It's Funny to Watch: Trump Is an Albatross on the Republican Party

USAsoldier's Avatar
Pro-Domestic terrorist.

Right wing providers who swallow are not "pro life." Sorry, do better, you lose.

MisterMeat's Avatar
Originally Posted by mynameismudd
Cendell M's Avatar
Pro-Domestic terrorist.

Right wing providers who swallow are not "pro life." Sorry, do better, you lose.

Originally Posted by USAsoldier
I don’t swallow you idiot fool… shows how much you know

YOU lose! You’re in last place, try again !
TryWeakly's Avatar
TFF ! LMWAO ! Sick'em seabass !
  • pxmcc
  • 09-05-2022, 12:15 AM
trump recently called for the death penalty for drug dealers.

i wonder what he'd consider an appropriate penalty for sedition and treason, considering he wants drug dealers executed. probation, maybe?
MisterMeat's Avatar
Thanks in part to this thread, I’ve finally figured out what MAGA stands for…

Make Attorneys Get Attorneys
  • pxmcc
  • 09-05-2022, 11:44 PM
Thanks in part to this thread, I’ve finally figured out what MAGA stands for…

Make Attorneys Get Attorneys Originally Posted by MisterMeat
well said lol.
trump actually has a couple of good lawyers right now in chris kise and jim trusty. and he's getting the kid glove treatment from the judge he's currently before, Aileen Cannon. if his lawyers can figure out how to get him to stfu for once, he might have a shot at something.

the doj needs to appeal the special master ruling in favor of trump. legally, judge cannon is out in left field. she doesn't want to screw anything up, which is why she basically screwed up the law in trump's favor. a former president doesn't have executive privilege, while the current doj does.

she was frickin raising trump's attys' argument for them. i've never seen anything like it.
boardman's Avatar
It's painfully obvious what is going on. Trump ran on draining the swamp. The problem was that he had to have some insiders on staff that knew how DC worked. They know how to play the game so they played it. To their advantage. Jeff Sessions for instance.
The people who were actually loyal to Trump, Steve Bannon, John Eastman and that attorney, can't remember his name, had no idea what it meant to be up to their ass in alligators. The people who did know the score and still remained loyal got eaten up anyway. Mike Flynn and Giuliani for instance. Even Roger Stone. They(DOJ, FBI) went after anyone and followed any lead no matter how ludicrous in order to keep shaping a narrative and shape it they did.
They continue to try to shape it now law and procedure be damned. They will roll over anyone that gets in their way of administering their idea of justice. Isn't it funny that their idea of justice doesn't include holding people they might like or have owed favors accountable for such things as lying on FISA applications or destroying thousands of classified emails by destroying the private server they were held on. Is it possible that some of those emails were transferred to the Russians in exchange for interference in our elections? We'll never know will we?

And BTW, that speech by Biden last week was a disgrace. He is further dividing this country quicker than I could have imagined a year ago. That was a 100% political speech that even MSM criticized him for having Marines in the background. That's saying, "I'm the CIC, orange man bad and if you disagree these two bad asses behind me might want to talk to you about changing your way of thinking". FJB

But back to draining the swamp. It may very well be impossible to do. If Trump were to win again(and personally I hope he doesn't run) he will face the same battle. He's got to get his ego in check and find insiders who will be loyal, Jim Jordan and Mike Lee for instance, and put them on staff.
MisterMeat's Avatar
It is painfully obvious what’s going on. Trump engaged in more felony criminal activity than any other President in US History. He has defiled the office. Watergate pales in comparison. The wheels of Justice are moving, ever so slowly, because this is uncharted territory. I do believe Trump will eventually be charged and convicted. The reason it’s taking so long is because whatever case the Justice department brings has to be air tight.

BTW, Biden’s speech was spot on. He spoke the truth. MAGA Republicans aren’t semi-fascists to me. They’re full blown fascists who tried to illegally overturn the results of a free and fair election, and they engaged in an insurrection. This country fought fascism in WW2. How soon we forget what it looks like. The Republican Party isn’t even a political party at the moment. It’s a cult of personality, just like the Nazi party with Adolf Hitler. The quicker the Republicans ditch their tinfoil hat wearing, QAnon conspiracy loving, MAGA fascist wing, the better off they’ll be, and we will finally have two legitimate political parties again.
boardman's Avatar
There's no fixing stupid.
  • pxmcc
  • 09-07-2022, 09:44 AM
lets keep it civil gents. trump is certainly a polarizing figure, but we can still keep it respectful in here.
Say what you will but we never had all these problems with Eccle, OH2, or places getting raided all at once until Trump got into office.
TryWeakly's Avatar
  • pxmcc
  • 10-02-2022, 11:47 AM
more free entertainment provided to us left wingers and socialists courtesy of the Orange Clown. mcconnell gets an F- for his reverse troll game. n no damn way am i going to give that soulless ghoul any pointers. i enjoy watching his evisceration on truth social..

by the way, i think trump was trolling
all of us calling his twitter knockoff "truth social.."

like when he-currently being investigated by the doj for espionage, sedition, and treason-called biden an "enemy of the state.."

and the Orange Clown already sidelining his 3 million dollar man Chris Kise was also hilarious. there goes any chance in hell of avoiding a felony conviction. and kise is probably thinking, thank god i already collected a 3 mil retainer. i'm an extremely well paid bench warmer and paperweight..

maybe he can make himself useful and bring trump his diet cokes when the orange man pushes the red button..

when he was in office, i kept thinking, "not that red button!!!"