Some questions

Pitfall's Avatar
Do you really think Austin ranks in the same class as Dallas, Houston and Austin Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
Maybe not Dallas or Houston, but I think Austin definitely ranks in the same class as Austin.
Whispers's Avatar
8-12 hours.....for..... $400....? Why??? Originally Posted by Pussy Control
Yeah. I thought the same. $2,500 a month is what she wants. Charge $250/hr and that's only... wait, my math skills stop there. Heh. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
With many SBs it's even less.

Not all ladies can wrap their heads around being bent over by a dozen different guys a month or the aftermath of what they and others think about themselves after they start turning tricks.

Sugar Baby mentality is different and what you are demonstrating is the answer to the reasoning why Providers make for lousy Sugar Babies.

How much is enough? The girl I see for a year now wants for nothing, carries a Debit card that always has money, had her classes paid for during the summer, has a new wardrobe and nicer jewelry than any provider I see wearing. A Sugar Baby tends to know that no matter what goes wrong there is a guy that will help her make it right.

How many strippers and hookers do you know that make more money than the average guy here yet have nothing to show for it? Run specials every month right before rent is due? Have Crisis after Crisis and run specials to deal with that?

If all it is about is money..... turning tricks is pays well.

If it is about security, well being, experiences, a path to a better stage of life.... Sugar Babies have far more to show for themselves and the personal sacrifices they make in the long run.
nickjaguar's Avatar
I find this thread tiresome. I can't imagine spending 8 hrs with her even if two were with my cock in her mouth.
harkontume's Avatar
Or is it:

Love means never getting to say goodbye
cckid2006's Avatar
Yeah. I thought the same. $2,500 a month is what she wants. Charge $250/hr and that's only... wait, my math skills stop there. Heh. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
Maybe the equation you should focus on is 10 > 1.
Centaur's Avatar
I would offer an observation on why you are receiving confusion and getting confused. The scenario you proffered as your goal early in this thread is something of a hybrid between the SB model and the provider model. Most SDs are not interested in sharing - yes, the gender dynamic is as imbalanced as the age and financial dynamic - and will want their SB to be loyal while themselves reserving the prerogative to see other women. So the idea of two SDs simultaneously doesn't compute for most. Yes, you made it clear you weren't looking for an SD, but that is where you'll usually see the model of compensation you outlined, or one like it. Most hobbyists are interested in brief assignations with no strings attached, which is why they book providers instead of advertising on a site such as SA. There are exceptions, but they are exceptions.

Thank-you for replying. I think my main problem lies in the presumption that the purpose of the website was to bring together both sides no matter what their needs or desires. Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
That depends. As Whispers noted, there are SDs here. But most of the board activity is geared towards the hobby world, not the sugar baby world. They overlap, but they're not integrated. SDs who are here are mostly not going to be interested in a monogamous relationship, or they wouldn't be here. They may take you on as a SB, but few if any will give up their prerogative to see providers as well.

Men seem to have no issue with stating their needs no matter how extreme they may be whether they are financial or physical in nature. Yet a lady is chastised for stating an interest in something else? Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
Perhaps you are referring to PM's sent to you, but nowhere in your two threads did I see anyone chastising you. I saw people politely letting you know you were unlikely to find SDs here. They may be wrong, but they weren't hostile as far as I could see.

I seem to have overlooked the obvious reason why people would say hello.

I did however query one gentlemen who said it was how he announces his interest and intent yet he had not sent me a message. That I did not understand. Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
I can only speak for myself, but there are two reasons why I might comment in a Welcome Wagon thread. The first and most common is to say welcome, in which case I am signalling that you've piqued my interest, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'm going to choose to ask to see you. If I desire an appointment, I will ask. The other reason is if a WW thread has an ongoing discussion to which I believe I might be able to usefully contribute.


You can be so difficult to get a read on at times. Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
That cuts both ways. However, you will find, at least among active posters here, that stereotyping people will not win anyone over.

