Unprofessional Annie

CocoBrown's Avatar
Well i am an indie provider and never wanted or needed to be a part of an agency, however a while back i had the "pleasure" (in my sarcastic voice) of exchanging words with this individual named annie. I had posted a comment on a thread one day, and shortly thereafter started recieving foul and disrespectful p.m's from her. I didnt understand why, because I simply stated my opinion on a thread, and did not address her nor was I even referring to her and she began to go on about how I need to keep CC's out of my mouth when I never even mentioned them! Then when I responded with an attitude, she began to p.m me bashing me talking about what kind of car I probably drive and that I have 80specials, and all kinds of other derogatory statements. I responded again, and she kept pming me I guess because she has to have the last word.... she even threatened to have me banned from this board, and that she could ruin my business. I know for a fact that she doesnt have that much authority on this board to execute and have me banned but I was just like wow! "she's so professional!" (not!!!!!) I even stopped responding to her messages, and then she pmed me again! I just think she is just plain rude. She even made negative comments in regard to me being black! I also think she has a serious mental problem. If she is so stressed from the clients then she needs to take some administrative leave, go on a vacation and just do one big "WOOSAH" and relax. True we do put up with bullshit on this job but I dont think that is a passport to be rude to people for no reason. I could care less about how long she has been in business because it doesnt affect me one way or another. I wasnt a potential client or employee so was her disrespect toward me warranted? I think not! so Im going to end this here... (maybe not because I know she will have a comeback to justify her immature behavior)-- My rude experiences with annie. Can anyone explain or justify that? Please make sense of this because I cant! I really dont see how a person with an attitude of that nature could even effectively run a business. Very unprofessional if you ask me and IM NOT A CLIENT! so whats the excuse for that????
CocoBrown's Avatar
Veronica I think you completely miss the point, but I appreciate your input. The OP asked if anyone else got the type of treamtent he described? Not trying to hurt anyone, just stating his opinion and his thoughts, nothing wrong with that. He also wanted to know if anyone else got that reatment for her and as you can see the asnwer is a resounding "Yes."

Each person make sup his own mind. trust me, this is not the firs tthread about Annie's behavior, she has weathered storms before, she will be just fine.

Maybe I am missing the point of your post Veronica, idk. But seems to me that you suggest these men should take her name calling, rudeness, and verbal abuse and shut up about it!! Really? So, a man can call you names, be rude to you, and verbally abuse you and you will remain quiet and just not call??!! Another lady contacts you for a reference on this man and you will not discuss his verbal abuse? Really? I am not buying that one Veronica.

Annie is the maker of her own doom. I do not see ANY threads about Dallas Rain being rude, impolite, name calling. Wanna know why? She is a polite lady that has a wonderful attitude. So, if Annie were not rude, name calling, abusive, etc. etc. no threads would ever start, simple.

I will not take rudeness, name calling, etc. from anyone and use their business, period. I have not started a thread concerning her demenaor but when someone asks, I will tell them my experience. That is the purpose of this website, information!!!! Originally Posted by Outdoorsman
annie@christophers's Avatar
Omg SEXY COFFEE... You are a trip. I mean even these men aint buying this load of crap spewing from your mouth..AND YES of course you applied and the minute I said NO (ya just aint sexy at ALL) I just did not think you would get picked in the line-up..why bullshit (not racist..I dont care for everyone equally babygirl haha) As far as the rest of that crap...well sorry ya sit in atlanta bored and pathetic enough to write around the country..I mean serious how the hell do ya'll get like 3000 posts?? I HAVE A BUSINESS AND DONT HAVE A QUARTER THAT LOL!! GET LIVES!! Go out..breathe the air ..pick a flower .. kiss a baby (oops dont do that.) bahahaha xxoo annie My new and improved self.....
CocoBrown's Avatar
I could care less who you like or dont like. Never applied to be part of your shananigans or agency please stop lying to these people it just makes you look really crazy. Any client who has seen me from even on eros or any other site knows im an independent and my entire circle is independent/entrepreneur and never had nor will have the desire to apply to work for anyone. I dont have anything close to 500 posts. If you can read, I have 149. Now, because of the bullshit, now I have 150 posts (lmfao). So now you have exposed you cant read nor add. So please find someone else to pick on. I am legit, polite, discreet, and never part of the drama or bullshit. I have reviews to back that up on eccie, as well as T.E.R. Honey you appear to be the center of the drama and bullshit. Have a great day.
Sexy Coffee
CocoBrown's Avatar
For all those who are confused let me enlighten you with the very first message I have ever recieved from this individual:"YA RUN
Your mouth behind me also..I dont hang with the ELVES you seem to have the problem with agencies.. WHAT THE FUCK DOES A BLACK GIRL WANNA COME TO NOLA??? Stop fucking with people here .. WE ARE 70% BLACK!! YA TRHINK WE NEED YOU >>SHIT LOOH AT ALLISON AND GEMMA>>CICI>>HAHA<< .. 5 star WHAT?? annie lol"
Not to mention a string of other harassing messages and due to the fact it was unwarranted, I began to say things right back to her as I never wanted her ever to get the impression that she means anything to me that I would be afraid to respond. True, I feel as if I might have stooped to her level in this situation, but I often observe her in a sense being very rude to people including myself, and wanted her to know that Im really not that girl. I have nothing more to really say because this is a waste of my time. As you all know I dont post much, but I had to address what was being said because I want everyone to know I never tried to apply for her agency. I really am glad she has been in business as long as she brags to have been. However, I dont operate to the beat of anyone else's drum but my own. This is all I have to say in regard to this matter. Moderators: please close this thread.
>>>>>>>>thinking its time to access the "closed thread". Option<<<<<<<<

