There are only a few good people left here...

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Indeed.. Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Priscilla St. James's Avatar
Well I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way Mel really is no fun anymore. I mean yes I used to get on just to chat with folks and get a laugh or 2 but now a days it's like watching one of the reality shows that are all drama...and I don't need that negativity killing my good vibes! I don't miss those good ole days!
annie@christophers's Avatar
Digging the avatar! Lol
Reminds me of someone...
I miss the old days, When there was common ground... It's a distant memory.
I am glad though that we are reaching a Dialogue, Where we can interact with one another...

Hope you're having a good night everyone...

I hope everyone is having an awesome night!! Glad to see people reaching out. Good to know there are still some good people left here.

weebbadd's Avatar
It was the same with aspd was entertaining and then the trolls would bitch and moan about everything. I met you once Melissa at a meet and greet on magazine st that heldi put together. That was when people were more social and cordial and now everyone is so defensive about every little thing. I know I read posts and rarely post replies. Don’t get on here that often at all. Kinda like when you go in restaurants people aren’t talking to each other they all looking at the damn phone.
DallasRain's Avatar
My sweet Texas mamma says

Treat everybody like they might have to donate their kidney to you in the future! Just sayin lol
I like that Dallas! Words to live by.
We are just a "microcosm" of how society has turned out, it will progressively get worse and these days will become the "Good ole Days". As the younger generation ages, their mindset of "Social Justice", "political correctness" and the need to eliminate what they consider "all things evil" will only make matters worse. They are after our speech, our guns, our mindsets, our rights and EVERYTHING that we hold and held as normal AND OUR RIGHT.

Generations have not been taught history and even Valedictorians have a great deal of difficulty spelling correctly, their vocabularies are incredible small, they don't know the meaning of common words and when they need to perform basic math in their heads, they go brain numb.

AND, it's not just this forum where the trolls and baiters are screwing things up. I participate in a few "unrelated" forums, in those the admins boot them out without any warnings!

I don't know how society will end up, as a dystopian society like in 1984 or a bunch of idiots like in Idiocracy. Maybe a combination of both, idiots in uniforms suffering at the hands of the Government and the social justice warriors.
I agree completely with everything you said
In their defense, the up and coming generation does not know anything outside of electronics that this world has to offer.
Our fathers grew up when you visited neighbors and told stories on the porch.
My generation watched too much tv for that but still enjoyed outdoor activities and human contact.
Todays bunch think that pitching a tent is a saying not something anyone does in the real world. They dont camp out. they dont know how to hunt or fish. They dont learn how to interact as adults because their conversations are mostly conveyed digitally where very little consequences for socially unacceptable behavior exist.
annie@christophers's Avatar
My sweet Texas mamma says

Treat everybody like they might have to donate their kidney to you in the future! Just sayin lol Originally Posted by DallasRain
I double dog dare ya to take either! ( kidney or liver!)
I most certainly WILL give ya.. as they are given already... however! Shall THEY BE WORTHY PARTIES IN THIS GAME OF LIFE!!


P.s love this thred peeps..

Unicorns of all course next!!
Where is that bear husband of mine!! Hmph!
Hey ya'all.... I am happy to see more people joining in on the conversation....
Good Night!!

In part, kink shaming drove me off the NOLA coed forum.

After tucking my tail and learning my lesson that some don't have the capacity to accept or at least tolerate varying perspectives, these days I mostly stick to Twitter. When I do come on ECCIE, Another Realm is my favorite forum to pop in on.
  • meth
  • 06-28-2019, 11:30 PM
Laflytier's Avatar
I’m in and out. Been very busy with work so I haven’t had much time.