In regards to getting references, that would only tell me what his time with her was like for the period of time he saw her. In looking for someone that would treat the time together more like a "date" it would tell me little. For that I need to get to know someone a little beyond what a reference would provide I think. That is why I offered to meet up front Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
Well, you could try the monthly socials organized by ck1942. If interested, simply search his username and request information on how to get on the invite list. ck's one of our most upstanding members. However, I don't want to waste your time, so know that most guys who go to socials are interested in meeting providers, not SBs. It does offer the advantage of getting to know someone a bit before seeing them behind closed doors. Nonetheless, it's no substitute for screening and I'd strongly caution that meeting someone in public is not either. If you do that, I'd advise doing it in addition to screening clients.

I did receive messages from a few guys that "got me" and one has proven to be exactly what I am used to. He also has suggested a different website for what I thought I might find here and told me that posting her would not be fruitful. Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
There are certainly sites more geared towards SB/SD arrangements.

I decided to not read anything that did not span a couple of paragraphs and deleted all the short ones!

Short is OK in anatomy but not in discussion trying to get to know someone! Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
Oddly enough, some providers have expressed the opposite sentiment. As one of the more loquacious participants in the Austin forums, I find myself straining to keep my PMs short so they will be read. Many ladies simply want the screening info as concisely as possible and will not make time to get to know prospective clients. You will find, if you stick around, that your willingness to engage on a personal as well as professional level is one thing that will be appreciated here.

I believe the word "relationship" strikes fear into the minds of most men here. Maybe elsewhere as well. I am young and have limited experiences. Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
At the risk of being blunt, you have limited experince here as well. Again, painting clients or other providers with a broad brush can be off-putting, particularly if it's perceived as being based on thinly substantiated assumptions about the inner thoughts of people you know only through the internet.

8-12 hours.....for..... $400....? Why?? Originally Posted by Pussy Control
Sugar babies (AKA mistresses) provide a different type of experience than working girls. Sugar Daddies, at least in the undiluted original sense, offer a classical patriarchal financial support role (sometimes with mentoring) for young women who are pursuing other career paths and do not see providing as their primary job. That is why so many are university students.

It is rare I find a lady here "incredibly amazing". That is ok with me though. Ask a sociologist why men typically have multiple partners. Originally Posted by mrhamm
Actually, it has more to do with evolutionary biology. Prior to contraception, a woman with multiple sexual partners would have difficulty meeting the demands of a human child which is born far more helpless than most large mammals due mainly to the larger human brain's demand for metabolic resources. In contrast, a man with multiple sexual partners stood better odds of reproducing more often. Natural selection has no parental moral compass, it simply selects for the most successful breeders. Civilization had not existed long enough to rewire the fundamental architecture of human instinct.
Maybe the equation you should focus on is 10 > 1. Originally Posted by cckid2006
Yes, I understand that she's looking for something other than providing like the rest of us girls here. I'm still not sure if that's something to find here without first being a provider. BUT unlike others, I'm not going to call my thoughts on what can be found here as fact.
I sent her a PM politely making some of the same observations that her two gentlemen friends made (according to her) - some time ago. I never received a response. And I'm sure that I was not only one explaining the gap between expectations and reality in terms of this particular site, so I'm curious about why this thread was even started - i.e., what she wants to hear.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-21-2014, 06:01 PM
You made a point of referring to this economy sir and the number of ladies here in Austin. Do you really think Austin ranks in the same class as Dallas, Houston and Austin in regards to whatever formulae you use to determine Average Hooker Availability / Value that you and the Cheap Bastard's Club employ?

Yes, and I bring mathematical factoids...based on the most recent 2010 census of the 4 major metropolitan areas of Texas...compared to todays listing of eccie Hoogars...we can arrive at a very simple formula of PPH, or Peeps Per Hoogar...while not as finely crafted as your questioning if I truly believe my statement, it does have a basis in proven math.

