question for ya'll

Wakeup's Avatar
hi space. nice to see you again as well. i'm not gonna take the bait, sorry. lol. Originally Posted by pxmcc
so i sent space a pm telling him to man up and talk shit to my face. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Yeah...way to not take the bait...

Every time he posts, it gets is that even possible???
LOL, post a review for those who advertise that they are providers from known provider sites. The rest you will keep in your memory banks.
Good grief... Wrong forum for query by OP and...

why is DM posting in this forum (repeatedly)

smh Originally Posted by Skittlez
Because its in coed & I can
  • pxmcc
  • 02-02-2016, 09:21 AM
Yeah...way to not take the bait...

Every time he posts, it gets is that even possible??? Originally Posted by Wakeup
hi wakeup. still running ur big mouth? some things never change. sigh. now about that whole CB did u ever figure out i was the hobbyist on that caper? yup sure was. lol. my stuff goes viral even under a damn pseudonym. and no u cant ban me now; i get credit for time served lol.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-02-2016, 09:40 AM
Just clarifying something. I don't want to assume anything but did someone's real world info go out in the OP's original post? Originally Posted by 1sthandsonguy
Wakeup's Avatar
I only run my mouth when you epic fail...stop epic failing...

Your Ebonics is unintelligible. What are you trying to say about CB?
  • pxmcc
  • 02-02-2016, 10:28 AM
I only run my mouth when you epic fail...stop epic failing...

Your Ebonics is unintelligible. What are you trying to say about CB? Originally Posted by Wakeup
i was the hobbyist who wrote that review when u allegedly got outed for the 2nd time. CB is a bad ass bitch by kiss my lilly white ass (kmlwa). i got banned for having 2 handles tho. lol
Champagne Brown's Avatar
Damn you got banned for a long time for having two handles..

They must of really had it out for you..

Welcome back btw
  • pxmcc
  • 02-02-2016, 10:52 AM
Damn you got banned for a long time for having two handles..

They must of really had it out for you.. Originally Posted by Champagne Brown
umm ya. im probably the most controversial hobbyist on eccie, which is why they practically threw away the key. lol
Wakeup's Avatar
Are we supposed to be impressed that you got banned? You think that improves your street cred around here? You're now somehow "controversial"? Got news for you ain't shit...

You're still fab-uuuuu-lous, PX.

  • pxmcc
  • 02-03-2016, 12:35 AM

You're still fab-uuuuu-lous, PX.

Originally Posted by Space Cowboy
space wtf is ur problem? ur like a 3rd grader or something. i know ur a pussy but i just wanna b left in peace. is that too much to ask from you? like everyone here is cool n chill n u come in here tryin to start shit. its a little much, u know? take a couple puffs from the peace pipe n chill the fuck out. lol. ima keep writin crazy shit cause thats how i roll and if ur not entertained, then just dont read it, u know? it aint rocket science.
"Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained?" Maximus, from Gladiator, Ridley Scott's finest yet.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-03-2016, 02:10 AM
but if ur bored space, go read my 3 latest reviews. they're all balls to the wall, go fuck urself kind of sessions:
"want some candy little boy?..."
"bp ebony doll anastasia" and
"bp chyna- toftt" lol.
you can comment respectfully, but not if ur gonna go starting shit again. lol.
Originally Posted by Space Cowboy