So Marshall, while I agree with your right to freely express yourself, you should look into the facts before speaking your mind. Originally Posted by JohnnyG1977
I am not certain Marshall even has one! Simply repeating Rush's talking points of the day is not using your mind!
I have a problem with the process. Its all tainted. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
No, you have a problem with the mere fact that it's a liberal victory. Originally Posted by Doove
Why? Nobody is making anyone get married. Originally Posted by WTF
its about the government being able to step in and make a law about anything without the CONSENT of the governed.I hate smoking, but sure as hell am not in favor of all those restrictions, its the same thing.
I am not certain Marshall even has one! Simply repeating Rush's talking points of the day is not using your mind!
bigmex, you must listen to a lot of right wing radio if you can tell I'm repeating Rush's talking points rather than Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Michael Medved, Dennis Pragar, Neal Boortz, Hugh Hewitt, etc. HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! I think you agree with me most of the time but cannot admit that HERE....HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
hetero sex/relationships are more important than homo sex/relationships....Doofus, no matter how many times you ejaculate in the anus of a hairless 18 year old Filipino boy, he will not get pregnant.....heterosexual relationships are entitled to special benefits and status from society.......if you homos want a special place for yourselves, i suppose we could set you up a nice country somewhere in the Middle East....drop a wall on your gay-ass! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Originally Posted by Marshall
pure genius......marriage is not about the people in the marriage, it's about the children of the marriage.......that's the PURPOSE of matter how much butt-fucking you degenerates and freaks do, you will not make a baby.......

Also, be careful what you wish for....a marriage contract is a very oppressive contract.....the proper raising of children is the only societal purpose to allow anybody to get married.....I'll bet that in those states that permit degenerate marriage, the marriage rate of degenerates will be low and get lower over time......

BTW: who's keeping gay people from getting married? They can marry any person of the opposite gender they want.....hell, WDF could probably marry Chaz Bono........
It is not the govt business who you marry as long as they are of legal age and sound mind.

WDF......if it's no business of the government, why is it your business to limit marriage to legal age and sound mind....under YOUR own standard, YOU could not get married.......hypocrite! If you think it's appropriate for YOU to say who can or cannot marry, then it's appropriate for the government.......

You think it's alright to marry blood relatives? More than one person? Animals? People with serious illnesses and diseases?
Gay men = less competition for you straight guys. ^_^ Originally Posted by lilred_robin

generally speaking, women like me, so competition is not an issue.....hell, I even have gay women who want to try straight sex ask me for's not like I have to pay women to have a relationship with me like WDF......
When "shacking up", leaving is simply a matter of walking out the door.

A legal marriage sanctioned by the state is an entirely different animal. You just can't walk away. There will in all likelyhood always be one party who feels that a settlement is due,, (alimony, community property, child support in the event of adoption), I suspect an entire new field of Lawyers specializing in Gay Marriage Divorce will crop up.
Gay marriage supporters called liberationists "hope that gay marriage will help knock marriage off its cultural pedestal altogether," Douthat explained.
To liberationists, if traditional marriage becomes the "gold standard" for relationships both gay and straight, the gay marriage movement will have "failed in its deeper mission," which he describes as introducing a "greater freedom than can be found in the one-size-fits-all rules of marriage."
The apparent hope is that legalized gay marriages will be more openly sexually promiscuous than straight marriage, providing an example that would then influence heterosexual couples to adopt the same open-marriage lifestyle.
In a June article called "Married, With Infidelities," the Times used gay activist and columnist Dan Savage's open marriage as the new model for straight marriages that should take root culturally from the legalization of gay marriage.
In the article the Times praised Savage for arguing against the American obsession with strict fidelity. "In its place he proposes a sensibility that we might call American Gay Male, after that community's tolerance for pornography, fetishes and a variety of partnered arrangements, from strict monogamy to wide openness," the Times article reads.
"A more flexible attitude within marriage may be just what the straight community needs," the article continues. "Treating monogamy, rather than honesty or joy or humor, as the main indicator of a successful marriage gives people unrealistic expectations of themselves and their partners."
While straight marriage has its share of infidelity, studies show that gay male marriages are often very different from traditional straight marriages. Gay partnerships are far more culturally accepting of infidelity before the fact, and in many it is even expected. According to the book Sex in America: A Definitive Survey, 100 percent of male gay couples in the study experienced infidelity in their relationships in the first five years and those who stayed together past the 10-year mark did so only by accepting the painful reality of infidelity in their relationships. Some 85 percentof the couples reported that their greatest relationship problems centered on issues related to outside relationships.
That's the cultural side of the left's new battle to take down marriage. In court, the new, post-gay marriage goal of the left will apparently be to attempt to remove marriage, and any special legal significance that comes with it, from the public square in much the same way they've sought to strip out God. Originally Posted by Marshall
It seems more important to the gay people that straight people not think they are degenerates and freaks.....the gay people want straight people to act and think like degenerates and freaks's about changing us to be like them......
When "shacking up", leaving is simply a matter of walking out the door.

A legal marriage sanctioned by the state is an entirely different animal. You just can't walk away. There will in all likelyhood always be one party who feels that a settlement is due,, (alimony, community property, child support in the event of adoption), I suspect an entire new field of Lawyers specializing in Gay Marriage Divorce will crop up. Originally Posted by Jackie S
When children aren't part of the deal, the likelihood that someone will marry someone elso for purely financial reasons increases...many people are out there looking for an easy score....hell, you see this among the elderly getting married later in life.......
surcher's Avatar
It seems more important to the gay people that straight people not think they are degenerates and freaks.....the gay people want straight people to act and think like degenerates and freaks's about changing us to be like them...... Originally Posted by Marshall
It's official, you are a brain washed moron, regardless of who you regurgitated that from. It's even worse if you came up with it by yourself, but that couldn't happen.

When children aren't part of the deal, the likelihood that someone will marry someone elso for purely financial reasons increases...many people are out there looking for an easy score....hell, you see this among the elderly getting married later in life....... Originally Posted by Marshall
In your mind elderly people don't marry for love, they do it for financial reasons. Just because your family does it, it's not true for everyone else.
Sa_artman's Avatar
generally speaking, women like me, so competition is not an issue.....hell, I even have gay women who want to try straight sex ask me for's not like I have to pay women to have a relationship with me like WDF...... Originally Posted by Marshall
You can't prove it. That's such bullshit it's funny. Your a funny guy. I bet you were laughing when you typed it. Stop lying to yourself. Usually when someone has to point something out like that, the opposite is true.

You're really a loser who more than likely lives at home lonely (is that why you fucking post like there's no tomorrow), is a closet homo, and probably has no money or even a job. Ha! Ha! Oh shit. Do you really believe your own crap? HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm calling you out gay boy. Prove that women like you.

Is this the real Marshall?
Solemate62's Avatar
Without pasting in the full quote from thread 42 (Sa Artman raises an interesting hypothesis) and as a casual observer in all of these exchanges, it is a curiosity that Marshall has No Reviews written and posted on ECCIE!
, it is a curiosity that Marshall has No Reviews written and posted on ECCIE! Originally Posted by Solemate62

for the safety of the ladies involved, I don't post reviews....when I first was on this board, one lady mentioned in a post that she had an appointment with me.....she received an email from someone who didn't like me threatening to "clean her vagina out with a wire brush before raping her".........needless to say, there are a number of mentally ill people here who cyber-stalk me.............
needless to say, there are a number of mentally ill people here who cyber-stalk me............. Originally Posted by Marshall
That is more commonly referred to as "eating their own!"