Why I LOOOVVE FAT GUYS (this post is sponsered by Jack and Coke)

beautifulbailey's Avatar
I'm sure he does not, bet you would kick his ass if he even though about it. lol. So many women have the preconceived notion that just because a man is carrying extra weight which is so untrue. I have only have only had a few clients that have had hygiene issues and NONE of them were large men. If anything the larger men I spent time with take extra care in the hygene and grooming area.

There is something about lying in bed and cuddling with a big guy that really is comforting.
I have had both, the Brad Pitts, and the teddy bears....as long as the Brad Pitts leave their egos behind, I really enjoy them both! I love to cuddle, so just don't give me a rock hard body, and it's good.

But do you know who I really like? The old men. I just Looovve my old men. I adore them. They take things slow, love to touch and cuddle, and they always have some really good convo, almost always with a good witty sense of humor! Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
I am old and cuddly. So I must rate high on your list! LOL. And I agree curvey-cuddly ladies ROCK! Give me those dangerous curves all day and night long!
i am 100 percent a chubby chaser lol. even in my private life. the heavier guys know how to treat their women. and they give the best hugs and know how to relax and just have fun. and btw it has been scientifically proven that heavier guys last longer in the sack anyway. mmmmm TO ALL MY HEAVY SET, CLEAN, SMELLING GOOD, WARM HUGGING, CHIVALROUS MEN I LOVE YOU. Originally Posted by tadai
Tadai -- I told you not to post my description here. LOL
PaganGuy's Avatar
As another representative of 'teddy bears', thank you beautiful ladies for making my morning with this thread.
So, when are we going to start seeing ladies advertise for "mature" or "over 35" and "BBM?"

BTW, I'm not a BBM, I'm a SFM (short, fat male).
And I got the exact opposite, I never stop laughing.....giggling.

So, when are we going to start seeing ladies advertise for "mature" or "over 35" and "BBM?"

BTW, I'm not a BBM, I'm a SFM (short, fat male). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I like the teddy bear effect all snuggley
Abe Normal's Avatar
Us big guys bounce off the walls easier during wild sex, LOL

I'm 5'11" and 230, and most ladies I've seen like my hugability.
So, when are we going to start seeing ladies advertise for "mature" or "over 35" and "BBM?"

That's basically what we're doing now... letting all BBM (and SFM) know that we love to see y'all and often prefer!

BTW, I'm not a BBM, I'm a SFM (short, fat male). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
SFM- cute! LOL
Andrea Davis's Avatar
Man I love my Big guys as well. One of my exBoyfriends was 6'2 330 Pds. Man is he great. Can't wait to see him Next week.
Im gonna tell ya... I'm down with the heavier guys..they are sooo sweet..omg!!! Verry sweet!!!!I don"t mind seeing them at all!!!!
here here on the "fluffy" guys! I'm a fluffy girl so we go hand in hand!! I love you guys too!!!!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Well I guess us thin guys are SOL lmao.
Well I guess us thin guys are SOL lmao. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Hell no that ain't true!
Bailey you are truly beautiful inside and out. I don't really know too much about you but you just gave me a lot of respect for your light hearted personality and immense amount of class. Not only did I get a HUGE GIGGLE outta your posts but you have brought to light a new level of pride and representation to the hobby as a whole...IMHO. Thank you!
I love my chubby bubbies too. They have fun and are more likely to look me in the eye which is a BIG turn on for me.

Eccie, come here and I'll fatten ya furry azz up and then work it off of ya Baby *wiggles and giggles* That was a dirty thought... "shhh". I like rabbits too.