I love overnight visits, but good ones are so hard to find

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-21-2017, 11:51 AM
Only reason I can see a man wanting an overnight is because he wants to feel that spark or chemistry between himself and her. Never really happens with a paid woman.

She does not want to be with you

She likes the overnight as it is easy cash.

She does not like you

you are a creep that pays women for sex

You should hear how these women talk about us behind our backs

They do not like us

She does not orgasm often with clients. It is an act.

She is in it for the money, not for you.

I do not like the thought of the woman sleeping next to me thinking "cannot wait until morning! Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
And so it is with self-fulfilling prophecies.

Yes, it is always a business transaction. But your mantra of "they hate us, they can't wait to leave" sure doesn't let you notice the real parts when they are there. Sad. Keep convincing yourself it is all ONLY an illusion and you will grow up to be Wakeup. And THAT is the stuff of nightmares!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-21-2017, 11:54 AM
Maverick, trying to point out where Wakeup has gone off the deep end is a waste of time. He believes everything he says is divinely inspired and infallible.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm an atheist...and I am infallible...
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-21-2017, 12:15 PM
A divinely inspired atheist. That is truly different--and scary!

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I'm an atheist...and I am infallible... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Ok Wakup,
Here's a quote for your sig line:

Thank God I'm an atheist - Louis Bunuel
Wakeup's Avatar
Why would I add that to my sig line?

A divinely inspired atheist. That is truly different--and scary! Originally Posted by Old-T
If that's how your reading comprehension skills interpreted my post, you run with that...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Why would I add that to my sig line? Originally Posted by Wakeup
To tease god. You wouldn't worry about that would you?
Wakeup's Avatar
Why would I want to tease something that doesn't exist? You might want to go figure out what atheism is, sport.
I am nit the one living in a dellusional world of fantasy. I live in reality as such I do not need to myself of anything. Yrs Old T it is a business transaction, that is my point so those who think it is anything more than that are the dellusional ones. People pist in here about how some ladies spend time with them off the clock, like that means something special????? I spend time all day with women that do not charge me, so what???? Nothing special there, keep telling yourself they like you and are into you, again who is dellusional, dude wake up, lol. Stop paying these ladies see how often they come by, see if they suck in you, bet not. Business is business nothing more nor less. My best sex was not with a provider, condoms kill the pleasure, thus sex with providers is not all this shit you people make it out to be. You right that crap in reviews for two reasons, 1) impress other men "look how manly I am! I am macho, I called a lady and paid her for sex!!" How manly is being with a woman for money? 2) to impress the provider "hey baby please like me, I wrote all this good junk about you, please, please like me?" She does not like you. Remember high school where boasting about fucking girls got you in hot water with the girl, because it was humiliating and insulting to do. Boasting about making a phone call is pretty sad if you ask me. How do you convince a provider to sleep with you, just call her, no accimplishment nor bragging rights IMHO. She is the ultimate definition of easy.

I am not the dellusional one, I am the real. But for some pretending is part of the game I guess, not my game though.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Why would I want to tease something that doesn't exist? You might want to go figure out what atheism is, sport. Originally Posted by Wakeup
Hoping you might slip.
It's a slow day.
nekisa's Avatar
I love a good overnighter, as long as there is true chemistry it can be quite the treat. If the connection isn't there (which I hope you would meet prior to an overnight) then I can see how things could go south. Theres defiantly boundaries & things that should be clearly discussed before making an arrangement like this.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Back to overnights.
Only a couple with one gal that I've known for several years. And she's a non-eccie part-timer. Yes it's the chemistry thing.
Smpslt7's Avatar
I'm an atheist...and I am infallible... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I like to think of myself as a devout atheist. 😊
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-22-2017, 12:34 PM
I am nit the one living in a dellusional world of fantasy. I live in reality as such I do not need to myself of anything. Yrs Old T it is a business transaction, that is my point
I completely agree with you--the basis of the interaction is a business transaction. I never said otherwise.

so those who think it is anything more than that are the dellusional ones.
But here is where I believe you are wrong. You have decided that YOU have no interest in it developing into anything else in addition to a business transaction. That is perfectly fine if that is what you want. But for you to assume none of the ladies or men could possibly want anything more--well, that is just closed minded of you. And for no good reason, really. People with your view, and Wakeups, and others seem intent to convince us that if we have different experiences then we must be delusional. Sorry, that just isn't the way human interactions work.

