A review posted by a client I did not see

I always find the above a load of BS. My favorite lady at the moment, I have seen at her incall easily over 20 times. The color of her couch? I assure you she has a very nice incall, but I could never tell you the color of her couch. It is the last thing I am paying attention to when I see her! I could make vague generalizations about the incall, but they would sound very vague.

I'm so tired of the double standard around here. A known lady NCNS's a guy, and tons of posters come to her aid. There must be a good reason... etc ad nauseum. There are very few good excuses for a NCNS, the only one I can think of is, "I was in an accident and unconcious on the way to the hospital." Beyond that, she can give a call an hour or two later... but the truth is most NCNS ladies just don't care that much, and as a client you'll wait forever for that call or email.

Yet a guy posts a "No" review, and he suddenly has to supply proof, when the lady has shown no information on why the review is false?

This place is moving in the wrong direction if he needs to supply any info before she gives really good info on why she believes the review to be suspect. (And that's all she can claim, as per the reviewer, he doesn't use his board name.) Originally Posted by 69er
you nailed it. It's become an "us" against "them" mentality every time there's a dispute. That's never good for business.
Anybody want to take odds on this? Got my ass kicked yesterday (fucking Tebow, really???) but I know a sure thing when I see one. Originally Posted by TheBizz
lol...what's the over/under? 10am?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I always wonder why guys use other handles to book appointments. I for one use someones handle as a screening tool. I go back and read their posts and see how they interact with people here. If you use another handle you are denying me that right. Isn't it against the rules to have multiple handles anyway?

Now if you dont have your handle attached to your p411 profile that is your right, but I can see where some confusion can come in when a handle like the op's reviews you and you know you would have never booked with someone with a handle like that. Is it allowed? yes but I do feel it is kind of sneaky and deceptive.

I for one wouldn't want to have an appointment with someone that I had a major disagreement with here on eccie if he was using a secret handle because that person very well could go back and write a messed up review out of spite. I know it is kind of a reach but hell it is possible.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I always wonder why guys use other handles to book appointments. I for one use someones handle as a screening tool. I go back and read their posts and see how they interact with people here. If you use another handle you are denying me that right. Isn't it against the rules to have multiple handles anyway? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar

If I'm reading this correctly, you bring up 2 points.

First. IF a person keeps his handle a secret from providers when he is getting screened, for example, NOT putting it on his P411 profile, what would you do, force him to disclose it? Force him to create a handle on a review board? Maybe he uses a review board you refuse to join or even a review board that some providers have been told by other review boards not to join or they will get banned from here on ECCIE? What would you do then?

Second. Posting style on an anonymous silly hooker message board is almost always different from how a person is in person. I know for a fact that my own posting style pisses you off but my posting style hasn't changed before or after I first met you.

Can you honestly say that my online "attitude" or "personality" bore any relationship to the in person sessions we had when you first started? Seriously?

If providers choose to not see a client due to their handle personality, they most likely miss out on a lot of good clients. In fact, what many providers don't know is that some of the "favorite" posters you clamor over and adore online, have Yahoo groups or other posting mediums that would shock the hell out of those providers with the raw dog type of data they share and post. Ever been to ymwv and read some of that shit Houston throws around? That's just one example and believe me there are many others.

Everyone screams about not using handles to screen when a provider gets in trouble in alerts yet it seems you are saying the opposite that providers SHOULD be using handles to screen. I can't reconcile those two sides properly.

And yes, guys are not allowed to have multiple handles on ECCIE but we see duplicate handles banned all the time.

That doesn't stop people nor does it stop many from having a different handle on each review site.

Hell, how many providers have male handles and pay for BCD access just to be able to read the Men's Lounge?
I think the real issue is that some guys have different handles on ECCIE than lets say P411. That way, they can perhaps be an ass here, but with good behavior on P411, pass screening with flying colors.

A lot of guys do it. Might actually should be a totally new thread for discussion, primarily so everyone can discuss the pros & cons of multiple handles across multiple boards.

Me, I am tigercat. Always been, don't plan to change. I have enough trouble with multiple personalities, no way can I keep track of multiple handles...Do remember some great sessions with a lady who used to compare herself to Sybil. Wonder where she went.

Now, I think we have done the HE SAID/SHE SAID portion of this thread, don't the mods normally lock the thread once the parties have had their say?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
you are absolutely correct Laz... I have found a few of the guys who are assholes on the board to be quite charming in person, some of my best clients actually. My point is why be sneaky and hide it? Its kinda like a bait & switch dont ya think?
you are absolutely correct Laz... I have found a few of the guys who are assholes on the board to be quite charming in person, some of my best clients actually. My point is why be sneaky and hide it? Its kinda like a bait & switch dont ya think? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Only if they promise $$$ and then pay in pesos

Jules, I promise to let you know who I am whenever we finally get together, as long as you promise not to act too disappointed.
LazurusLong's Avatar

I'd think that by hiding their handles from their screening, they are more likely to post honest reviews.

