Discussion: Should there be a way to cooperate to share information?

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  • GP
  • 01-29-2010, 04:12 PM
And as GP has it, the hurt feelings of us that do post alot. Na please don't do that. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
LOL, I may be right, but I don't necessarily agree with what I said. It would not hurt my feelings. Only because I know I am at the top of all their lists LOL j/k
Offshore, it was a tongue-in-cheek suggestion, but I had fun just thinking about it. I don't have DP's confidence. I just hope some ladies would feel sorry for me and at least put me in the "Honorable Mention" list.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Offshore, it was a tongue-in-cheek suggestion, but I had fun just thinking about it. I don't have DP's confidence. I just hope some ladies would feel sorry for me and at least put me in the "Honorable Mention" list. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Jack: I want to know how GP's arm is feeling. Its got to hurt patting oneself on the back that hard.

Thinking of a 60's or 70's song by a female. About how great her man was. One of my cousin's use to sing to himself. Ahhhhh what was that song.
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The providers are grownups and can handle this on their own without the hobbyists getting involved. It seems kind of "white knight"ish for guys to try and take on such a task. Yeah, the tards make it a bit harder for us to be trusted but there's always going to be idiots out there no matter what you do.

And just imaging if there's a misunderstanding, a difference in perception of a situation while an irate provider in an emotional state has your personal information. You'd be slain by the white knights when they don't know the whole story.

Let the providers have their backchannels, private forums or whatever they see fit to protect themselves from buttheads.
The ladies have many areas in where to post alerts, real alerts, not "he needs to shave" LOL. When it is warranted, mod's are sent the info. But most alerts are kept via back channels (off board). As far as posting alerts in "ladies only" forums, there are leak in all forums gentlemen.

Many times when an alert is posted in a private forum to give other providers a heads up, the alert gets back to the guy, The lady then has to deal with harassment, threats, bad mouthing, etc. So most ladies seldom post alerts on any board. All this because we shared valuable information with fellow providers to protect them and were stabbed by one of our own. Imagine how much more dangerous it would be to share this information in an open forum with both men and women.

As far as reviewing the men, well it has been my experience that the consumers review the product or service, not the other way around. As a product/service myself, I do not wish to review any of my consumers because I do love my repeat customers. <grin>

Sorry if I'm buttin in Yankee territory. Ya'll be gentle now, hear?


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