Houston..............Populatio n 2,100,263...Eccie Hoogars...410...PPH 5123
Dallas/Ft Worth...Population.1,939,022.. .Eccie Hoogars...636...PPH 3049
San Antonio........Population 1,327,407...Eccie Hoogars...185...PPH 7175
Austin.................Populat ion 790,390...Eccie Hoogars...290...PPH 2725

So you see my love, Austin not only compares, but eclipses all other Texas major population centers in Hoogars per person. Meaning, there are more Hoogars here per capita, than any other Texas city. I realize its basically only two data points, but its more than you provided in your theorem.

As to Value...I haven't met a Hoogar yet who thought they made as much as they deserved...GPS is a terrible takes no prisoners & once a girl is infected with it, they rarely recover. Oh, they may lower their rates, but they always begrudge it. Always thinking they are getting screwed over even though they are making 6 figure salary by hourly rate. They will whimper and whine about overhead, but never miss a manicure, never miss a party...but run specials every month to cover the rent...
Its not mean, its just a fact.

I have never been with a girl who received less than what she agreed to before meeting...I doubt many have. And I probably see less new ladies than 80% of the guys on here, but have long term repeat visits with some ladies. You think they come back because they think they are getting shafted? (pun intended)...

Don't current economic indicators place Austin in one of the top spots across a variety of business journals and financial reports respected for such opinions?

"Austin" isn't hobbying...the people on this board are. Although I don't know (and neither do you) I doubt the corporate exec is slumming eccie for Ho's...could be wrong, I don't know...

Is it not a true statement that Austin has consistently had one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country these last few years? #2 for May 2014 I believe.

Yes...but we're not talking unemployment rates are we?...I doubt the unemployed delve into the hobby much, do you?

The national average household income rates for households over $100K is 22.24% in a current report and Austin's were 23.06%. I am aware there are less people here and even if there are 600 or more working girls in the area there are far less than in Dallas and Houston I would think. San Antonio seems to be a typical marketplace greatly influenced by culture where certain activities are less frowned on and increased participation brings prices down.

My explanation in part one proves your thoughts incorrect based on per capita Ho's. And that's really what it boils down to...# of buyers vs # of sellers... And what does .92 basis points over national norms prove in your argument? Methinks you spin the numbers without looking at how to defend your spinning....
Again, San Antonio comes in LAST in the survey with the fewest PPH average. So not only was that point invalid, it was way off.

Data also seems to rank Austin as #2 for Base Salary Increases in the country as well as the fastest growing city of six figure professionals.

I'll trust that wherever you scraped your google numbers from is accurate. But I ask again, do you think a large majority of those 6 figure professionals are seeking you out HERE?

I believe you are a smart man that manipulates statistics to suit your argument which appears to be an effort to convince ladies of the impending failure of the Austin Economy and how they should be greatful for the lower offers being discussed and grab all they can. I hope they can see through that.

"I think...& then inserting your random a childish argument" Futher magnified by continuing with "in an effort to"...
I think I gave you too much credit for being able to eloquently debate a point in a respectful manner.
IF I negotiate, its not based on any kind of manipulation...its "I'll offer this $" in a respectful & nice manner. The lady can then CHOOSE to say yes or no...and I don't hold a grudge if refused. I promise you would be amazed how many agree, and those that don't agree generally don't get mad, they just politely say no or haggle a bit. I can count on one hand the few who actually were offended & I apologized to each if they though I was devaluing them.

This may NOT be what you have experienced in your 120 half offers...but you will also notice you don't HAVE a 120 half offer from me...or any offer for that to guess why?

By the way. I love the concept of being Frugal. I am not sure I care for the word cheap.

I'm don't really care if you care or not. CBC is partially for fun, and many of the ladies play along with the joke. We actually have FUN on this board sometimes just poking fun at each other.

I believe I represent a frugal decision for a man with more disposable income than perhaps you have available.

I am certain you feel that way. However, don't mistake my desire NOT to pay prodigious rates with my ability to...