I have and never will see a CC lady. I have not talked to her but her post on the board say it all. Why deal with someone that is rude, unprofessional and ignorant. It seems like an added hassle. People say she tells it like it is but I find that to be a nice way to say expect ignorance and stupidity.
annie@christophers's Avatar
YOUR FAT<<AND HE"S BROKE.. BUT your correct in saying I must be INSANE..cause LOOK HE'R dreamer's ..they come and go..even if I wanted to I could not reccomend ANYONE in this proud city but US!!! So BORE us with your stupid shit but..I aint outing ya..(besides fat and lonely) and I was not speaking of ya'll for the 500000 post comment..you are old and fat and ##### ..I PERSONALLY CANT WORK YA(nor do the girls wanna EVER SEE a man that names himself PRINCE LOL) however ya oughta shut ya mouth ta me and my girls.. I aint done ya wrong bitch,,but tomorrows another day.. more kind annie words.. PS- PRINCE YA STARTED THE THREAD . SEXY FAT ASS TOOK IT OVER.. looking now I do see why all the P.M's said it was a pimp and fat girl...LOL.. I NEED A DRINK DAMMIT!!! HOE look ABOVE YOU AT YOUR (HIS) LAST POST..NEVER TALKED TO ME??? IS THAT NOT THE REASON FOR THIS STUPID ASS POST???
Against my better judgement, I am reopening this thread. NOW - the boorish/childish behavior needs to stop! Annie, make sure and check your PM's.
Wow... surprise, surprise.

A negative thread was started about Annie, she took the bait and blew up at everyone and got "banned." (Don't worry, she'll be back in like, what... a week? LOL)

Which brings me to my original point... This is never going to stop happening. But y'all just keep on plugging away at her and maybe one day she'll change. LOL!

@Sexy Coffee... you realize that Annie, herself, rarely answers her PMs, right? That's pretty much common knowledge. Everyone knows her office girl, Nikki, does that. And Annie? Racist? That's HILARIOUS, girl hahaha.

And btw, Super Mod, Annie can't check her PMs because she's "banned." But I'm sure you already knew that.
Lea Madisson's Avatar
He PM'd her before the ban...



Wow... surprise, surprise.

A negative thread was started about Annie, she took the bait and blew up at everyone and got "banned." (Don't worry, she'll be back in like, what... a week? LOL)

Which brings me to my original point... This is never going to stop happening. But y'all just keep on plugging away at her and maybe one day she'll change. LOL!

@Sexy Coffee... you realize that Annie, herself, rarely answers her PMs, right? That's pretty much common knowledge. Everyone knows her office girl, Nikki, does that. And Annie? Racist? That's HILARIOUS, girl hahaha.

And btw, Super Mod, Annie can't check her PMs because she's "banned." But I'm sure you already knew that. Originally Posted by VeronicaMoore
Outdoorsman's Avatar
Wow Veronica.... No one here is trying to change anyone, everyone is free to be themselves. I do not think it is me missing the point here, I think it may be you. Annie can be as rude, mean, ugly, and hurtful as she wants, if she posts that way here, she will take small vacations, that simple. And no you are right her ban is not permanent. Just because someone is hateful does not mean I have to listen to it.

