The truth behind the fake statistic...

Who asked a question about a "former President?" Your question only dealt with the definition of "is." Nothing more, nothing less!

See below!

I answered your exact question as you specifically requested. Didn't I?

Personally, I thought the question was a little strange and then it occurred to me that a "simple" two letter word was probably too complex for you to wrap your feeble mind around.

Hell, I was just trying to help you out. See if I ever try to do a favor for you anymore.

Ungrateful Bastard!

And before I forget, GO 'STROS!

Adios, Gay Rey! Originally Posted by bigtex
I don't need any favors from lying liberals and Slick Willy lovers like you. I knew you didn't have the balls to answer the question if I posed it to include asking how YOUR hero would define it. No wonder Willy the draft dodger is such a hero to you.
I don't need any favors from lying liberals and Slick Willy lovers like you. I knew you didn't have the balls to answer the question if I posed it to include asking how YOUR hero would define it. No wonder Willy the draft dodger is such a hero to you. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Maybe you should ask the question in such a way as to obtain the answer you desire instead of being a stupid fucking cunt and trying to be what you think passes for clever? Did you ever think that maybe you're just easy too fuck with and people take advantage of that fact? It's funny to see you get worked up into a fucking frenzy about shit that means absolutely fucking nothing.
Maybe you should ask the question in such a way as to obtain the answer you desire instead of being a stupid fucking cunt and trying to be what you think passes for clever? Did you ever think that maybe you're just easy to fuck with and people take advantage of that fact? It's funny to see you get worked up into a fucking frenzy about shit that means absolutely fucking nothing. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Kinda like you do when your gay faggot life style is exposed for all to see woomby !
I knew you didn't have the balls to answer the question if I posed it to include asking how YOUR hero would define it. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You ignorant Gay Blade! If you didn't want me to answer your irrelevant question, why in the hell did you ask it?

Perhaps you asked it because it was irrelevant to begin with!

And before I forget, Go 'STROS!

Adios, Gay Rey the Ungrateful and Irrelevant Gay Bladed Bastard!
You ignorant Gay Blade! If you didn't want me to answer your irrelevant question, why in the hell did you ask it?

Perhaps you asked it because it was irrelevant to begin with!

And before I forget, Go 'STROS!

Adios, Gay Rey the Ungrateful and Irrelevant Gay Bladed Bastard! Originally Posted by bigtex
Bet his next reply is full of faggot stuff. You are dealing with a queer, Tex. However he does know the definition of IS now.
However he does know the definition of IS now. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Originally Posted by bigtex
Bet his next reply is full of faggot stuff. You are dealing with a queer, Tex. However he does know the definition of IS now. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Are you WKing for Lil cotex now too ? Does he ship you crates of bananas for your "service" ? You ought to be flush with bananas since you're WKing for him and woomby !
You ignorant Gay Blade! If you didn't want me to answer your irrelevant question, why in the hell did you ask it?

Perhaps you asked it because it was irrelevant to begin with!

And before I forget, Go 'STROS!

Adios, Gay Rey the Ungrateful and Irrelevant Gay Bladed Bastard! Originally Posted by bigtex
Adios to you too you Clinton loving, cock sucking bastard !
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you have a problem with the statistics, argue with the Center for Disease Control. I posted that 92 people a day die from firearms. Never said anything about gun crime. If I did, post a link.....

Why would you lie to try to make a point admiral?

BTW, I guess that means you're OK with 30 dead a day? Fucking idiot. Originally Posted by timpage
and as of 2013 90 people die per day in traffic accidents. so go ahead and post you'd outlaw cars and driving to reduce deaths. idiot libtard
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
While I agree with your statements about the number of guns I find it rather ironic. You have always put John Lott on a pedestal, and what is the title of his book? "More Guns, Less Crime". The problem I find with your statements is that most true right wingers do not want ANY gun control, and forcing a person to be investigated for mental well being before being allowed to purchase a gun would be a violation of their 2nd Amendment Rights. What is the NRA's position on such a requirement? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You make a lot of assumptions that just aren't true. Put John Lott on pedestal??? I just give the man his just due and don't attack him because he followed the statistics to a conclusion that I don't like (like so many on the left).

