Al Bore says illegals at the boarder because of climate change...WTF!!!

I accidently hit Cap Lock and posted in all caps once.

I was too lazy to go back and change it. You on the other hand do it as if you go in and out of hot flashes. Are you Menopausal?

I left out your quackpot sun spot 'scientist'....

...maybe you should run him down to the Pentagon! Originally Posted by WTF
I missed your dissertation paper on that...Professor...quack!!
Climate change has been happening for BILLIONS of year and will keep on happen with humans or not.
You and the left wing loons changed from the "next ice age" to "global warming" to "climate change"....MAKE UP YOU FUCKING MINDS!!
You can't go wrong with the latter..because the climate has and always will be changing!!
What happened to Al Bores predictions of 25 years ago...DO TELL!!
If this is your religion...worship it, but it is UNPROVEN BULLSHIT!!
I love the "CO2 is a pollutant"...I guess trees love pollution...and give off that terrible thing...OXYGEN!!
They need to stop producing carbonated as not to pollute the plant.
I call BULLSHIT on you and your bunch of radical nuts!!
I love the "stop climate change"...if that isn't an oxymoron...where is God when you need him!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Please tell me your counter point on this...Professor WTF!!
txdot-guy's Avatar
Economics and safety are the biggest drivers of immigration. If you don't feel safe where you are and you can't make a living you move. Moving to the US is one of the better options you can have if you live in Central America. The current immigration debate is what to do about the problem.
winn dixie's Avatar
Al gore says he invented the internet!:ro flmao:

Al Gore is a fucking idiot!How many times did he suck bills dick when cuntillary wouldn't touch it? bahaha

Out of context? God damn thats a good one. bahahahahahahahaha
\I would almost admire that if it wasn't so wrong! Way to stick up for your man though! Did you profit directly from HIS invention? bahahahahahahahahaha Were you a stock holder?
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 01:35 PM
I missed your dissertation paper on that...Professor...quack!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I could post all the science to counter your quack science.

All you did was post a link Einstein. .. it was not your paper.

Next you post some scientific links showing the health benefits of cigarette smoke! You do realize there were quacks saying as much to try and counterbalance real science.
Economics and safety are the biggest drivers of immigration. If you don't feel safe where you are and you can't make a living you move. Moving to the US is one of the better options you can have if you live in Central America. The current immigration debate is what to do about the problem. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I can't fault anyone with wanting to live in the greatest country in the world...I just wish they would do it lawfully!!
This country just doesn't have enough room for everone that want to live here to live aviation I've traveled the world and talked to many people and many of them would love the freedom and lifestyle we enjoy here.
winn dixie's Avatar
Please tell me your counter point on this...Professor WTF!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Let me answer for him!

I never said that. And when i did you took it out of context, and/or used the wrong definition!

wtf's end is near! When folks lose all credibility they start using excuses like the ones he has posted today.
Don't worry wtf. Your contributions here have been invaluable! thanks
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 01:42 PM
I can't fault anyone with wanting to live in the greatest country in the world...I just wish they would do it lawfully!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Well then get behind elected officials who want to actually reform the immigration laws to reflect this country's needs and not just some political chant such as "Build the Wall"
winn dixie's Avatar
Well then get behind elected officials who want to actually reform the immigration laws to reflect this country's needs and not just some political chant such as "Build the Wall" Originally Posted by WTF
Hey mcfly! Thats what Trump is trying to do! The wall is the first step! God damn get your head out of the sand! Stop shouting no and listen!
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  • 02-28-2019, 01:57 PM
Hey mcfly! Thats what Trump is trying to do! The wall is the first step! God damn get your head out of the sand! Stop shouting no and listen! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Haha...we have a net negative immigration flow. Building a wall would keep more in than out Einstein.

We should have a policy where small hotels and golf courses can hire seasonal workers just like Trump properties.
winn dixie's Avatar
Haha...we have a net negative immigration flow. Building a wall would keep more in than out Einstein.

We should have a policy where small hotels and golf courses can hire seasonal workers just like Trump properties. Originally Posted by WTF
Where do you get these numbers. Then you state the wall would keep more in? WHAT? bahahahahahahaha

Wall then massive deportations followed by sensible reforms to immigration and guest worker programs. Then talk about citizenship to those that qualify!
Not the other way that you seem to support! Dreamers act. You know rewarding law breakers sneaking into our country with citizenship! Your stance is well noted here.
I could post all the science to counter your quack science.

All you did was post a link Einstein. .. it was not your paper.

Next you post some scientific links showing the health benefits of cigarette smoke! You do realize there were quacks saying as much to try and counterbalance real science. Originally Posted by WTF
I missed your answer as to the Suns impact on the climate on earth...I take it the Sun having the most influence on the earths climate in junk/quack science can't have it both ways, this ridiculousness only from you
When you have any questions please refer to Al Bore...he knows his stuff.
The collection of those unhinged right wing videos part of real science or junk science??
winn dixie's Avatar
wtf will redefine the narrative like he did earlier!
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 03:24 PM
Haha...we have a net negative immigration flow. Building a wall would keep more in than out Einstein.

We should have a policy where small hotels and golf courses can hire seasonal workers just like Trump properties. Originally Posted by WTF
Where do you get your numbers besides from your fingers and toes?

From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) left the U.S. for Mexico, according to data from the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID). U.S. census data for the same period show an estimated 870,000 Mexican nationals left Mexico to come to the U.S., a smaller number than the flow of families from the U.S. to Mexico.
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  • WTF
  • 02-28-2019, 03:27 PM
I missed your answer as to the Suns impact on the climate on earth...I take it the Sun having the most influence on the earths climate in junk/quack science can't have it both ways, ?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Saying the Sun is the biggest influence on earth is stating the obvious . Be like saying your parents fucking is the biggest reason you're here.