Trump Nails It On SNL

So do these racist and ignorant kids know that most of their ancestors were not born in this country and if it wasn't for them migrating here as immigrants, technically since they were not born here, they would not be here? Fact.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Budman's Avatar
How, exactly, are they cashing in? Even illegals get their income taxed. You act like these people are driving Bentleys and taking milk baths. They aren't 'cashing in' as you say. You or I wouldn't live like they do. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Not really. Many of the illegals are paid as contract labor or in cash. If they are contract labor they become responsible for all of their income & FICA tax. In this case you know damn well they don't send in a check to uncle sam. If they are actually paid as an employee many claim so many dependents to negate the federal income tax or they claim exempt on their W4. In this case the only portion they pay is the employee's portion of FICA which is 7.65 %.

Ahh WaKKKo, you dumbfuck. You are truly a retrograde shitstain on the underwear that is the universe.

Immigrants pay taxes. As for false SS numbers, go look up 'suspense file' and get back to me. It's for SS numbers that can't be matched with people, like you lied about above. What you do, without knowing or realizing it, is make the case for getting these people documented and on the rolls. The tax contribution they are already making would only increase. In 2012, California illegals, of which there are an estimated 3.1 million, paid $3.2 Billion in taxes. Instead of sending these people home, as you and your racist shitstains would like, they need to be made fully contributing members of society and that amount would only go up.

We are confronted with an issue and the two sides are clearly illustrated. You, a republitard, want to throw out the baby with the bath water, kick these people out and lose the contributions they ARE making and lose out on the increase in taxes that would come from making them legal. I would rather welcome these people, who are already here with their families and working, and increase the money they put in the coffers. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's assuming that the work these illegals are doing would not be done by others. Do you think that if all illegals were gone overnight that the jobs they are doing would never be filled? The jobs would be filled by legal immigrants or by US citizens who would then be paying the required income tax.
Not really. Many of the illegals are paid as contract labor or in cash. If they are contract labor they become responsible for all of their income & FICA tax. In this case you know damn well they don't send in a check to uncle sam. If they are actually paid as an employee many claim so many dependents to negate the federal income tax or they claim exempt on their W4. In this case the only portion they pay is the employee's portion of FICA which is 7.65 %.

That's assuming that the work these illegals are doing would not be done by others. Do you think that if all illegals were gone overnight that the jobs they are doing would never be filled? The jobs would be filled by legal immigrants or by US citizens who would then be paying the required income tax. Originally Posted by Budman
Prove it.
Without Columbus, there'd have been no Cortés, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas. Without Cortés, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, you cannibalistic Mexica would still be eating your enslaved cousins for breakfast. Your ancestors enslaved and ate each other less than 500 years ago, you miserable piece of shit.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And woomby is carrying on the traditiones of HIS Raza gente of "eating " people with his " therapy " down at the 'holes! He's particular to "native ", fresh dingleberrys that HE picks during his rimming sessions ! And don't forget all of that cock gobbling he does to build and expand his 'holes franchises !
Budman's Avatar
Prove it. Originally Posted by WombRaider
That's the best you've got?

I'll be happy to prove it as soon as you ship all the illegals back home. You can join them you POS. Take your weed eater and swim back home.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Colombus started the modern slave trade, firstly. The atlantic slave trade wouldn't have been there if not for him. Get your shit right first.

What about the criminal element among the fucking CITIZENS in this country?Now you are labeling every illegal as a dealer in illegal substances. In your previous post you referenced white bread, bologna and beer. It's clear where you stand, racist. There is no 'losing' this argument. It's an opinion-based discussion. Opinions are not fact or fiction. You are late for the session at the Salinas bus station, though. If you don't hurry, Lusty will have eaten all the dingleberry pie. Just take the 'cream' straight to the face, like gay rey does. Originally Posted by WombRaider
once again you are equating something that does not equate. Al Capone was a legal citizen. he just so happened to be a criminal. so were Bonnie and Clyde. your premise is a desperate attempt to justify your existence in this country as you are clearly the progeny of illegals and thus your inferiority complex drives you to press your buttcheeks up against a gloryhole and take ropey loads up your ass.

and Columbus did not have any direct involvement in African slave trading.
did he provide natives as sex slave in the Americas .. NOT Africa .. probably. did he murder natives in the Americas for Gold .. NOT Africa .. yep.

so show me braininess idiot where in either of these two links it mentions AFRICAN slave trading? you can read can't you?

That's the best you've got?

I'll be happy to prove it as soon as you ship all the illegals back home. You can join them you POS. Take your weed eater and swim back home. Originally Posted by Budman
Americans wouldn't fill those jobs and if you think they would, you're as stupider than I already think you are.

How you going to ship all 11-13 million of them home, dumbass? Republicans and more bullshit ideas.
once again you are equating something that does not equate. Al Capone was a legal citizen. he just so happened to be a criminal. so were Bonnie and Clyde. your premise is a desperate attempt to justify your existence in this country as you are clearly the progeny of illegals and thus your inferiority complex drives you to press your buttcheeks up against a gloryhole and take ropey loads up your ass.

and Columbus did not have any direct involvement in African slave trading.
did he provide natives as sex slave in the Americas .. NOT Africa .. probably. did he murder natives in the Americas for Gold .. NOT Africa .. yep.

so show me braininess idiot where in either of these two links it mentions AFRICAN slave trading? you can read can't you?

http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwor...bus-day-151653 Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

As for me, been here since the 1630's. Go find another river to poison.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Americans wouldn't fill those jobs and if you think they would, you're as stupider than I already think you are.

