No, I say he doesn't know how to govern because he doesn't know how to govern. Governing is more than signing bills and making speeches. It involves the ability to inspire citizens to greater heights of achievement and inspire us to overcome our differences.

The fact that, as you stated it, that roughly half of the Country disagrees with the Presidents Policies sort of proves my point. The Country has rarely been as divided as it is now, and many of his policies entail bringing down those who strive and achieve to the level of those who want a free handout and attach blame for all of their maladies on everybody but themselves.

President Obama is a Demagogue. Period. He fits the definition to a "T". That makes him a great candidate, a great campaigner, and great at winning elections.

It, however, makes for a lousy leader. Originally Posted by Jackie S

Trying to govern in this climate is like herding cats. It would be as hard for a Republican as a Democrat. These fuckers can't pass a bill for him to sign that really solves anything.
If Obama were to meet the Republicans in the middle; there would be plenty of legislation for Obama to sign............but Obama is an arrogant prick who falsely thinks he has won a mandate for radical transformation...his arrogance is what produced the disastrous Obamacare bill in 2009 and the GOP sweep in 2010.

But I don't favor compromises; I prefer gridlock and total destruction of the Obama socialism.

Trying to govern in this climate is like herding cats. It would be as hard for a Republican as a Democrat. These fuckers can't pass a bill for him to sign that really solves anything. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I B Hankering's Avatar
We're not talking about the last 13 1/2 years. Very true if you look at the major stock market indices over the long haul, you might be lucky to break even. Any financial seminar you might attend will hammer at that fact. I'm talking about the time from early 2009 up until today. If you had invested your money in the stock market in 2009 your wealth could have increased 2-3 times. I invested my 401k money rather conservatively and still made a huge profit in my portfolio in just 4 years. Just like sitting at a poker or blackjack table, you have to figure out when a cold streak is coming and get out. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Evidently, you did not notice that the market has just barely returned to where it was in 2007: which was only 5 years ago and still not an "all time high". Any investment you had in 2007 stagnated. Further, what is going to happen to this "artificial recovery" in the market when the Fed turns off the tap?
But I don't favor compromises; I prefer gridlock and total destruction Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It appears that Trendy has clearly gone on record as wanting America to fail at all costs!

What an asshole!

Evidently, you did not notice that the market has just barely returned to where it was in 2007: which was only 5 years ago and still not an "all time high". Any investment you had in 2007 stagnated. Further, what is going to happen to this "artificial recovery" in the market when the Fed turns off the tap?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
The following represents the total performance of the Dow Jones Industrial under Obama's watch:

November 11, 2013 the Dow closed at 15,783.10.

Inauguration Day 2009, the Dow opened at 8279.63.

That is a difference of 7503.47. (In case JD Idiot's twin brother IB has not been paying attention the difference is very close to the total value of the Dow on the day Obama took office.)

It appears to me that the Dow has done quite well since Obama first took office!

Of special note: On November 11, 2013 the Dow "Rises 21.32 to close at 15,783.10, this is the historical DJIA closing high."
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Evidently, you did not notice that the market has just barely returned to where it was in 2007: which was only 5 years ago and still not an "all time high". Any investment you had in 2007 stagnated. Further, what is going to happen to this "artificial recovery" in the market when the Fed turns off the tap?
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Again, what you are stating is 100% irrelevant to me. Obama was not in office in 2007. Bush was and the market crashed under him. When Obama took office I had "x" dollars in my 401k. Today I have "2x" dollars in my 401k, not counting additional contributions I have made to the 401k. Whether or not you give Obama credit for that is also irrelevant to me. My personal financial situation has improved dramatically since Obama took office. That is of primary importance to me.
If Obama were to meet the Republicans in the middle; there would be plenty of legislation for Obama to sign............but Obama is an arrogant prick who falsely thinks he has won a mandate for radical transformation...his arrogance is what produced the disastrous Obamacare bill in 2009 and the GOP sweep in 2010.

But I don't favor compromises; I prefer gridlock and total destruction of the Obama socialism. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Meet the Republicans in the middle? What middle would that be?? You want him to shut down and retract what everybody views as the centerpiece of his administration, the Affordable Health Care Act. Republicans aren't interested in meeting anyone in the middle. The sole underlying goal of everything the Republicans do is to discredit President Obama so they can gain control of the Executive Branch of government come 2016. Your stated preference is the essence of it. You prefer gridlock and destruction, country be damned. Fucking idiot.
Jackie S....Trannytim contradicts himself multiple times in his own posts....its his MO. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And your MO is to call people silly names and try to change the subject when you've had your ass kicked so hard you're wearing it for a hat.
If Obama were to meet the Republicans in the middle; there would be plenty of legislation for Obama to sign............but Obama is an arrogant prick who falsely thinks he has won a mandate for radical transformation...his arrogance is what produced the disastrous Obamacare bill in 2009 and the GOP sweep in 2010.

But I don't favor compromises; I prefer gridlock and total destruction of the Obama socialism. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

The middle of what? Republicans are driven by the tea bags who are so far right there is no middle.Just arrogant first timers who are destructing the Grand Old Party.
HAHAH.....You complaining about name calling is priceless.................

And my OP was about the number of golf rounds; you are the one who changed the subject to vacation day counts; and then complain when I follow up about Obama not deserving vacation time because he is a miserable failure who causes more harm than good.

And your MO is to call people silly names and try to change the subject when you've had your ass kicked so hard you're wearing it for a hat. Originally Posted by timpage
When posters boast about "kicking ass" it is always because they failed to do just that ! You boasted you were leaving; you never did; now you boast about kicking ass; boast, boast boast....that is all you have TrannyTimmy - hollow empty boasting.

Begs the question: Why are you such a pathetic sot ?

And why don't you give it a try = tell us why Obama deserves any vacation time...he is a miserable failure and should be ashamed to take any personal time away from the job !
Why didn't Obama adopt some of the GOP healthcare initiatives ?

He could have tried to get a few Republicans on board; but he didn't...he held that summit and then blew off every recommendation the republicans made to make Obamacare better....

Obama won't even do away with the dumbest of his requirements - MEDICAL DEVICE TAX !

A job killing tax on an industry that pays American workers well !

Talk about arrogant intransigence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does Obama wage his war against the American Middle Class ?
The original point = Obama has been a failure; he shouldn't be playing 150 rounds of golf.

To compare Bush's vacation time to Obama's is a farce. Bush presided over an economy that rebounded from the Clinton dotcom bust AND 9/11 attacks that devastated this country. Bush earned his time away. Obama hasn't done shit and should be hanging his head in disgrace instead of racking up round after round on the links ! Obama hasn't earned his vacation days.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Practice makes perfect. Can't say I blame him for wanting to be good at something.
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  • 11-12-2013, 01:07 PM
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  • 11-12-2013, 01:10 PM
Why didn't Obama adopt some of the GOP healthcare initiatives ?

He could have tried to get a few Republicans on board; but he didn't...he held that summit and then blew off every recommendation the republicans made to make Obamacare better....

Obama won't even do away with the dumbest of his requirements - MEDICAL DEVICE TAX !

A job killing tax on an industry that pays American workers well !

Talk about arrogant intransigence !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does Obama wage his war against the American Middle Class ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You mean the ones sitting during his speech waving blank sheets of paper?
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  • CJ7
  • 11-12-2013, 01:37 PM
You mean the ones sitting during his speech waving blank sheets of paper? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

whirlie ..

yeah, well, Boehner lies his ass off and you're still yammering bullshit ..