I don't think you can really say what any "true right winger" thinks. Your idea of a right winger is a misleading caricature created by the left. The NRA helped to write the first gun control laws because as any "true right winger" knows, not everyone should have access to a firearm. Unlike the left (Hillary for one), you don't hear anyone on the right saying to give back convicted felons their constitutional rights (including voting and firearm ownership).

As for "forcing" someone....what does that mean anyway? Most of our lives are on record. It just takes someone to look up a record. Where is the force? It is the left that forces people to take sensitivity training, harassment training, violence in the work place training, rape training, etc. No, it is the left that uses force. We on the right just mention that IF you REALLY want to do something about mass shootings then you're going to have to open up those mental health records. Not an endorsement for or against, just an understanding of the reality that the left refuses to grasp.

I don't know (neither do you apparently) any OFFICIAL position taken by the NRA on mental evaluations but we do believe that a gun in the hand of a crazy can, in many cases, be countered by a gun in the hands of a sane person on the scene.
You are so completely full of shit that it is hard to know where to start. This ridiculous argument is just like so many other absurd things you post....The GOP is the party of diversity, MLK hated immigrants, The republicans were responsible for civil rights, blah blah blah. And, now....the NRA is in favor of gun control. You are a fucking nut.

You make a lot of assumptions that just aren't true. Put John Lott on pedestal??? I just give the man his just due and don't attack him because he followed the statistics to a conclusion that I don't like (like so many on the left).

I don't think you can really say what any "true right winger" thinks. Your idea of a right winger is a misleading caricature created by the left. The NRA helped to write the first gun control laws because as any "true right winger" knows, not everyone should have access to a firearm. Unlike the left (Hillary for one), you don't hear anyone on the right saying to give back convicted felons their constitutional rights (including voting and firearm ownership).

As for "forcing" someone....what does that mean anyway? Most of our lives are on record. It just takes someone to look up a record. Where is the force? It is the left that forces people to take sensitivity training, harassment training, violence in the work place training, rape training, etc. No, it is the left that uses force. We on the right just mention that IF you REALLY want to do something about mass shootings then you're going to have to open up those mental health records. Not an endorsement for or against, just an understanding of the reality that the left refuses to grasp.

I don't know (neither do you apparently) any OFFICIAL position taken by the NRA on mental evaluations but we do believe that a gun in the hand of a crazy can, in many cases, be countered by a gun in the hands of a sane person on the scene. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You make a lot of assumptions that just aren't true. Put John Lott on pedestal??? I just give the man his just due and don't attack him because he followed the statistics to a conclusion that I don't like (like so many on the left).

I don't think you can really say what any "true right winger" thinks. Your idea of a right winger is a misleading caricature created by the left. The NRA helped to write the first gun control laws because as any "true right winger" knows, not everyone should have access to a firearm. Unlike the left (Hillary for one), you don't hear anyone on the right saying to give back convicted felons their constitutional rights (including voting and firearm ownership).

As for "forcing" someone....what does that mean anyway? Most of our lives are on record. It just takes someone to look up a record. Where is the force? It is the left that forces people to take sensitivity training, harassment training, violence in the work place training, rape training, etc. No, it is the left that uses force. We on the right just mention that IF you REALLY want to do something about mass shootings then you're going to have to open up those mental health records. Not an endorsement for or against, just an understanding of the reality that the left refuses to grasp.

I don't know (neither do you apparently) any OFFICIAL position taken by the NRA on mental evaluations but we do believe that a gun in the hand of a crazy can, in many cases, be countered by a gun in the hands of a sane person on the scene. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I attacked John Lott because NO ONE that I could find who is knowledgeable in the field of statistics supports his statistical conclusions. When asked by those investigating his results for Lott's input data, it had been conveniently "lost".

Come on. If I misrepresent right-wingers then what you do with left-wingers is 10x more. To you, anyone left of center has the same beliefs and goals.

