Hey SPEED this poll is for you...DEM POLL!!

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
it didn't keep you from voting for her though
Originally Posted by Hotrod511
No it did not. And it did not impact the vote of 65,845,062 other people in this country.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah SPEED the video is not something you watch for any kind of understanding of the dire situation the left is in because of the 4 radicals that are trying to hijack the agenda of the "moderates".

What about your premature celebration in the 2016 election...which LL so graciously posted YOUR "prediction" that Trump was toast when you were ready to toast?? Don't let your predictions of a 2020 Trump loss just frustrate you more.

This caveman in the house just handed Trump a major victory...Bullosey is stewing in her own juices!! This must make you shake your head and ask yourself...WTF is my party thinking.
That's just it SPEED...your party isn't thinking.

Impeach because he and all that disagree with the radical four are racist...it's the new catch phrase of the left...hell AOC called her own leader a racist...see how it works SPEED. As so eloquently said by the senator from Louisiana..."The Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse"!!

Someday you'll understand...hopefully. Originally Posted by bb1961
Caught you in another lie. At no time have I predicted Trump would lose the 2020 election. Yes, LL likes to remind me that I missed on predicting the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, forgetting how accurate I was in calling the outcome of several of the 2018 elections. The House. The Senate. The Texas and Arizona Senate races.

As I pointed out in my response to Ellen -- as of yet there has seems to be no negative impact of the "Fab Four" on the overall 2020 election scene. In fact, as the Reuters/IPSOS poll pointed out, this whole nothing has had a negative impact for Trump with independent voters, the voting bloc most important to his reelection chances.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SR - the National Debate of the DPSAT party is clearly controlled by the ultra Left progressive socialists - the Gang of four, etc. They are controlling the debate with the LSM.

All the DPST candidates are trying to out-do each other in socialist rhetoric and freebie giveaways with no source fo funding but higher taxes and more government control.
Like - the Soylent green New Deal - Trillions for ?? benefit.
The Left "moderates" are tarring themselves with the rhetoric of the Socialists. While You may be correct that not all "Left of center" are extremeists - the DPST's are certainly painting themselves as such.

Middle America won't go for it. Enough of _"Less expensive and you can keep your doctor" - now it is wondeful "Medicare for All" - except the Nomenklatura DPST Congress.

I lost my private insurance for Medicare - it is more expensive and less effective - and I am a physician. Originally Posted by oeb11
In 2017 the Tax Reform Act was passed with no way to pay for it. An estimated $1.4 trillion + will be added to the deficit due to it.

I share your concerns. When I voted Republican for decades I always had the feeling the the Democrats had their hand on my wallet. I do not support "Medicare for All" for that reason. I do not support free college education for that reason. I do not support higher taxes, whether it be on the ultra-rich or the average person.

We have about 15 months before the 2020 election. A year before the Democratic nominee for POTUS will be named. A lot can happen in that time. A year ago very few people knew any of the "Fab Four". I am optimistic that when the dust settles the Democratic candidate will not share the viewpoints of the radical left in the party. But I could very well be wrong.
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2019, 07:20 AM
Respectfully, SR - I think your botom line assessment is incorrect.

DPST party will nominate a radical leftist.

A shame that the extremists on both sides are dominating the National political debate.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Respectfully, SR - I think your botom line assessment is incorrect.

DPST party will nominate a radical leftist.

A shame that the extremists on both sides are dominating the National political debate. Originally Posted by oeb11
Of the 20 or so Democratic contenders, which ones do YOU consider to be "a radical leftist"? I see Sanders and Warren as the most extreme to the left. Obviously not all 20 share the same viewpoints on all issues. Here is an interesting ranking of the candidates based on how liberal they are.

bambino's Avatar
In 2017 the Tax Reform Act was passed with no way to pay for it. An estimated $1.4 trillion + will be added to the deficit due to it.