People pist in here about how some ladies spend time with them off the clock, like that means something special????? I spend time all day with women that do not charge me, so what????
It means that if you are not reimbursing them in some way, and you are not holding them captive, then THEY PROBABLY ENJOY YOUR COMPANY. Otherwise why would they stay?

And THAT, sir, is just the point. Sometimes a lady enjoys the company of a man and she chooses to spend some of her "free time" with him. You admit it happens with you, so why not with other men? You admit it happens with some ladies, so why do you decree it "can't happen" with women who work in this profession? Are they somehow not real humans, capable of having the same kind of thoughts/reactions as other women?

Nothing special there, keep telling yourself they like you and are into you, again who is dellusional, dude wake up, lol.
So you are implying the ladies associate with you for free because they DISLIKE you? That is just weird.

Stop paying these ladies see how often they come by, see if they suck in you, bet not. Business is business nothing more nor less.
This is where you seem to lose the logic trail. They are professionals--why would I not pay them for their professional services? Of course I would. But that is quite different from them spending some non-professional time with me. Dinner, a show, a day trip somewhere we are both interested in going. Those things happen with some frequency. As do occasions where I arrange for a three hour paid date, and they choose to stay until morning. We know where the professional side ends and the friend time starts--I agree it is very important both sides have the same understanding.

Do they stop coming around when I stop paying? Most? Absolutely--as I would expect. Some, no. I am still friends with several retired ladies and when I am in their area we often go out or I am invited over for dinner at her house. Sometimes there is sexual play time, sometimes not. I have hosted several ladies at my place when they came out for vacation--no expectation for anything from them in return, but sometimes there is. None of these are "delusions" on my part.

My best sex was not with a provider, condoms kill the pleasure, thus sex with providers is not all this shit you people make it out to be
Not sure what this has to do with the topic, but whatever. The very best sexual partner did happen to be a lady I hired. I paid her for about 10 years until her situation changed. Now we are FWBs, and while I do make sure she knows I value her very much, it is nothing near a paid hourly rate. There are other ways to show a lady you value her.

You right that crap in reviews for two reasons, 1) impress other men "look how manly I am! I am macho, I called a lady and paid her for sex!!" How manly is being with a woman for money? 2) to impress the provider "hey baby please like me, I wrote all this good junk about you, please, please like me?" She does not like you.
Hmmmm, why else might guys write reviews?
--For free private access time on the site?
--Because they want to help out other guys with the info?
--Because they had a good experience and want to publicly than the lady involved with a good word--just like a TripAdvisor or Yelp review

Do you think this board would be better without reviews?

Remember high school where boasting about fucking girls got you in hot water with the girl, because it was humiliating and insulting to do. Boasting about making a phone call is pretty sad if you ask me. How do you convince a provider to sleep with you, just call her, no accimplishment nor bragging rights IMHO. She is the ultimate definition of easy.
See comments above. For most of us--OK, well for mine at least--I feel no need to boast. Any review I have written has been to help give a lady some well deserved advertising, or to advise guys of something they might want to know before picking up the phone. I don't get any ego strokes from writing reviews. I do get ego strokes from the ladies at times.

I am not the dellusional one, I am the real. But for some pretending is part of the game I guess, not my game though. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
I never intended to say you were delusional--just that if you convince yourself that all the ladies hate all the guys, then you are going to create a self fulfilling prophesy by the way you act, consciously or subconsciously. You are going to not see signs that a lady actually might connect with you because you precondition yourself not to notice such things

If you are happy with what your situation in this corner of the world is, good for you. But for you to say anyone else's experiences automatically must match yours or else be delusions is closed minded.
Old T you contradict yourself, on one hand you say these women would not see you if you did not pay them, but on the other hand you claim you are friends or have a connection with these women. Do you pay your friends/family $200+ hr to hang out with them? You are paying them to be your friends, so how is that a friendship? If you are looking to fill a loneliness void, escorts cannot fill that void. I don't understand why someone would pay someone to be their friend? Friendships are valuable because your friends care about you. When you pay someone to be your friend that person pretending to be your friend does not really care about you, which defeats the purpose of paying that person to be your friend. And paying someone to sleep, do I really need to explain that? I'm not saying a paid friendship could never turn into a real friendship somewhere down the line, but let's be real, this is a very rare situation. You do mention that some ladies will spend more time with you than you have paid for so therefore these are friendships and you are not being delusional. I don't agree with this logic either. You are still paying for friendship, just at a lower hourly rate. If you have to pay them to be your friend then they are not your friend, it's pretty simple.