Regarding "forcing" . Remember your poll about a year ago. 6 respondents wanted NO gun control. 1 respondent wanted to ban guns. Investigating a person for mental issues is gun control. You are possibly keeping someone who want a gun from getting one. When I used the term "true right winger" I was referring to those like the 6 in your poll -- absolutely no restrictions on who can own a gun. No age limits. No ban of assault weapons. No restrictions on where guns can be carried.

My company is considered one of the most conservative in the U.S. and every year employees must undergo training such as sensitivity training and harassment training. Excellent policy in my opinion.

I never mentioned the policies of the NRA. My personal opinion is they use what my HS World History teacher called "salami tactics". A slice here and a slice there. They look at gun laws that are in affect that are ripe for court challenge and go after them. Such as the 2014 case involving constitutional carry in N.J. I believe that the true goal of the NRA is the same of those 6 in your poll -- no gun control at all. But the NRA is smart enough to realize that that is unfeasible so do not come right out and say it. Similar opinion to your opinion that many Democrats want a total ban on guns but do not come out and say it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I attacked John Lott because NO ONE that I could find who is knowledgeable in the field of statistics supports his statistical conclusions. When asked by those investigating his results for Lott's input data, it had been conveniently "lost". Your claim was that I put him "on a pedestal". Was I wrong, you didn't say that? Anyway, you did and I don't. You shouldn't be in the business of putting words in people's mouth unless you make it clear that it's a joke. Was it a joke? It's so hard to tell with some people.

Come on. If I misrepresent right-wingers then what you do with left-wingers is 10x more. To you, anyone left of center has the same beliefs and goals. Really? Is what you want to go with. You want to break down what (lets keep it mainstream) every democrat has publicly said about republicans:
They want you to die....and soon.
They want to make grandma eat dog food.
They want to kill you.
They want to put you back in chains.
They will throw grandma off a cliff.
They want to take away your social security.
They want to prevent black people from voting.
(remember, these are mainstream comments given by leading democrats)

Regarding "forcing" . Remember your poll about a year ago. 6 respondents wanted NO gun control. 1 respondent wanted to ban guns. Investigating a person for mental issues is gun control. You are possibly keeping someone who want a gun from getting one. When I used the term "true right winger" I was referring to those like the 6 in your poll -- absolutely no restrictions on who can own a gun. No age limits. No ban of assault weapons. No restrictions on where guns can be carried. First, if what you say is true then you're talking about the fringe and not the massive middle. What I think the problem is the lack of flexibility of ideas in a poll. Not the best thing to do when trying to illustrate a point of view.

My company is considered one of the most conservative in the U.S. and every year employees must undergo training such as sensitivity training and harassment training. Excellent policy in my opinion. If you don't undergo such training then you can lose your job, your position, an advancement. Sounds like any totalitarian society to me. You'll go far if you only join the party and participate, otherwise.....

I never mentioned the policies of the NRA. My personal opinion is they use what my HS World History teacher called "salami tactics". A slice here and a slice there. They look at gun laws that are in affect that are ripe for court challenge and go after them. Such as the 2014 case involving constitutional carry in N.J. I believe that the true goal of the NRA is the same of those 6 in your poll -- no gun control at all. But the NRA is smart enough to realize that that is unfeasible so do not come right out and say it. Similar opinion to your opinion that many Democrats want a total ban on guns but do not come out and say it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

To finish up, the NRA (the nations oldest civil rights organization) helped to craft the first gun laws. Since the left has taken it upon themselves to disarm a free people then the NRA has stopped being so helpful to our enemies. What you chose to believe runs counter to the public stand of the NRA and to the beliefs of the rank and file. In other words, what you believe does not represent the viewpoint of the NRA.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
To finish up, the NRA (the nations oldest civil rights organization) helped to craft the first gun laws. Since the left has taken it upon themselves to disarm a free people then the NRA has stopped being so helpful to our enemies. What you chose to believe runs counter to the public stand of the NRA and to the beliefs of the rank and file. In other words, what you believe does not represent the viewpoint of the NRA. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I am simply doing what you constantly do. Putting your opinion into the mouths of others. No, the NRA has never come out and said that they want no gun control laws. Nor have any major Democratic politicians come out in favor of banning all guns. But you have said that certain individuals want that and you assume they do but simply have not said so. So I think we are doing the same thing.