A question for you and your analytical approach to "quality" time with a lady. If the time I recently spent with the man that has committed to meeting my needs for a month enjoyed not one, or two but 5 seperate "encounters" during the 14 hours we were together, one of which was coaxed out of him after he claimed it would not be possible, did he see reasonable value for the $400 the evening represented if all we spent together were the 6 nights I minimally committed to? Does it affect your math if I wake up earlier than him and prepare a rather large and varied breakfast for us to enjoy? If my schedule allows for more than 6 nights and I spend 8 or 9 evenings with him expecting not a penny more than the originally discussed amount because I not only enjoy the time and places he takes me but I enjoy his company and want to invest in keeping him interested for the coming month

Actually....within the context of your question...NO...I am a gourmet level cook, believe it or not its not last SB'ish relationship she CLEANED UP & I was a perfect relationship in that regard. Now...lets get to a common understanding since you have taken particular exception and zeal in debating my points...I have been nothing but respectful to you & went into this thread trying to impart knowledge that I thought you wanted...I did not say "it seems you have your mind made up and really don't care for anyones opinion that differs from yours". Nor did I further state that everything you say makes people think you are nothing more than a HDH who would be a nightmare maintenance issue". I didn't say it, but I could have.

From what you have shared you are looking for an aging veteran with a decent amount of funding...that's not uncalled for. What you fail to understand is that many of us only delve into the hobby on occasion. We are not at the point of needing the hobby for any and all female relations...make sense? I like to balance my hobbying with my real world adventures & find that it provides a solid mix. I have no desire to have a SB who I see that many times a month. I have "little" desire to spend copious quantities of time with a young 20 something beyond BCD time. While you think you are worldly & experienced, I find all too often-while I enjoy a young body & fun now and again-that boredom sets in when true conversation begins...

I know, just me...but...

Would it still have value if the committment had equaled $600 an evening/night?

My ATF (retired from the hobby, on the east coast, found the love of her life, and with a great real world job) used to spend the night fairly regularly. For much less than 600. Now we had expensive dinners, expensive wine, but she enjoyed the TIME and didn't wrap it all around the $. She is now 31 years old. Was 29-30 when we saw each other. Was it rare and was I lucky? Yes...but we parted as friends and still have discussions on occasion. Point is, I no 600 is not too much for some & is a bargain compared to what some of the Hoogars here would ask...but I wouldn't want to listen to them snore, or feel comfortable having them hear me...

Most men that have messaged me are looking for a bargain hole to fill and not remotely interested in the type of experience I am used to providing for the Daddy I had. Only a couple have actually attempted to find out what I am comfortable with in a respectful manner.

Meh, at the end of the night it comes down to a suck-n-fuck. Crude, yes...honest? Yes. You want to be a fantasy girlfriend for a few select guys...there is nothing wrong with that....there is also nothing wrong with a guy and a girl deciding they just want to spend a hot 1/2 or hour together at an agreed rate. You seem to think you are a better class than the other girls here...I don't buy that...there are some very nice ladies here who have NO interest in anything besides a short siesta. That doesn't mean some of us aren't friends.

Thank-you for your interaction. Let me know if you desire all the boring quotes that support the information I stated. I have them here somewhere. Originally Posted by Kendra Huntress
Actually I would like to see links to the supporting documentation you state regarding Austin NOT being as Hoogar Happy as Dallas/Houston, etc....
Centaur's Avatar
I'll trust that wherever you scraped your google numbers from is accurate. But I ask again, do you think a large majority of those 6 figure professionals are seeking you out HERE? Originally Posted by Toyz
I'm pretty sure that when you're promoted to senior exec in a Fortune 500, they just give you the concierge number for the Bene Gesserit.
Kendra Huntress's Avatar
Maybe not Dallas or Houston, but I think Austin definitely ranks in the same class as Austin. Originally Posted by CatPee
Kendra Huntress's Avatar
I sent her a PM politely making some of the same observations that her two gentlemen friends made (according to her) - some time ago. I never received a response. And I'm sure that I was not only one explaining the gap between expectations and reality in terms of this particular site, so I'm curious about why this thread was even started - i.e., what she wants to hear. Originally Posted by love_machine
I am sorry you did not get the personal response you feel you should have. I realy wanted to reply to everyone and I can't log off and back on a few hours later without getting further behind.

