How long shold I wait for responses?

Everything comes to my phone...EVERYTHING...

So, I can generally answer back immediately unless I am busy...or choose not too.

I think I responded back within the hour per our PM's this morning, due to me being in the Salon.

I will admit, some things take priority over others.

I get back to Providers first reguarding screening, then my appointment scheduling, followed by daily emails, texts and such. Originally Posted by berkleigh
I agree with you Berkleigh....

I LOVE my phone. I have a dayjob too, but it takes 30 minutes out of my morning to answer emails from the night before. Even though I may get busy during certain periods of the day, 24 hours rarely goes by that I can't check my emails.

To the OP, advanced notice is such a considerate thing. She should not be shocked if you've booked with someone else.
Tiffani you are a sweetheart I thought I was weird for booking a month in advance. I will also explain to the provider to pick a different date and time if she wants. Dallas4u and I get together when ever she is in the area. I just suggest a time and let her adjust to best fit her schedule. By booking early she knows I will be there and I can set that time aside.
Tiffani you are a sweetheart I thought I was weird for booking a month in advance. I will also explain to the provider to pick a different date and time if she wants. Dallas4u and I get together when ever she is in the area. I just suggest a time and let her adjust to best fit her schedule. By booking early she knows I will be there and I can set that time aside. Originally Posted by tucson
Thank you darlin'. That gives you all the time in the world to get to know each other before the date. What I can't stand is when a lady complains about advanced notice dates cancelling when she's done nothing to hold his interest beforehand.

You're not doing anything wrong. If I had a dick, me and Dallas would get together as often as possible too!
berkleigh's Avatar
Thanks Tiffani!

My phone pretty much contains my world

Although, Gina I think I may have discovered that the delay may possibly be my SMART GOOGLE ANDROID PHONE.

Thinking its the GMAIL that is actually delayed so often I am not recieving emails on time.

Either way, I will look into it.

Thanks Tiffani!

My phone pretty much contains my world

Although, Gina I think I may have discovered that the delay may possibly be my SMART GOOGLE ANDROID PHONE.

Thinking its the GMAIL that is actually delayed so often I am not recieving emails on time.

Either way, I will look into it.

Originally Posted by berkleigh

I have an android and use gmail. Never had an issue receiving p411 requests, be it pre-screening or appointment requests. Just's probably not your phone/email carrier. Not sure what it is, but I have never ever had a delay in getting requests/pre screenings, and I probably have lots more time to discover this stuff, since I am a sorry hooker who is horrible at multi-tasking (sorry, Fawn...I'm not worthy! Its amazing I've lasted this long! A wing and a prayer, I tell you.....) while working two jobs and I still get all my messages. Then again, I can't remember the last time I filled up my PM box and you say you have to clear it regularly! I think we have room for 500 PM's and I admit, I don't get 500 PM's a week. Thank GAWD! I'd be pissing off way more people than I already do! Kudos to you!

Hope this helps with a starting point, 'cause it's not android or gmail. At least, not in my experience.
  • PT4ME
  • 10-26-2011, 11:23 PM
Also, let me just add, I rarely post ads so it's not as though I post an ad and then don't respond for several days. I would expect Fawn would respond in a timely manner, as she does advertise fairly regularly. That makes sense! I'm not quite as active in the hobby, but when I do post an ad, everyone gets a response that day. Just wanted to clarify. Yes, I expect if you are advertising availability, you should probably respond within a day or two.

Should I start to disable my p411 ad if I am not available for say, a week? Take down my showcase when I can't "provide"? Legit question. I've considered it, as I think it would help avoid causing any anger/annoyance to hobbyists such as PT4ME, who don't get a response as quickly as they would like. Originally Posted by Dannie
Dear Bad Dannie, you lazy hooker!! Shame on you!!

No, No, Nope!! you cannot add anything!!! ..........."and furthermore" I think disabling your 411 or showcase is a waste of time, hell you know we men don't read or pay attention to any of you ladies requests.

You probably need do nothing, as you have pretty much explained why one might not hear from you in a timely manner already.