I get that you like Annie and great for you. And I further understand when someone I like is being criticized it can hurt, so I attempt to defend. So, I can appreciate your position. BUt I still think Annie is in complete denial about her attitude, demeanor, and behavior. The world is not out to get her, we just refuse to accept ill behavior, simple. An incident like this, her banning, may only fuel her hatred because she denies to see the reality of her actions. The reality is she called people names and was mean and disrespectful and if she decides to join in the discussions without the crudeness she will not be banned, that simple. No one is asking her to change, the decision is hers. By joining into her denial though you only help fuel her rage and when people are feeling hatred, anger, rage, they are not happy people, that simple. I decide to be Happy because it is a better way to live, just me.
I agree the world is not to get her.Being rude and obnoxious because of the hobby is a lame excuse.Also saying she does not send check PM and respond is lame.Your account represent the business who would think someone else responds.When I began the hobby I checked out the site.You(Veronica) and a few ladies caught my attention.I never inquired through the agency.Over the years as I look at her post and see the ladies.Why would I take chance using this service.People do not frequent business with bad customer service.Blaming guys behavior for your bad attitude does not suffice.Going on various rants do not help.Sometimes she is attacked and sometimes she is the aggressor.
It seems to be either a love or hate relationship for those that have made contact.I am an outsider having never contacted her.My first direct encounters have come from this post.Postings can help or hurt you.Ladies observe post and say i will not see this gent.Guys look at providers post and decided this is someone I will not see.You ladies encounter gents whom waste your time,money and make threats.We gents encounter ladies that waste our time,money and give out threats.It is no excuse for ones behavior. I am not the person that started the thread only commenting.RIF
CocoBrown's Avatar
Thanks for the clarification my friend, Prince, you are totally correct. No client wants to be verbally abused due to a provider's or agency's bad experiences in the past. The thread was started to gather feedback from other individuals who have experienced or observed the negative attitude, behavior, and feedback from this particular individual. I felt at that time that I would share my experiences as well because I AM FREE TO DO SO. To Ms. Veronica Moore: I could really care less who answers what and who reads incoming pm's within that organization. My point was that I made a comment on a thread in regard to a matter that I was concerned about (BECAUSE I AM FREE TO DO SO) and recieved unwarranted, rude, and disrespectful responses as well as harrassing pm's and emails for months. I am not a child nor am I required to answer to anyone within that organization for anything I do or say. Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you is the major conclusion of this discussion, and if you run any type of business where you provide a service to a client, then it is your responsibility to carry yourself in a respectful manner and provide proper customer service if you plan on being successful, and fulfill the needs of your clients. After all, who wants to pay for verbal abuse or service from someone who will curse you out and/or call you names? It is of no importance to me who answers what email or pm. I respect others and therefore earn, demand, and deserve that same respect in return. I dont know any of these individuals personally and dont care to. I have several threatening and insulting emails and pm's to prove that what I am saying is truth. This individual picks on people who she thinks she can get away with picking on because she is hiding behind that keyboard. Just a bunch of keyboard gangsters if you ask me. I had to speak up for the simple fact that this individual sat up and told all of you a bold faced lie: that I actually tried to apply to work with their organization! This is simply not true at all! I have never applied for an agency. I just started interacting with this board and dont partake of the drama and bullshit because I am grown, and have no interest in anything other than alerts and advertising. In reference to Veronica's amusement in regard to my racist comment : I gathered that from the comment she made about why would a "black girl want to come to NOLA?" and many other emails and pm's that were sent from that organization. Also,never saw any one of color on their advertisements or on their site, so based on the comments made to me: I MADE MY OWN PERSONAL ASSUMPTIONS. I also want to make something clear: I dont tolerate the bullshit. So if you dont give me any, I wont have to defend myself. You cant be rude to someone and expect them to just sit there and not say anything. I am polite, but never condesending, nor do I allow anyone to bully me. Point blank period, this individual said some horrible, insulting, and unwarranted things to me I felt were out of place, and I always will stand up for myself. I do not have a pimp, I am not fat, nor am I part of any organization. I am independent, and very proud of it. Why would I go from featuring in shows with some of the top black providers/porn stars/ entertainers in the industry to come to NOLA to apply for a very low end, local agency? Doesnt add up nor make sense. I am a professional, and will always behave and carry myself as such. So if you have any more jokes (what ever you were ha ha-ing about), questions or comments dont hesitate to call, pm, or set up a meeting. Because I dont find any of this behavior tolerable or funny at all. I also hope that I do not get an infraction for even having to participate in this discussion and stating my opinion because I will always have my own back. And if you dont remember anything else about me - REMEMBER THAT!