One of the issues that has impacted the strip club scene is when guys claim to be some big shot handle on a board to try and get better services, and the stripper has no way to know who the person really is and it has been talked about how funny it is to see a guy with no game in a club try to leverage his supposed handle clout to get more because he otherwise would be spanking it at home later unless he played that card.

That same thing happens here where guys can toss around handles like they are a big deal. Go check the alert on rummerpaul and how he has used his handle as a sledgehammer on providers.
pmdelites's Avatar
you are absolutely correct Laz... I have found a few of the guys who are assholes on the board to be quite charming in person, some of my best clients actually. My point is why be sneaky and hide it? Its kinda like a bait & switch dont ya think? Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
well, since this one has veered so far off track, here's my thoughts...

1. elena.moon, as others have said, if you claim that you never saw the guy, then you need to provide some credible evidence to the mods about this. otherwise, deal with it.

2. until elena provides that info and it's checked out, Efrem Syphilis can post his review and let it stand on its merits. if someone has evidence that it's a crock of shit, post it per the guidelines that Duke of G posted. others can comment on it, defend her, support him, etc. But until she provides credible evidence, it's there until the pixels fade away.

3. there are no rules or guidelines on how someone contacts a woman for an appt, nor that he has to have an eccie account. each woman sets her own screening process and the guy either accepts it or moves on.

according to p411 [if i remember correctly], a guy has to use his real first name for the first part of his p411 acct name. thus, while pmdelites is my user acct name here, that name is nowhere in my p411 acct name. so, if i contact a woman and ONLY provide her my p411 info, she'll never know i'm connected to pmdelites unless i tell her.

hiding info? yes. sneaky? no. cos i dont have to provide her all my info. the woman could always ask "do you have an acct on eccie, eraps, ter, etc.? and if so, what is it?" again, the guy could provide that info or move on.

bottom line, go by the woman's process to schedule. or move on.
go by the processes laid out to contest reviews posted here. or move on.

btw, bait & switch is representing oneself or one's product as one thing and then offering something very different when the person arrives for the exchange.
pmdelites's Avatar

I'd think that by hiding their handles from their screening, they are more likely to post honest reviews. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
there are prolly 1000+ reasons why guys dont give a woman his eccie handle.
your thought may be one of them. i would think that it surely isnt the only or the most prevalent one.

when i write reviews, i strive to recreate the sense of the overall encounter [sometimes from booking til afterwards]. since i dont have a notepad in the session nor in my car for immediate capture of the experiences, i have to rely on my memory. sure, sometimes i forget to add something or sometimes i add something that maybe didnt exactly happen that way. but the general spirit of the review is pretty damn accurate [at least that's what my mind tells me].

when i do write about something that disappointed me, or her appearance that wasnt noted by her or others, or her slovenly ways, or her less than deliteful attitude or skills; i'll do so in as nice a manner as i can. to me, there's no upside to bitching or calling her names.

so, pretty honest, imo. and it's been a very looooong time since i havent given my eccie acct name to a woman prior to booking.

so, either the guy's a pretty straight up guy or he's a jerk. and that will become apparent pretty soon after he posts a few reviews.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I always find the above a load of BS. My favorite lady at the moment, I have seen at her incall easily over 20 times. The color of her couch? I assure you she has a very nice incall, but I could never tell you the color of her couch. Originally Posted by 69er
I'm not sure that I can tell you the color of the couch in my house, and I bought the damned thing.
I'm not sure that I can tell you the color of the couch in my house, and I bought the damned thing. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I just answer "grey" and then mention I'm colorblind.
69er.... I was simply TRYING to let him know there is a way to prove her wrong. I'm not saying he has to at all...... Originally Posted by Amber Rain
I appreciate the thought Amber, but I do not feel even the slightest need to prove anything. I doubt anyone seriously believes anything I have said is false.

I am sure all this drama is just exacerbating what is already a uncomfortable situation for the OP. We can hash these things out ad nauseum, but I think the only thing it will accomplish is more embarrassment for her. I never said she was a "bad person", she just needs to clean up her act. Hopefully, someone will close this thread soon as an act of kindness.
Thank you Efrem. As I told you in the email, You don't have to prove anything to anyone on here. You and her both know the truth. No one else was there. Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge that I was only trying to help you by offering you a suggestion IF you felt obligated to do so.

I wish you the best of luck, sweetie. Hobby safe. Hold your head up and it will get better. MMMWUAHHH... love.
BTW Jules... We met [gasp!] a little over a year ago. I taught you how to make caipirinhas.. remember?