Oops......never mind!
~lazy hooker
Sorry. Double posted fuck-up.
berkleigh's Avatar
I have an android and use gmail. Never had an issue receiving p411 requests, be it pre-screening or appointment requests. Just's probably not your phone/email carrier. Not sure what it is, but I have never ever had a delay in getting requests/pre screenings, and I probably have lots more time to discover this stuff, since I am a sorry hooker who is horrible at multi-tasking while working two jobs and I still get all my messages. Then again, I can't remember the last time I filled up my PM box and you say you have to clear it regularly! I think we have room for 500 PM's and I admit, I don't get 500 PM's a week. Thank GAWD! I'd be pissing off way more people than I already do! Kudos to you!

Hope this helps with a starting point, 'cause it's not android or gmail. At least, not in my experience. Originally Posted by Dannie

Dannie, go and figure it out and let me know after you clean and organize my PM box for me.

And BRAVO! for you for not having any issues with your phone/gmail.
But I am going to disagree and assume your NOT qualified to make that determination with the problem I have encountered based on just your opinion?

Whether it is my Samsung Epic Android Smart piece of shit, The GMAIL App/Notification or lastly, The P411 delivery system...I will research and figure it out or have it serviced if it becomes more of a problem for me.
If if is not the phone or the Gmail application, I will be in touch with Gina for sure.
I decided that I will just log into P411 nightly to check and verify any emails from the current day that may have been missed.
Problem solved.

I spend my days as "SUPERWOMAN" or "SUPERMOM" or "SUPER BERK" ... so shit happens!

I did perform a search, made contact with the client, explained, apologized and handled it privately.
As I stated I would and then I updated it.

I do advertise for 5, Count them 1,2,3,4,5 cities a week in Texas, as I have done so for over 2 years now.

My PM Box is going to fill more due to Travel in those cities.

The contents of my PM Box is detailed w/Folders and mostly important saved PM's.

Never, did I say I recieve 5oo PM's weekly. I would throw my Laptop!
I said I clean it regularly because it fills and I have alot saved.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 10-27-2011, 07:17 AM
How long should I wait for a response from a provider when trying to make an appointment? If I haven't heard back after 2 days is it reasonable to move on and make an inquiry with another provider? Ladies, if you responded to an appt request after 2 days and the guy said "sorry, I made an appt with someone else because I didn't get a response," would you be offended?

I try to book appointments a few days in advance because I only have certain days/times that work well for me and if I don't hear back from a provider in a "reasonable" amount of time then I need to find someone else with availability before my window of opportunity passes. So, what is reasonable? Originally Posted by steeplechase
First of all, some women are not good at multi tasking or running a business the way it should be run...That is why you see so many ladies come into this business and they don't last very long, they thought is was going to be so easy... There is so much more to this than just laying on your back and making a quick buck!!! But back to the point, there is NO reason why it should take 2 days to get back to anyone.... unless the ladies don't want to give a reference....and if that happens at least send a courtesy email explaining the situation, letting them know you will get back to them as soon as you hear from the lady in question... I have a real job and I check and answer all my emails either on break, lunch or at my next break.. So in my opinion 2 days is to long to wait on any lady.... Move on to PLAN B, because there are a ton of lovely ladies out here that will respond to your email in less than 2 hours! Not 2 days! Originally Posted by fawn
I have an android and use gmail. Never had an issue receiving p411 requests, be it pre-screening or appointment requests. Just's probably not your phone/email carrier. Not sure what it is, but I have never ever had a delay in getting requests/pre screenings, and I probably have lots more time to discover this stuff, since I am a sorry hooker who is horrible at multi-tasking (sorry, Fawn...I'm not worthy! Its amazing I've lasted this long! A wing and a prayer, I tell you.....) while working two jobs and I still get all my messages. Then again, I can't remember the last time I filled up my PM box and you say you have to clear it regularly! I think we have room for 500 PM's and I admit, I don't get 500 PM's a week. Thank GAWD! I'd be pissing off way more people than I already do! Kudos to you!

