the services I require. It is kind of the reason we are here.
Most of my experiences here have been positive because I read reviews and do my homework. When I do branch out back into the "unknown" I go with my eyes open, knowing that I might not get great service. I then slap the back of my head, wonder what I was thinking and return to the loving arms of a verified provider.
Maybe my world is just a little too simple, but if a girl rushes me, wastes time or doesn't provide the service I asked for, I give her a "NO" review and find one who doesn't rush, doesn't waste time and provides the services I require. It is kind of the reason we are here.
Most of my experiences here have been positive because I read reviews and do my homework. When I do branch out back into the "unknown" I go with my eyes open, knowing that I might not get great service. I then slap the back of my head, wonder what I was thinking and return to the loving arms of a verified provider. Originally Posted by mmcqtx
That is very true, but there are some providers here (including the one who hijacked and made this thread about her with her arguing with a hobbyist) who if you let her know what you like in a session, and she does does agree, instead of saying no thanks, then you are a creepy obsessive stalker. When in fact, when you post on topic on a thread, she is right there after your post to insult you and your opinion, so who is the really the weirdo creepy stalker?

There are some providers who do talk the talk to get you to set, but do not walk the walk BCD, including the ones who short you on your time. IMO, 60 minutes is 60 BCD minutes, not starting from the time you get your final text for the room number and ending when you are getting in your car to leave.

Those are the ones that really need the "no" recommendation reviews written on them to show a pattern. After all, that is what this site is about.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
That is very true, but there are some providers here (including the one who hijacked and made this thread about her with her arguing with a hobbyist) who if you let her know what you like in a session, and she does does agree, instead of saying no thanks, then you are a creepy obsessive stalker. When in fact, when you post on topic on a thread, she is right there after your post to insult you and your opinion, so who is the really the weirdo creepy stalker?

There are some providers who do talk the talk to get you to set, but do not walk the walk BCD, including the ones who short you on your time. IMO, 60 minutes is 60 BCD minutes, not starting from the time you get your final text for the room number and ending when you are getting in your car to leave.

Those are the ones that really need the "no" recommendation reviews written on them to show a pattern. After all, that is what this site is about. Originally Posted by davidfree986
Yeah I know, too bad when you tried to book with me late March via p411 not revealing who you really were (AFTER I TOLD YOU MORE THAN ONCE THAT I DO NOT WANT TO MEET YOU) that I caught on and told you no thanks.

I'm sure you would have loved to write me that good ol no review because I hurt your little fucktard feelings.

David you are the true definition of a troll and all you do is repeat yourself over and over again like the chorus to a bad really bad rap song.

I guess just cross your fingers and pray that I get a justified no review due to my horrible services because as of yet I'm batting pretty good on that one. Or you can always make ANOTHER of your many fake handles and try to book that way.

Any guy that would purposely try to see a provider that does not want to see them and has told them that more than once is a damn weirdo and danger to this community.

You have way more bad reviews from providers than I will ever have
Gosh, it only took about 20 minutes before JJ came on and attacked me with her insults and lies, per her MO against anyone who does not agree with her or she feels slighted. She has received some "no" reviews, but quickly tries to diffuse them with unwarranted PMs stating her case.

Yes, I contacted you, but since you say I was trying to see you, mind if you show where I sent you an appointment request or anything of that nature stating that I would like to set an appointment with you? I will wait. Clearly, I know she does not have to stay on topic, but I surely do or I will receive points.

So, back on topic. I like Ginger Katt's response of taking a shower before and/or after is NOT part of BCD time, and she is right, it should not be, neither should be the brief small talk before BCD activities are started or after they are concluded and both are dressed, IF BOTH the provider and hobbyist are okay with it. Hell, if a provider counted all those activities into BCD time, not only would the actual activity time be about 20-25 minutes if that, but also if a guy likes MSOG, he can really forget that ever happening!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Gosh, it only took about 20 minutes before JJ came on and attacked me, per her MO. Since you say I was trying to see you, mind if you show where I sent you an appointment request or anything of that nature stating that I would like to set an appointment with you? I will wait. Clearly, I know she does not have to stay on topic, but I surely do or I will receive points.

So, back on topic. I like Ginger Katt's response of taking a shower before and/or after is NOT part of BCD time, and she is right, it should not be, neither should be the brief small talk before BCD activities are started or after they are concluded and both are dressed, IF BOTH the provider and hobbyist are okay with it. Hell, if a provider counted all those activities into BCD time, not only would the actual activity time be about 20-25 minutes if that, but also if a guy likes MSOG, he can really forget that ever happening! Originally Posted by davidfree986
If it were not against the rules I'd be happy to show that you contacted me in late March but you know it is not allowed. Nice try tho.

On topic There is a huge difference between a hobbyist that is wanting his full hour and a hobbyist that tries to take advantage of a providers time milking it while complaining about eccie and gossiping about other hobbyists or providers. Guys that do that go right to my don't see again list. I'm here to fuck not get the latest on Bettie blow Jobs pimp drama or the silly hobbyist feuds that go on here.

It goes both ways. I do feel that if a guy feels cheated after or even during a session he should communicate it to her and if she does not make it right then sure write the review. That's what this site is intended for.
TheEccie214's Avatar
WhiteHippy and David posting like they've been victims in this hobby is funnier than anything I've seen on this board in a while. Two guys butt hurt because they can't get a hooker to see them if they pay - that's pathetic. Luckily most of the ladies around here know that it's not their pathetic selves they have to be worried about, it's the fact they're dangers to the ladies that work in the hobby.

All I have learned from this thread is that Jules screens and doesn't see people she's not comfortable with. In response these guys throw mud at her like there is something wrong with her because she doesn't want to see them. "See me or else" type mentality. Real men there.

Bitter stalkers - please fill in the blank's if I'm missing something.