I don't mean to sound like a prude, but WTH?

Randall Creed's Avatar
Why don't they just ask one of their clients, preferably after a particularly satisfying encounter? I wouldn't have a problem snapping a couple photos for them. I really like the short skirt pics that really show the thickness of the thighs, front and back. Yeaaah.
OMG Jules why did you take us there!!! WTF is in that chick's toilet?!?!?! Holy shizzle!

I kinna like some of the cell phone pics. Some of them are cute. Some of them do suck pretty bad though. I tend to judge them pic by pic instead of lumping them into a category. NOW, the fish lips, I don't get the whole fish lips thing...I think I must be too old and the "allure" of the fish lips is wasted on me, lol.