I structured my first post here to actually answer the majortiy of the inquiries I received. You may not understand but if they chose to read it I am sure they saw their message to me reflected in the questions I asked here and know why they did not get a response.

I have a limited number of message slots. In trying to copy them to a spreadsheet I made a mistake, clicked a box I should not have and totally deleted over 40 messages.

I did manage to save some of the next batch and have since deleted many as fast as they come in and insist on being of a nature I do not care for.

If you would like to resend the message (I checked and cannot find it) I will respond to it. I really do not desire to upset people.

I do appreciate input. Without meaning to be sarcastic how would I know though that you have all the correct answers?

I thought I could ask questions here and possibly get answers. A few make sense to me and I am learning.

Please accept my apology.
BTW, Kendra. Do you and Meadow Love share the same avatar?
Kendra Huntress's Avatar
Mr. Toyz,

I have tried several times to quote what you said and respond in kind but it seems to only get part of what you said. So I will just type my response.

Is it fair to use 2010 Census Data in a raw form with today's "hoogar" count to try to make a point? I don't know. But let's play with your numbers!

I can see where you rushed to impress someone with a recap of numbers but I think you did not present it in the proper light. I assure you that you need not "dumb it down" for me.

You make a very compelling argument for the girls to have higher prices here in Austin if we take your data and present it in a more relevant light.

Is the following supposition fair? Wait. Please. Let other's answer. I believe you to be a bit biased in stating your case.

Is it fair to state that the more desirable potential client for a girl would be a White Male over the age of 25 rather than a random sampling of the entire population of the area?

Let's get rid of all the others that confuse the point you were trying to make. I helped you with it using the same 2010 Census Data you chose. Your numbers included women and children and low income minorities that probably do not look at the kind of girls advertising here.

You picked a very large area in Dallas. It is made up of 18 seperate counties but you presented Austin's numbers as the city itself when the area seems to encompass much of the populated portion of Williamson County as well. Naughty Boy Mr. Toyz!

I looked at the County Data and it seems that Dallas County compared most favorably to Travis/Williamson although it definitely surpasses the area here in physical size and population. I do believe it to be a more relative sampling though.

When I take numbers you used and make them more relevant by selecting the subsets available to select White Males over the Age of 25 I came up with

330,481 Potential Male Clients in Travis and Williamson County 396,179 Potential Male Clients in Dallas County

Using the Number of Providers you came up with (I don't know where it comes from)

Austin area girls have a ratio of 1140 prospective clients to each one
Dallas area girls have a ratio of only 623 prospective clients to each one

That would indicate to me that Austin Ladies are more in demand and could charge more as men would have less opportunity to book.

If I am right Dallas girls prices per hour would be lower than Austin. I did not look that far. If someone wants to build on this they can do so.

Considering how out of date the Census is and the fact that Austin grew in population more than Dallas in 2011 and appears to continue to do so it would stand to reason that Austin girls should be consistently raising their rates and being in even greater demand than those in Dallas year after year. Is that the case.

Extrapolate from 2010 factoring in estimated annual growth in each city the imbalance just gets larger and proves a point that seems contradictory to the one you were trying to make.

All data I used in this response comes from the same Census Data you quoted

Although data can often be twisted and presented to make points that serves one's needs I think my presentation of the data (you chose) is more accurate and proves the exact opposite point you are trying to make.

But don't worry none baby, I doubt there will be a mass rebellion from Austin girls against you by raising prices. It stands to reason that anyone here should be able to charge what they want and that the market will find them if it exists.

I also promise not to exercise my little brain anymore to make sense of what you write. I wanted some answers and I can see that you would rather make things about something else while trying to belittle me. Shame on you.

Run along now.

Kendra Huntress's Avatar
BTW, Kendra. Do you and Meadow Love share the same avatar? Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
I don't know. It was an Avatar in the list presented to me when I signed up. I believe it is there for anyone to use.

I mentioned it in a previous post in the first message thread I started.

I stated "And the picture by my name is not me. I have not figured out how to make that one of my own pictures but as soon as I do I will change it. "

It was not chosen to deceive anyone. If I should not be using it I will remove it.