What percentage do place beauty over performance?

Why would you have to choose one or the other?? Do your homework and get a beautiful woman AND great performance!! Look around - there are very beautiful ladies everywhere that will leave you breathless - Don't settle for less!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Cpalmson's Avatar
80% beauty/20 performance. Beauty has to win out over performance. When I go looking for girls, I'm looking for the fantasy. 9 times out of 10, the fantasy is all about being with a younger girl or with a hot/model type girl. I figure that most providers offer essentially the same services so performance is going to be pretty much uniform across the board. Now, I'm not knocking some of you great gals on here who pride themselves in their ability to perform. Lord knows we all hope to be good performers. How a lady looks is what gets my engine running. Performance is really the spark between the two of us. That spark won't happen if I'm not into the girl. I've been on several dates where I just wasn't into the girl. In those instances, I became the clockwatcher.
After re-reading the OP, it has occurred to me that a couple of things are subject to misinterpretation - I assumed the OP was asking if you have to compromise one for the other, rather than just stating your preference. The other is the relative importance of "performance" as in sexual performance? or acting ability?....now that's another question!!
kendra kayy's Avatar
Why would you have to choose one or the other?? Do your homework and get a beautiful woman AND great performance!! Look around - there are very beautiful ladies everywhere that will leave you breathless - Don't settle for less!!

As far as percentage, how about Beauty 100% - Performance 100% Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

Ed I like the way you think! If I were a hobbyist I would look for beauty, personality, and performance which are all equally important.
Ed I like the way you think! If I were a hobbyist I would look for beauty, personality, and performance which are all equally important. Originally Posted by kendra kayy
Well thanks Kendra, if that is you in the avatar, there is a couple of things I like about you, too!!
kendra kayy's Avatar
Yes, Ed that is me in the avatar.. with my new boobies!!
burkalini's Avatar
Yes, Ed that is me in the avatar.. with my new boobies!! Originally Posted by kendra kayy
Kendra it looks like you got your moneys worth
Kendra it looks like you got our moneys worth Originally Posted by burkalini
There, that's better...
kendra kayy's Avatar
Yes Burk I did!! It's quite a change.. but a welcomed one!
kendra kayy's Avatar
There, that's better... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Good one Ed!
shorty's Avatar
Yes, there very nice looking Kendra!!
kendra kayy's Avatar
Well thank you Shorty!
kendra those red stripes are a little distracting
  • Paven
  • 05-07-2011, 10:59 AM
London. . . Pretty girls can also give great blowjobs too!! Originally Posted by shorty

kendra those red stripes are a little distracting Originally Posted by rrabbit6926
What red stripes?