I share your concerns. When I voted Republican for decades I always had the feeling the the Democrats had their hand on my wallet. I do not support "Medicare for All" for that reason. I do not support free college education for that reason. I do not support higher taxes, whether it be on the ultra-rich or the average person.

We have about 15 months before the 2020 election. A year before the Democratic nominee for POTUS will be named. A lot can happen in that time. A year ago very few people knew any of the "Fab Four". I am optimistic that when the dust settles the Democratic candidate will not share the viewpoints of the radical left in the party. But I could very well be wrong. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why do WE have to pay for tax cuts? It’s our money to begin with. The government has to tighten its belt.
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2019, 09:17 AM
Of the 20 or so Democratic contenders, which ones do YOU consider to be "a radical leftist"? I see Sanders and Warren as the most extreme to the left. Obviously not all 20 share the same viewpoints on all issues. Here is an interesting ranking of the candidates based on how liberal they are.

https://www.businessinsider.com/2020...ranking-2019-5 Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Looking at the frontrunners - Biden is supposedly a centrist(for the DPST's) candidate - but too old, white, and male. He will not be nominated - to whitebread.

Warren and Bernie- avowed socialists and foes of capitalism and business. Frontrunners. Bernie- too old, whhite, and male- no chance.

Mayor Pete - too young and inexperienced. He is also white and male - his choice of partner is a redeeming factor to the DPST radicals.

Harris - Ideal from a racial gender identity requirement stndpoint - but was a prosecutor- and will not take a stand on anything - her response is - to be considered. Maybe a VP. Not radical socialist enough

Booker - supported by ;big money firms. Too capitalistic. For reparations, free everything for blacks. A possibility - but not socialist enough.

Beto- nothing new - his 15 minutes have passed. Cannot raise money now. No new ideas other than open borders and abolish ICE. Free skateboards for All

DeBlasio - socialist enough - but too old, white , and male.

Stacy Abrams - still fighting for the Georgia govenor slot.

No other candidates have a realistic shot, IMHO.

The radicals will not be satisfied with other than a close to "Gang of Four" political philosophy - Ie Bernie or warren - One of those two is likely it - and I predict the Loon Warren.

We will see how her Socialism goes over in middle America.
I don't put that much stock in polls. Trump will go down and he'll go up. I'm not worried about what the polls say.
I don't think they take into account the swing voters and that's the group I'm interested in.

An anonymous Democratic group leaked a poll that shows swing voters deeply dislike Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the left wing, widening the party's rift https://news.yahoo.com/anonymous-dem...wer&soc_trk=ma

Way back in the Austin forum I predicted AOC would be the new face of the dem party. You said no way. I was right.
You are not seeing the disgust Americans have for her socialist rhetoric.

The ONLY poll that has Trump at 50% approval rate is the latest Rasmussen poll. In earlier Rasmussen polls Trump has been at 50% several times and at 51% in early June. So in 5 weeks his approval rating, according to Rasmussen, has DROPPED one percent. Statistically insignificant. As always, I warn you and everyone else to put too much faith in a single poll taken at a single point in time. Especially Rasmussen which has shown a pro-Republican bias in their sampling methodology over the years. My advice, as always, is to use FiveThirtyEight and RealClearPolitics which summarize ALL polls on the subject. Trump has had some upward movement at the summary level but nothing major.

As for the impact of the "Fab Four". Among Republicans Trunp's recent approval ratings have gone up 5% according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll taken on Sunday and Monday after Trump's "racist" tweets. But his overall approval rating according to the poll is 41%. His approval rating among independents, the voting bloc that will in all likelihood determine the outcome in 2020, dropped 10%.

So the reality is that from everything recent the divide continues between Democrats and Republicans. Trump supporters applaud his responses to the "Fab Four". For those who oppose him it is simply another reason to vote against him.

https://news.vice.com/en_us/article/...-like-him-more Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah SPEED thinks like the rest of the liberals...the tax payer should do with less not the Gumment. That is what screw Reagan when he cut taxes...the democrap congress didn't follow through with spending cuts. We haven't seen a GDP growth rate of 7.2% of 1984 in MANY years.


