Former KKK Leader David Duke Says.....

Were Southern politicians Democrats "Once Upon a Time?" Absofuckinglutely.

What's your point?

"Once Upon A Time" Republicans were liberals.

"Once Upon A Time" is what this meta-discussion is about. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
The point is you make ridiculous statements based virtually on nothing.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
The point is you make ridiculous statements based virtually on nothing.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
That's utter bullshit, Jim, and you know it. Do you deny that the GOP was the party of progressives at the time of the Civil War? Do you deny that the Congressional delegation from the Southern States were overwhelmingly Democrats until the passage of the Civil Rights Amendment?

The KKK? Well we know where they came from:

But far be it from me to deprive you of your PMS days...

I am sure some are still alive--why yes, they can be found on the staffs of many current republican congressmen.

As to those no longer alive, why do you and "your kind" keep bringing them up? My reply was in regard to another litany by some of the Wackos here that "back then, the evil dems did ....)

The reality is if most of you were alive in the 60s Dixie, you WOULD be dems. Originally Posted by Old-T
You fucking Ozombies hate yourselves so bad you are now claiming to really be Republicans... LOL!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Brilliant observation, SLOBBRIN!

That's utter bullshit, Jim, and you know it. Do you deny that the GOP was the party of progressives at the time of the Civil War? Do you deny that the Congressional delegation from the Southern States were overwhelmingly Democrats until the passage of the Civil Rights Amendment?

The KKK? Well we know where they came from:

But far be it from me to deprive you of your PMS days...

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Sorry your link is very inaccurate. It's always been known throughout history the KKK was initiated by the Democratic Party. Once Blacks were given the right to vote they most often voted Republican. The KKK was designed to bully and force black voters to submit to the Democratic party. Politics is really nothing but a farce in this country and Blacks are the most affected group, mainly because they look for what Government can do for them instead of looking for what Government should do for the betterment of the country as a whole. But Iam not going to blame Blacks for that kind of thinking Iam going to blame the Democratic Party for enticing them to think that way and Republicans are also just as much at fault.

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  • Old-T
  • 02-01-2015, 01:13 PM
You fucking Ozombies hate yourselves so bad you are now claiming to really be Republicans... LOL! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Poor IIFFy. With lots of help someday you may progress to a first grade reading comprehension level. It will take lots of hard work on your part, but don't give up. And if is beyond your abilities as most here believe, well, maybe you can get a hold star for effort.

Now run along, the adults have things to talk about.
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  • Old-T
  • 02-01-2015, 05:12 PM
Okay, this you have to prove or you have to shut up.

I don't even know how you know their names much less who they work for. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
For such a short post you seem to have a number of errors.

First, before you start insisting that I have to "prove or shut up", I think you need to take a pause and look at the forum you are in. You don't even have to go very far--look at IB and I'va on the Nigeria thread. Approaching THREE HUNDRED posts on that thread alone, and how many of their comments are "proven"????? Which one has "proven" that the other is as despicable as they shout out each other is? But you want to hold my post to a different standard just because I am reasonably civil and on topic?

Second, no, you are incorrect. I do not need to "shut up" just because you or someone else here does not wish to hear reality. Just because I say something slightly negative about conservatives and tea parties and those who blindly follow their slogans. There are a number of posters on here who have two, three, four, or more times as many posts in the Political forum than I do, yet since some of them have your same political bent you do not tire of them posting. If I ever approach IIFFY's 9720 posts, Whirley's 12,688, or IB's 14,917 posts--among others--then it might be time to see how many of my posts are the same character as their utter swill that infects this board. But now I have a paultry 4,826 when I hit SEND on this one. I am a piker on the garbage heap of this place. A large fraction of mine are not even in the sewer that is the political forum, and many of mine that ARE, have something actually on topic, unlike some of these other "illustrious" posters. So when you start screaming for the likes of THEM to shut up, and they start listening, then come bring your attention to MY overly vocal presence.

Third, I suggest if you want to make hostile comments about my credentials, at leas read what I have already posted about them. I have on several occasions posted things that address your question. I spend a lot of time in DC. I spend a lot of time with congressional staffers and members and that is how I know about individuals. I am not a staffer nor a lobbyist. I have been doing this for over 20 years now and have built up a good reputation and a network of eyes and ears.

But really, it is the fourth error that is the biggest: you seem to have forgotten the most important principle of the site in general. Discretion. I know their names and who they work for because I work with them, but to provide names or enough information to know who are my sources would be the height of indiscretion.

Throwing comments onto the pyre that is this forum is FUN. That is all, really. There aren't a lot of open minded individuals on here who are likely to change their mind based upon what I say even if I posted video that confirms it (though there are some people who seem swayed by logic, and that is appreciated).

Protecting sources and methods is not fun, but rather it is ESSENTIAL and it is RIGHT. So no, I will not name the names you of GFEJunkie, or others would like. As I offered to him: come to DC and walk the halls, listening and watching with your own ears if you need "proof".
For such a short post you seem to have a number of errors.