Hope this helps with a starting point, 'cause it's not android or gmail. At least, not in my experience. Originally Posted by Dannie

Excuse me everyone for hijacking this thread for one moment!
Dannie, I was responding to steeplechase post in giving my personal opinion, which I am allowed to do! My remark (about Multi tasking) was not directed at anyone not even you Dannie... It was just my honest opinion.... So don't take the remark so personal it had nothing to do with you, and you really shouldn't have singled me out and your remark was very tacky, I never said you were a sorry hooker or not worthy, not my style babe to ever belittle anyone!! But since you did, let me tell you about being busy! I work a real job just as you do, I have 3 kids, 4 grandchildren, a life and I hobby on the side so trust me Dannie I know all about being busy and yes I still find time to answer all my emails and pm's daily!
berkleigh's Avatar
Thank You Fawn
pmdelites's Avatar
Excuse me everyone for hijacking this thread for one moment!
Dannie, I was responding to steeplechase post in giving my personal opinion, which I am allowed to do! My remark (about Multi tasking) was not directed at anyone not even you Dannie... It was just my honest opinion.... So don't take the remark so personal it had nothing to do with you, and you really shouldn't have singled me out and your remark was very tacky, I never said you were a sorry hooker or not worthy, not my style babe to ever belittle anyone !! But since you did, let me tell you about being busy! I work a real job just as you do, I have 3 kids, 4 grandchildren, a life and I hobby on the side so trust me Dannie I know all about being busy and yes I still find time to answer all my emails and pm's daily! Originally Posted by fawn

not so much a hijack, but when we cant see each other when we "talk", we miss out on so much.

hopefully by now, people reading this thread understand that some women and some men get back to inquiries rather quickly, some in a day or two, and some take quite a long while.
and that we should plan according to this fact of life.

thus, people reading this thread should know
after you say/write/email/text/post something to someone else,
you should NOT expect the intended recipient to get back to you promptly, according to your timescale.
if you want that, you better be in a face-to-face conversation w/ them [but, according to zuckerberg's biography, even he doesnt always respond to the person talking to him].

so, fawn, i just looked back at the posts - she said in a followup post that she is "a lazy hooker!" then pt4m said it and she said it again.
she never said that you said that.
i interpreted the "I'm not worthy" as humor and not criticism. [for context, see her response to PT4ME and his repsonse to her response]

hell, i'm a lazy man who takes one or two days or even longer to reply to emails [hobby, personal, work, other]. it just depends on how important and urgent i decide the message is.

plus, like most of us on here, i have a real life as well - family, job, friends as well as being an elected officer of an organization w/ monthly meetings to plan/run and many personalities to deal with. [sometimes, i wish i could ban some of them :^]

anyhow, the point i'm making is ....
the sooner people realize that providing/hobbying is not everyone's complete life, the sooner people may, repeat, may understand that replies wont come instantaneously!!

[for instance, one guy was pm'ing me about a provider. we exchanged several pm's. then i said i was going on vacation and would be out of touch for a couple of weeks, so dont expect any replies. he responded "what? they dont have internet access where you're going??" guess he thought that w/ my post count that i am my own wi-fi spot and am always on eccie.]
pmdelites's Avatar
I would think an explanation on P411 would handle that. Leave your account active just say you are involved in RL at this time and an answer may not be coming quickly. I for one would understand as I look out a month ahead. Originally Posted by tucson
Great idea! I didn't really want to disable and re-activate my ad each week, as I do tend to get more of the gentlemen who are traveling and make WAAAAY advanced arrangements. Thank you for the suggestion! Originally Posted by Dannie
dannie, i think tucson gave a great suggestion: just let people know when you are available and when you arent. it doesnt have to be fancy like a calendar, just dates.

cos if you make that know, then you could just point people to your p411 post.

another idea, setup an auto-responder on your email account [if the email app/web has that feature; like the "out-of-office" feature in outlook and other email apps].

NOTE: this is a general suggestion for all folks who make appts, whether or not they are providers. publish your availability then point them to that item.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 10-27-2011, 12:43 PM
so, fawn,
i interpreted the "I'm not worthy" as humor and not criticism. Originally Posted by pmdelites
Thank you baby, for trying to smooth the icing on the cake, but we all interpret things differently....
Email or PM (P411 is best) the provider you wish to see with the specified date and time, they will either a. try to confirm the appointment b. try to give a different time or day when they can meet c. they won't respond at all which is your sign to contact a different provider. I will usually give a provider 4 hours to respond at that point I go to the next one
I have, for one provider broken this rule (Heather Winston), sent her P411 request, PM through ECCIE, then sent a final one through P411 I know it's sad but I really wanted to meet her.