Newbie Friendly

ntxguy's Avatar
For those who are actually looking to get started in the hobby, be mindful of a few things:
1. Be careful of what you share personal info wise. You run a HUGE risk of being outed to a spouse, employer, etc. Several documented instances of providers here that have outed just because of being late to an appointment or an unforeseen circumstance that causes a need to cancel.
2. Be mindful of deposit scams. Only give away what you will not miss.
3. Never prepay. I highly doubt that many (more like any) keep any ledger of services due.
4. Always treat the ladies with respect. Take the high road if there are disagreements.
5. Find your few that you enjoy your time with and stick with them. You take care of them, they take care of you.
6. Be sure to always check the FONT of provider ads. This is a SENsational tip.

Happy hobbying! Originally Posted by Spoljana
Wise words that not only newbies but all hobbyist’s should heed.
It’s one thing to not receive the level of services that you was Hoping for, but it’s a whole different thing when you are here on an escort website complaining and whining about inflation and the ladies rates. Like I said before, if a woman rate is $500 or more that’s her choice and that is how she values herself and her time. Whatever services a guy is looking for, if that provider does not offer it or you didn’t enjoy it then cool, don’t go see her at all or again, but to be on a site like this this crying about what a lady charge and how the rates are increasing is absolutely ridiculous and certainly gives to the ladies broke vibes for sure.

I value my time and her time and if her rate is $500 or more and I want to spend time with that lady, then I’m going to pay for her time regardless if I enjoyed her services or not. I don’t have to repeat with her if I don’t feel like she was worth my time, but no guy should come on here and complain about inflation and high rates for certain providers just because you had a bad experience or can’t afford to pay to play.

Men forget that sex for money is illegal, so technically we are supposed to be paying for her time in hopes of great service, but if that doesn’t happen ok, just move on to the next and keep your cheap, broke ass comments like dormG to yourself. There are plenty of women here that is absolutely worth $500 or more and the service will match it, but you first have to have the money to pay to even see if that is true. I personally have never visited with lusty busty Gina, Grace Preston, Rm, and other more known top providers here, but I’m sure they are worth their rate and much more, and if I was to visit with them and I wanted to tip them an extra $300 or $500 on top of their rate then that will certainly be my choice to do so.

Every man budget is different and I personally do not have one, my belief is if a woman made me feel very comfortable and I truly enjoyed my time with her, and her rate was $400 and I give her $1,000 then that is my choice and my freedom to do so. I don’t pay according to what all her services she can provide me, nope that’s what broke cheap men do. Like the provider RM has said already the cheapest guys want you to do the most for the least amount of money as possible, hey baby can you jump rope, do 50 burpee’s, swing on the ceiling fan, text me in the morning to wake me up at 7am, lol a bunch of silly shit like that and that’s just crazy to me. I honestly don’t have that kind of time for a provider to perform a circus for me lol, nope I have to go and time is really my money for me.

Complaining about a provider rates is not going to make the rates go down, rates are here to stay and will continue to increase over time as they should. If a provider is $1,000 an hour for her time, then who are you to tell her what she is worth or not, get the fuck out of here. Just say I can’t afford that and move on to a provider that you can afford, but certainly crying about her high rate is not going to get you any closer to that pussy lol.

no matter what a guy budget is men never ever forget…….

PUSSY COST MONEY, DICK IS FREE Originally Posted by suiram77
Not gonna lie, I didn’t read all of that. But…for a guy who self proclaims himself to be a “high roller”, seems like you would have more encounters. Insulting others…that’s a bold strategy Cotton. I don’t think any of these ladies on this thread are interested in you more so than dormGE personally. So stop with the disrespect and “broke ass” comments. It makes you look like a mandle.

Her rules, her rates, her body. Our money. It’s that simple.
Aonegonexx's Avatar
Not taking side of some who blatantly complain on rates, fair discussion by mass market for any product/service (within reason) is to be expected on a discussion board for that product/service.

For every product/service, there is market segmentation. While most cant afford a Ferrari or McLaren, mass market is stilling looking for Hondas and Toyotas. And mass consumer will be unhappy when prices go up and start touching luxury rates...lets say equal to Lexus and Mercedes. I bet people are having discussion on prices on car boards also.

So while I don't want to berate/insult people for rate discussion, continued rate obsession in co-ed is going to result in self inflicting wound.
suiram77's Avatar
Not gonna lie, I didn’t read all of that. But…for a guy who self proclaims himself to be a “high roller”, seems like you would have more encounters. Insulting others…that’s a bold strategy Cotton. I don’t think any of these ladies on this thread are interested in you more so than dormGE personally. So stop with the disrespect and “broke ass” comments. It makes you look like a mandle.

Her rules, her rates, her body. Our money. It’s that simple. Originally Posted by Spoljana
Let’s see, been here only 4 years and 14 reviews, You triggered boy? Jealous I see, I’m laughing at you. Losers should be taught how to value a woman’s time and I see you need the same advice, so put your money up and pay the ladies their rates or shut up.

Let’s see, been here only 4 years and 14 reviews, You triggered boy? Jealous I see, I’m laughing at you. Losers should be taught how to value a woman’s time and I see you need the same advice, so put your money up and pay the ladies their rates or shut up.

BROKE ASS BOY!!!!!! Originally Posted by suiram77
2400 posts, 26 reviews. Looks like you speak more of pussy than partake in it. You are a pathetic troll. Again, these ladies aren’t giving you freebies.

Keep mandle-ing. Is this Becky/Karissa? Ambermonroe/Olivia? I’m done with you, self proclaimed legend. If you want to insult me, then review someone and we will take it up in the locker room.
suiram77's Avatar
2400 posts, 26 reviews. Looks like you speak more of pussy than partake in it. You are a pathetic troll. Again, these ladies aren’t giving you freebies.

Keep mandle-ing. Is this Becky/Karissa? Ambermonroe/Olivia? I’m done with you, self proclaimed legend. If you want to insult me, then review someone and we will take it up in the locker room. Originally Posted by Spoljana
Lmao kmsl, yep you triggered for damn sure. Your friend dormG is the broke one looking for cheap free pussy on here crying all the time about high rates smh. Now it looks like your cash is low too and awe!! the lil baby is coming to defend his broke friend so sweet of you lol. I’m so sorry for you I will keep praying for you ,that you can get a raise soon lmao.

Oh btw I just bought a Tesla truck a few weeks ago and It still have the paper tags on it, will you like to see it?

If Tesla is not your dream car, then I also have a Rolls Royce Cullinan, I can pick you up for coffe one day and you can show me that locker room you mentioned, I never seen one before lmao.

Jealousy ain’t no joke , it’s a real thing lol, you wish you was me lil boy I mean lil girl, keep dreaming CBP, that’s your new name CBP
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
dj8rocks's Avatar
It would be well advised to keep the differing of opinions to a civil tone. dj8
suiram77's Avatar
Family dog there is a lot of great providers that can help you get back in the game, just remember that the ladies are here to make money. If you can afford $300 or more great have fun shopping, but if your budget is lower than $300 then it may be a little bit harder to find quality providers that you will feel safe with.

Happy shopping
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