First, before you start insisting that I have to "prove or shut up", I think you need to take a pause and look at the forum you are in. You don't even have to go very far--look at IB and I'va on the Nigeria thread. Approaching THREE HUNDRED posts on that thread alone, and how many of their comments are "proven"????? Which one has "proven" that the other is as despicable as they shout out each other is? But you want to hold my post to a different standard just because I am reasonably civil and on topic?

Second, no, you are incorrect. I do not need to "shut up" just because you or someone else here does not wish to hear reality. Just because I say something slightly negative about conservatives and tea parties and those who blindly follow their slogans. There are a number of posters on here who have two, three, four, or more times as many posts in the Political forum than I do, yet since some of them have your same political bent you do not tire of them posting. If I ever approach IIFFY's 9720 posts, Whirley's 12,688, or IB's 14,917 posts--among others--then it might be time to see how many of my posts are the same character as their utter swill that infects this board. But now I have a paultry 4,826 when I hit SEND on this one. I am a piker on the garbage heap of this place. A large fraction of mine are not even in the sewer that is the political forum, and many of mine that ARE, have something actually on topic, unlike some of these other "illustrious" posters. So when you start screaming for the likes of THEM to shut up, and they start listening, then come bring your attention to MY overly vocal presence.

Third, I suggest if you want to make hostile comments about my credentials, at leas read what I have already posted about them. I have on several occasions posted things that address your question. I spend a lot of time in DC. I spend a lot of time with congressional staffers and members and that is how I know about individuals. I am not a staffer nor a lobbyist. I have been doing this for over 20 years now and have built up a good reputation and a network of eyes and ears.

But really, it is the fourth error that is the biggest: you seem to have forgotten the most important principle of the site in general. Discretion. I know their names and who they work for because I work with them, but to provide names or enough information to know who are my sources would be the height of indiscretion.

Throwing comments onto the pyre that is this forum is FUN. That is all, really. There aren't a lot of open minded individuals on here who are likely to change their mind based upon what I say even if I posted video that confirms it (though there are some people who seem swayed by logic, and that is appreciated).

Protecting sources and methods is not fun, but rather it is ESSENTIAL and it is RIGHT. So no, I will not name the names you of GFEJunkie, or others would like. As I offered to him: come to DC and walk the halls, listening and watching with your own ears if you need "proof".
Originally Posted by Old-T
NOBODY READS YOUR CRAP... Old-Transgendered but Shit Eater will... You know...
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  • Old-T
  • 02-01-2015, 08:41 PM
I know you don't. It has a reading comprehension level higher than Dick And Jane. That lets you out it seems.

but Shit Eater will... You know... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You are correct, IB will read it. He can't help himself, he is stalking me. Fortunately I recognize him as annoying but harmless.

PS: Thanks for quoting it. That way people who ARE literate have two opportunities to read it.
NOBODY READS YOUR CRAP... Old-Transgendered but Shit Eater will... You know... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
While I don't always agree with Old-T, I read most of his posts. More often than not, they are usually thought provoking.

IIFFY, the same cannot be said of you! When you do post something other than meaningless videos, your words are at best, border line gibberish!
the Jewish Homeland?

Youre failing miserably?

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Tell that to the Palestinians. Jewish Homeland my ass.
You are correct, IB will read it. He can't help himself, he is stalking me. Fortunately I recognize him as annoying but harmless.

PS: Thanks for quoting it. That way people who ARE literate have two opportunities to read it.
Originally Posted by Old-T
So your point is... Old-Transgender... Republicans are now democrats and democrats are now socialists/Marxists/communists. I agree with you... So what else you got?

Yea, I'm talking to you... Old-Transgender
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  • Old-T
  • 02-01-2015, 09:12 PM
While I don't always agree with Old-T, I read most of his posts. More often than not, they are usually thought provoking.

IIFFY, the same cannot be said of you! When you do post something other than meaningless videos, your words are at best, border line gibberish! Originally Posted by bigtex
I would be shocked if anyone agreed with all I post. I don't even agree with it all.
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  • Old-T
  • 02-01-2015, 09:38 PM
So your point is... Old-Transgender... Republicans are now democrats and democrats are now socialists/Marxists/communists. I agree with you... So what else you got?

Yea, I'm talking to you... Old-Transgender Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Poor IIFFy. Trying so hard to act all grown up. No, that was NOT the point of my post to JD that you quoted. The main point, very clearly stated, was about discretion--and a good operative protecting their sources.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
NOBODY READS YOUR CRAP... Old-Transgendered but Shit Eater will... You know... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Just about all of everything you wrote was irrelevant. I don't care about your credentials but how about some names of some very public people. Even the press doesn't use your excuse. Public people and we should know their names. Why would you shield a racist former democrat staffer is beyond me.