Normally I support the police

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the video? you saw the entire video? I've not had the chance to see it.

I understand that there is a missing gap in the video between the suspect being put into the car and the suspect on the ground.
Here's a recent video of how things can quickly turn to shit after a simple traffic stop.

No blood or much violence, almost comical. These folks know they can overwhelm the police with numbers and encroachment and there's little the cops can do to force the situation.

Police wearing bodycams are a great way to protect the police from frivolous lawsuits. Originally Posted by gnadfly
If I were a cop these days I would do my twenty years, get my pension, and let others deal with this completely disrespectful hatred of the police.
Every time I start to get behind a cause for black people like that guy choking that guy putting his knee on his head which is so wrong then they mess that up by going out and rioting and stealing and looting. How many black people senselessly kill black people everyday? it's unbelievable. Its probably 30 to 1. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Black people are well aware of how lethal other black people can be and they know exactly why the cops are very cautious around them. Any black man under 65 and over 5'10" and in decent shape is likely very strong and could overwhelm and injure you. If he is carrying a weapon he could kill you fast.

Joe Louis was like 63 years old and almost beat Rocky Marciano!

Let's be honest about all the needlessly killed Asian, Hispanic and Indian people getting slaughtered by white police all the time also.

Oh wait - they aren't because they don't tend to escalate these encounters every fucking day. Maybe, just maybe, a teeny little part of the problem lies with black people. (Not to the point of getting killed while in handcuffs but maybe they should not have committed an armed robbery years ago, gone to jail, then gotten themselves caught passing a counterfeit twenty. He contributed indirectly to his own demise, no matter how tragic and terrible)
HedonistForever's Avatar
surely you guys have seen the whole video by now.. no resisting arrest at all. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
And still you can't take the time to post this so called video. You're useless in this matter.
Chung Tran's Avatar
the video? you saw the entire video? I've not had the chance to see it.

I understand that there is a missing gap in the video between the suspect being put into the car and the suspect on the ground. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
nope.. only the "commercially available vids show the gap

Joe Louis was like 63 years old and almost beat Rocky Marciano!
Originally Posted by friendly fred


how about 37?

what's a quarter Century when you're trying to prove a point?

And still you can't take the time to post this so called video. You're useless in this matter. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
you are useless in ALL MATTERS where you have posted.

this so-called video was not "released", because the taker does not want to taint a future jury.. if you ever pull yourself away from FOX, you will likely get to see what I saw.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
surely you guys have seen the whole video by now.. no resisting arrest at all.

what's sad is while I watched the looting and rioting on TV last night, my thoughts wandered to Ilhan Omar, and thoughts of rescuing her at her local Congressional Office, whisking her away from the mayhem.. and her in turn rewarding me with bareback Greek.

side note.. this is the first interracial riot I ever recall seeing.. white people were stealing TV's along with blacks. it reminded me of the old cigarette commercial, with the woman.. "you've come a long way, Baby".. Whites are now free to steal and riot on behalf of the black man, like that woman in the commercial was now free to distribute Cancer to her mouth and lungs. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

what whole video? you mean what's been released so far? or this new video.

this shows the beginning of the incident. there was some sort of effort to remove Floyd from his car. it wasn't a big fight but it could be considered a struggle. there is no audio to know if Floyd is actively resisting or unresponsive for some reason, a possible medical issue or impaired. toxicology will tell that. it is noted in the report that Floyd fell while being moved across the street and EMS was contacted. this is before the officer involved in this even showed up.

a cop car blocks the cam at this point, just after that officer arrives. the reporter states a struggle appears to start. the body cams of the cops should show more. this is where the beginning of the long video of the officer kneeling on Floyd starts.

bottom line this officer committed negligent homicide by holding this guy Floyd like that when common sense knows you can suffocate in seconds. the total length has reported to be about 8 minutes. regardless of any struggle, with 4 to 5 cops there and he was already cuffed the officer should have let up much much sooner and allow the guy to just lay there.

and considering they called EMS due to possible medical or impairment issue it's even stupider to knee choke a guy in some sort of medical distress. or impaired if that was the case. the officer is guilty of at least negligence as any reasonable person should know holding that guy like that for an extended time could easily kill him. and it did.
My two cents - if sex work was legalized, there would be a lot less rioting. Great sex can go a long ways to calming dudes down.
LexusLover's Avatar
Good cops truly need to start calling out the bad ones if we're going to end this nonsense. Because they know exactly who the bad ones are. Originally Posted by papadee
If you recall not all the officers indicted in the Rodney King debacle swung a "night-stick" on King. And most importantly ...

the female California State Trooper who had him IN CUSTODY and HANDCUFFED wasn't and she UNHANDCUFFED him King and turned him over to the GOONS who were indicted. (That's the part of the video NEVER SHOWN to the public by the media (or anyone else).

Those who do not protect the citizen end up getting dinked at some level depending on their presence and/or participation, but the media rarely reports a week or two later on the matter after an investigation is completed. (How long did it take to get the full story re Brown in Ferguson?)

The "protesters" have already shot cops and one Federal security officer died. Where are the cop shooters and where are the media reports?
My two cents - if sex work was legalized, there would be a lot less rioting. Great sex can go a long ways to calming dudes down. Originally Posted by Vegas77
Yes, that would release pent up anger!


how about 37?

what's a quarter Century when you're trying to prove a point?
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Actually, he was 76 years old!
  • oeb11
  • 05-31-2020, 08:17 AM
My two cents - if sex work was legalized, there would be a lot less rioting. Great sex can go a long ways to calming dudes down. Originally Posted by Vegas77

Sounds like a new Biden platform plank - The DPST party can hire the SW's and offer free sessions to all who vote DPST in hope of calming down their Plantation groups!
Chung Tran's Avatar
The "protesters" have already shot cops and one Federal security officer died. Where are the cop shooters and where are the media reports? Originally Posted by LexusLover
and the "Police" shot and tear-gassed Ali Veshi and his crew, who were on scene to report.. after murdering George Floyd.. and arrested a CNN Journalist for reporting. they turn on the Media that exposes them, the low-hanging fruit.
This cop has been on the force for 19 years. I didn't notice a single strip on his uniform. Where is the quality control of the police department. The military has an up or out policy. Why doesen't the police department.
If you recall not all the officers indicted in the Rodney King debacle swung a "night-stick" on King. And most importantly ...

the female California State Trooper who had him IN CUSTODY and HANDCUFFED wasn't and she UNHANDCUFFED him King and turned him over to the GOONS who were indicted. (That's the part of the video NEVER SHOWN to the public by the media (or anyone else). Originally Posted by LexusLover
LexusLover's Avatar
and the "Police" shot and tear-gassed Ali Veshi and his crew, who were on scene to report.. after murdering George Floyd.. and arrested a CNN Journalist for reporting. they turn on the Media that exposes them, the low-hanging fruit. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Reading minds and fantasizing again?

....for reporting. they turn on the Media that exposes them, the low-hanging fruit.....
If I were you, and I believed that shit, I'd stay quarantined, if I were you! You might report that shit to the media ... like on Eccie!