BigLouie's Avatar
While a good film and sorry I like the story of Chuck Mawhinney from the Viet war a little better. Him and Carlos Hathcock I feel had more difficult situationsb
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Japanese don't care for Unbroken very much.


I often wonder just how much is taught in Japanese Schools about pre-1946 Japan. The Japan of now has very little in common with the Japan of that era. But, just as Germany recognizes the evil of their past History, the Japanese should come to grips with their History.

Denying that events happenned does not change facts. It only dooms people to fall into the same trap again. Originally Posted by Jackie S
They didn't like Iris Chang's book, "The Rape of Nanking", either:

The film, "City of Life and Death" (AKA: "Nanjing! Nanjing!"), based on Chang's book is also good:


And the Japanese didn't like it:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Liberals hate this movie; they hate it's box office success even more (i suspect). Movie theaters are turning people away; it may break $100 million in opening weekend receipts. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It did set a record ... but, for a change, Whir-LIE-turd, your "trend" is grossly exaggerated. (Just couldn't help myself! )


I look forward to seeing this film. Eastwood is a great director and Bradley Cooper is on a roll. I think a lot of people are going to see that movie because it's a great movie, featuring a great combination of HOLLYWOOD talent.

As far as the rest of the political spoo going on in this thread ... quite provocative subject matter.

Carry on.
Liberals hate this movie; they hate it's box office success even more (i suspect). Movie theaters are turning people away; it may break $100 million in opening weekend receipts.
. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

How did I "exaggerate"? Your own post confirms that the film will gross over $105 million for the four day weekend opening....and they aren't finished counting the receipts yet.

Why are you such a fucking dishonest person? What did your mama do to you son? You are compelled to lie; when there is no reason for it.
BigLouie's Avatar
Liberals hate this movie; they hate it's box office success even more (i suspect). Movie theaters are turning people away; it may break $100 million in opening weekend receipts.

Liberal Loon from The Guardian writes:
"The real American Sniper was a hate-filled killer. Why are simplistic patriots treating him as a hero?”

and Michael Moore can't be left out:

Michael Moore's uncle was an "invader". Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Since when did one person make all liberals hate this movie?
I didn't say ALL liberals.......you denying that liberals hate the movie?

It is the same as if posted.....people have peanut allergies......doesn't mean ALL people !

And it is more than 1 liberal you numbskull !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How did I "exaggerate"? Your own post confirms that the film will gross over $105 million for the four day weekend opening....and they aren't finished counting the receipts yet.

Why are you such a fucking dishonest person? What did your mama do to you son? You are compelled to lie; when there is no reason for it. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Now it's a FOUR DAY weekend? Why not a TEN DAY weekend? Your post said the weekend.

Maybe if you learned how to express yourself, you wouldn't write such baseless and grossly exaggerated tripe. And then people wouldn't have to question everything you write. The birds will sing, the crickets will chirp and the sun will shine.

I will see the movie but not this weekend.

What a fartknocker!

Ask that question of the Editors from MarketWatch; you know, the source you cited in your own post........they call it the four day weekend because of the holiday I guess...the very first sentence of your link and repeated again in the 2nd paragraph!
"As of Monday afternoon in New York, the film had earned $105.3 million over the four-day Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend, according to an Associated Press report."
Why are you so fucking dumb?

And if you are only counting 3 days; well American Sniper set a record as well (according to your own source).

Again, why are you such a dumb stupid troll?

You and Big Louie should hop on the short bus and attend remedial reading comprehension classes.
BigLouie's Avatar
I know a lot of liberals and none hate it.
So do I (know liberals who don't hate it).....what's your point?

I know a lot of liberals and none hate it. Originally Posted by BigLouie

BTW, I don't know any "conservatives' who hated the movie and/or the life and service of Chris Kyle. The same can't be said of your side - Liberals.

The vitriolic condemnation of the movie and Chris Kyle is coming exclusively from the left. But if you have a tweet or editorial from a known conservative expressing the similar hatred and personal attacks as posted by Moore, Seth Rogen and other liberals, please post.

But you can't and you won't. Why is that?

lustylad's Avatar
Fuck Michael Moore Originally Posted by i'va biggen

I couldn't agree more, little eva! He is such a fat blob no sniper would miss! Notice how nobody on this board will even try to defend that POS.
"In every sense of the word, Chris Kyle was a true American badass."