Kennedy also cut taxes(a democrap)DEMOCRAPS DON"T DO THIS, but Kennedy did and...

"But Kennedy also did something that conservatives have been praising ever since: He pushed for much lower tax rates.

In 1962, speaking at the Economic Club of New York, Kennedy said he was committed to "an across-the-board, top-to-bottom cut in personal and corporate income taxes." The tax system, mostly designed during World War II, "exerts too heavy a drag on growth in peace time; that it siphons out of the private economy too large a share of personal and business purchasing power; that it reduces the financial incentives for personal effort, investment, and risk-taking," he said.

Many lawmakers worried that reducing taxes without cutting spending would create unacceptable budget deficits. But Kennedy, who famously noted that "a rising tide lifts all boats," insisted tax cuts would generate broad-based growth.

Congress finally approved the tax cuts in early 1964, three months after Kennedy's assassination. The following fiscal year, the federal budget deficit did indeed shrink. Stock investors loved it. Between 1962 and 1966, the Dow Jones industrial average nearly doubled."

Yeah putting the money back in the hands of the people that it belongs to is a bad thing SPEED!! The Gumment should do with less not the people!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2019, 09:24 AM
Amen BB
Lower taxes and less spending is not the DPST way!!!
  • oeb11
  • 07-18-2019, 09:33 AM
AE- Thank You.
In 2017 the Tax Reform Act was passed with no way to pay for it. An estimated $1.4 trillion + will be added to the deficit due to it.
When I voted Republican for decades I always had the feeling the the Democrats had their hand on my wallet. I do not support higher taxes, whether it be on the ultra-rich or the average person. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Please explain your no way to pay for it...pay for giving people back more of the money they earned??

Don't you think the Gumment needs to go on a EXTREME diet...it'll solve the debt problem.

The Gumment does have their hand on EVERYONE'S wallet and too deep in their pockets.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I don't put that much stock in polls. Trump will go down and he'll go up. I'm not worried about what the polls say.
I don't think they take into account the swing voters and that's the group I'm interested in.

An anonymous Democratic group leaked a poll that shows swing voters deeply dislike Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the left wing, widening the party's rift https://news.yahoo.com/anonymous-dem...wer&soc_trk=ma

Way back in the Austin forum I predicted AOC would be the new face of the dem party. You said no way. I was right.
You are not seeing the disgust Americans have for her socialist rhetoric. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
AOC is NOT the face of the party. You can continue to believe so and I could agree with you but then we'd both be wrong. Yes, I and many others do not like her. That does not impact people's votes at the national level. You believe it does, I believe it does not. There is absolutely no proof that it has impacted anything at the national level. Just your opinion.

On the flip side:

"Trump supporters’ newest rallying cry — ‘Send her back!’— reverberates across a nation fraught with racial tension"


Polls, when done correctly, take into account ALL voters, whether they be Republican, Democratic, Independent or anything else. Swing voters too. Again, you obviously do not understand sampling procedures. Trump knows about all the polls, including the internal one done by his own team, showing him behind in crucial swing states. That is why he is singling out Biden and attacking him more than the other Democratic contenders.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Please explain your no way to pay for it...pay for giving people back more of the money they earned??

Don't you think the Gumment needs to go on a EXTREME diet...it'll solve the debt problem.

The Gumment does have their hand on EVERYONE'S wallet and too deep in their pockets. Originally Posted by bb1961
The tax reform package was supposed to pay for itself according to Trump. It hasn't happened. As I said, the estimate is that the tax reform will add $1.4 trillion to the deficit.

The majority of the people who benefited most from the tax reform did not need the additional money. The people who needed the money the most did not get enough to make a difference. I support the cut in taxes for corporations but not as much as they got. In other words, when you say the government must cut spending, they also should not have added $1.4 trillion to the deficit for a tax cut that brought little tax relief to those that needed it the most.