Covid and now all the cities are burning down from riots

dallasfan's Avatar
I thought those people buying underground security bunkers in New Zealand were nuts but I’m rethinking that. Lol
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-01-2020, 12:24 PM
This pretty much kills the gun control argument.

"You don't need an AR-15"

billw1032's Avatar
... and America has elected an asshole who makes open appeals to racist and calls neo-Nazi’s “good people.” Originally Posted by TexTushHog
This is the second time you've used this example recently (that I've seen), and it is NOT correct. I expected that you were better informed than this. What you are repeating comes from the deceptively-edited clip that the mainstream media has aired over and over again in order to make him look bad. It has been played so many times that people now believe it. Go look up the FULL transcript of Trump's remarks on Charlottesville, and you will see that. Just one paragraph that the media didn't play for you says this:

"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
texassapper's Avatar
This is the second time you've used this example recently (that I've seen), and it is NOT correct. I expected that you were better informed than this. What you are repeating comes from the deceptively-edited clip that the mainstream media has aired over and over again in order to make him look bad. It has been played so many times that people now believe it. Go look up the FULL transcript of Trump's remarks on Charlottesville, and you will see that. Just one paragraph that the media didn't play for you says this:

"So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Originally Posted by billw1032
Hey, didn't you get the memo? The narrative is to mark Trump as a racist because they got no other options. They are desperate to keep the whole FLynn trial going to keep the heat off the most scandal free administration in history. I mean what will happen if the press starts reporting that the last administration made up a reason to lie to the FISA courts to use the FBI/CIA apparatus to spy on American political operatives?

How do they explain that? See it's better to just burn down American cities than admit their crimes.
texassapper's Avatar
Yeah. Peaceful protests have gotten black Americans so much in the last 70 years. They’ve been peacefully protesting (mostly) for st least 70 years, and things are worse now than the have been in a long time. I’d say it’s time to try something different. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Different from Watts '65, LA. '92, Detroit '67, Crown Heights '91, Baltimore '15, Ferguson '14? You mean different from those?
dallasfan's Avatar
President is about to give speech at the White House outside. Am I the only one that thinks this might make it worst lol.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Yeah. Peaceful protests have gotten black Americans so much in the last 70 years. They’ve been peacefully protesting (mostly) for st least 70 years, and things are worse now than the have been in a long time. I’d say it’s time to try something different. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

I’ll say the same thing I said when you pushed for open boarders! Let’s give the protesters your address. I’m sure they could find something they wanted. You are the perfect rich liberal, Living it a nice upscale community (probably gated) and telling the rest of world how to live. I’d prefer you just head out Nancy’s for some ice cream and a gummy bear BJ. Buy a one way first class ticket or get the jet gassed up and ready to go! Be sure to pay extra to reduce your carbon foot print. If we should need your advice we know where to find you, be sure and wait by the phone!

I just can’t believe a college educated man could possibly think violence is the answer. Just who do you think will suffer to make you feel better about America?Sure as Hell it won’t be you!

Put some skin in the game, no sideline high dollar charity events. Get out here and stand up for what you believe!

If not, shut the ‘’F’’ up!

Have a nice day!
TexTushHog's Avatar
I’ve been to two protests this week, thank you. Likely going again tomorrow. And don’t live in any gated communities. But whatever you want to think, go ahead.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 06-01-2020, 11:18 PM
Protests are fine. But if I see a threat to my safety, that threat will be dealt with swiftly. Namely a bullet.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Oh yea , the HONG KONG FLU 1968 killed over 100,000 people ( CDC #) and between 1 an 4 million in the world , and Woodstock
Not much social distancing during the riots / protests. Apparently everyone has moved on to the next crisis
txexetoo's Avatar
I’ve been to two protests this week, thank you. Likely going again tomorrow. And don’t live in any gated communities. But whatever you want to think, go ahead. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Hanging with and no doubt directing your antifa buddies
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
I’ve been to two protests this week, thank you. Likely going again tomorrow. And don’t live in any gated communities. But whatever you want to think, go ahead. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Protested or rioted? You were talking about violence in the post I was referring to.

Great!, no gated community, just PM your address. I’ll save you the trouble having to leave the comfort of home. I’ll lease a couple of buses and bring the ‘’protesters’’ to you! Is 10PM good?

You may want to head to Whole Foods and get a couple of cold-cut trays, you guys gotta keep your energy up! That shit gets heavy after a while. Block parties are fun and a good way to beat you Neighbors, OH sorry for the typo. Meet your neighbors!
Soros rent-a-thugs.
matchingmole's Avatar
Reminds me of 1968 ( yes I'm old) riots MLK killed , RFK killed Nam , Applo 7 Originally Posted by rexdutchman

Only difference is now we have a President with no brains