How you going to ship all 11-13 million of them home, dumbass? Republicans and more bullshit ideas.
Originally Posted by WombRaider
FYI, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas.

Appeals Court Deals Blow to Obama’s Immigration Plans


Americans would do the work if the pay was higher, you 2015 DOTY and "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas, but illegals drive down the wages.
Budman's Avatar
Americans wouldn't fill those jobs and if you think they would, you're as stupider than I already think you are.

How you going to ship all 11-13 million of them home, dumbass? Republicans and more bullshit ideas. Originally Posted by WombRaider
This is one of the many reasons WR won DOTY in a landslide.

I never said we could round up all illegals. My response was to your foolish statement about how they pay their taxes and if they were deported we would lose all the tax revenue they pay. The tax revenue would increase because the workers that fill those jobs would be on the books. You have the misconception that if the illegal Mexicans were to disappear that the jobs they do would never be filled. You believe that americans would not do the jobs currently being done by illegals. I don't buy it but assuming you are correct the jobs would be filled by legal immigrants who are on the books. Do you see the difference. Just in case it has gone over your head like some things do let me point it out to you.

illegal versus legal. Does that help you understand? Probably not but that's why you are the DOTY.

Do you realize that your margin of victory was so large that even your so called friends on the left voted for you? Yea that's right. Not only do the conservatives think you are stupid the left does as well. Everyone thinks you're a fucking moron.
Budman's Avatar

As for me, been here since the 1630's. Go find another river to poison. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Damn. You're really fucking old.
This is one of the many reasons WR won DOTY in a landslide.

I never said we could round up all illegals. My response was to your foolish statement about how they pay their taxes and if they were deported we would lose all the tax revenue they pay. The tax revenue would increase because the workers that fill those jobs would be on the books. You have the misconception that if the illegal Mexicans were to disappear that the jobs they do would never be filled. You believe that americans would not do the jobs currently being done by illegals. I don't buy it but assuming you are correct the jobs would be filled by legal immigrants who are on the books. Do you see the difference. Just in case it has gone over your head like some things do let me point it out to you.

illegal versus legal. Does that help you understand? Probably not but that's why you are the DOTY.

Do you realize that your margin of victory was so large that even your so called friends on the left voted for you? Yea that's right. Not only do the conservatives think you are stupid the left does as well. Everyone thinks you're a fucking moron. Originally Posted by Budman
If you would simply get the people already HERE on the books, that income would be taxed and the taxes would ALSO increase. One way(mine) wastes less money and doesn't tear families apart. Your way is not even realistic and if it were, it would cost a shitload of money. Perfect microcosm of the republican vs democrat problem. I offer a realistic solution and you offer some bullshit solution that won't solve the original problem and is likely to cause even more problems. Good going, dumbass. No need for some fucking roundup that wastes a bunch of goddamn money, although you republitards do love wasting some taxpayer money, but get the people already here on the books and get them paying into the system.

Every american who wants a job, has one. That's how I know they wouldn't be filled by americans. Americans simply won't do these jobs for the wages the immigrants are making.

As for DOTY, it's a fucking hooker board. You think I give two shits what goes on here? This is all for shits and giggles. Don't get it confused and think it's the real world.
Budman's Avatar
If you would simply get the people already HERE on the books, that income would be taxed and the taxes would ALSO increase. One way(mine) wastes less money and doesn't tear families apart. Your way is not even realistic and if it were, it would cost a shitload of money. Perfect microcosm of the republican vs democrat problem. I offer a realistic solution and you offer some bullshit solution that won't solve the original problem and is likely to cause even more problems. Good going, dumbass. No need for some fucking roundup that wastes a bunch of goddamn money, although you republitards do love wasting some taxpayer money, but get the people already here on the books and get them paying into the system.

Every american who wants a job, has one. That's how I know they wouldn't be filled by americans. Americans simply won't do these jobs for the wages the immigrants are making.

As for DOTY, it's a fucking hooker board. You think I give two shits what goes on here? This is all for shits and giggles. Don't get it confused and think it's the real world. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You keep trying to change the argument. This isn't about deporting the illegals or giving them amnesty. It is about your false statement that they pay taxes and if they were deported we would lose that revenue. The immigration policy is a separate issue from your statement that I replied to. I will be happy to have a discussion about that but quit trying to worm your way out of your original statement.

I do think you give a shit about the DOTY. It must just eat at you that everyone here thinks you're an idiot. If you didn't give a shit why did you try and get others to vote for Rey?
You keep trying to change the argument. This isn't about deporting the illegals or giving them amnesty. It is about your false statement that they pay taxes and if they were deported we would lose that revenue. The immigration policy is a separate issue from your statement that I replied to. I will be happy to have a discussion about that but quit trying to worm your way out of your original statement.

I do think you give a shit about the DOTY. It must just eat at you that everyone here thinks you're an idiot. If you didn't give a shit why did you try and get others to vote for Rey? Originally Posted by Budman
They do pay taxes. And it's also true that if they were deported, we would lose THAT tax revenue. Neither of those are false statements. It's also not a separate issue and the fact you think it is perfectly illustrates your ignorance. It's all wrapped up together. You contend that they are paid in cash, but offer no evidence of this. You offer no evidence for any of your claims. I don't have to offer evidence because of course if they purchase something, they pay taxes on it, it goes without saying, but I will offer this link to show you are completely wrong.

This information, from the SSA, also says that illegal immigrants paid an estimated $13 Billion in payroll taxes in 2010 and it's only expected to increase. You're simply wrong.