Here’s What American Sniper Chris Kyle Said About His Killing Two Men at a Gas Station in 2009


Chris Kyle was incredible. He was simply an incredible, real-life action hero. Before his death, he was already known as the deadliest sniper in American history and as a best-selling author. Since his death, a few reporters have heard trickles of other stories. Around Midlothian, one story in particular has been raising eyebrows. It goes something like this: when he was first back from Iraq, in 2009, Chris Kyle killed two armed men who were attempting to carjack him at a gas station.

I first heard this story more than a year ago. It hasn’t made the news much. There was a brief mention in Marcus Luttrell’s second book. And now the Star-Telegram has a blog item mentioning the story and how difficult it is to confirm. Well, as it turns out, I’ve been working on a story about Chris Kyle for about nine months. We talked regularly, mostly about the challenges and triumphs of his transition home. I first asked him about the story last summer, during an interview in his Dallas office. I said: “Now, I have to ask you about an incident that I’ve heard about. I heard it happened at a gas station.”

He said: “You mean the time I shot two guys trying to steal my truck?”

I sat there stunned for a few seconds. The incredible story I’d heard, I figured there was no way it was true.

“It’s true,” he said.

He proceeded to tell me about that day. It was in January 2009, just weeks after he retired from the Navy. It was cold that morning, and he was wearing a heavy winter coat. He was driving his truck — his now famous black F350 with the large rims and impressive grill — when he needed to stop for gas. He pulled into a station right off highway 67.

As he got out of the truck, two men approached. Both had guns in their hands. One pointed his weapon at Kyle. They told him to hand over his keys. Kyle was out of the truck, on the passenger’s side.

“I told them I would get them the keys,” he told me. “I told them they were in the truck and to just let me reach in.”

He noticed the man pointing the gun didn’t seem very confident. Kyle knew what confidence with a gun looked like.

As Kyle turned, leaning into the open passenger door of the truck, he reached into his own waistband. With his right hand, he grabbed his Colt 1911. He fired two shots under his left armpit, hitting the first guy twice in the chest. Then he turned slightly and fired twice more, hitting the second man twice in the chest. Both men fell dead.

Kyle leaned on his truck and waited for the police.

He said he was later told that trucks like his are very popular among car thieves because they’re frequently taken over the Mexican border. He said they’d passed up the car in front of his, even though it was a relatively new Cadillac.

Kyle told me that the entire incident was caught on the gas station’s surveillance cameras. He said he gave the responding officers a phone number to call. Presumably someone high up in the government explained to the officers who Kyle was. He said the officers were very understanding, that they didn’t want to drag a just-home, highly decoratated veteran into a messy legal situation that would surely draw a harsh media spotlight.

Kyle told me that he knew the tape was out there somewhere, because he would randomly get emails from police officers all over the country, thanking him for “cleaning up the streets.”

Several of Kyle’s friends were familiar with the incident, and they had heard virtually the same story. After our talk, I called the police chiefs of several towns along 67. Most of them had heard of the incident. One, speaking only on background, said he knew some of his men had at least seen the tape. But request after request provided no police reports and no tape.

We’ve debated here at the office exactly how to handle this. Honestly, I wanted to tell the entire world about it on the afternoon it was confirmed. But I always wanted to tell that story in the context of a larger story about Chris Kyle, about his service, about the amazing things he’s done for other veterans, and about how hard he worked to adjust back to this world — to become the great husband and father and Christian he’d always wanted to be.

Now that the story is coming out in other places, though, it needed to be confirmed. So consider this story confirmed from the man himself. In every sense of the word, Chris Kyle was a true American badass.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I couldn't agree more, little eva! He is such a fat blob no sniper would miss! Notice how nobody on this board will even try to defend that POS. Originally Posted by lustylad
WTF will.....

Michael Moore should write a diet book.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why do you ignorant ass pirates insist on making a fucking movie an "us" vs. "them" battle?

Just ridiculous.

Who gives a fuck?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I couldn't agree more, little eva! He is such a fat blob no sniper would miss! Notice how nobody on this board will even try to defend that POS. Originally Posted by lustylad
Since nobody will step up, Junior, why don't you do it?

And no, I don't think people outside of the Idiot Klan, err, Clan really feel the obligation to defend anybody based on their political leanings alone. Why do YOU find it so important to blindly attack, like a feral pig in rut?

This is why you'll never get an invite to the big show, wannabe.