A stalkers life

Pink Floyd's Avatar
Not sure who he/she is but she/he has serious anger management issues.

I have to think this is not only the person SNL was referring to in the OP, but based upon what he sent me, I think he/she means it--this isn't someone who just likes to post juvenile stuff to generate drama. This person has real hate issues against providers at least if not women in general.

I obviously can't post on the providers' back channels but this one should be listed on there with a serious warning. Very sad and very scary. Originally Posted by Old-T
Rick Perry is the latest crap out of Texas. Thank you Mods for getting that guy out of here.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-27-2011, 12:59 PM
Rick Perry is the latest crap out of Texas. Thank you Mods for getting that guy out of here. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I know who Ron Perry is, I meant to say I don't know who this Golf guy is.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I don't know who this Golf guy is. Originally Posted by Old-T
I do
London Rayne's Avatar
If Golfpro gets banned or given points, then so should you Naomi. You keep responding to him, egging him on. Hell, you're both doing the same damn thing, insulting each other, egging each other on to keep this battle of the twits tennis match going.

This is the kind of crap people get tired of seeing on this board. Originally Posted by MsElena
Yet, it's ok to do it elsewhere behind people's backs right?

Golfpro is just another loser who wishes he could even pay someone like ME to talk to him lol. Glad you take the time to notice my posts, and at over 5000 this honey is not sucking too much lol!
I do Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
That's good enough for me.

...at over 5000 this honey is not sucking too much lol! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Come on over to Unimatrix Zero and we can remedy that.
London Rayne's Avatar
Ha ha, can't believe you're in TN and I have never seen you post. I used to tour there every other month.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Yet, it's ok to do it elsewhere behind people's backs right? Originally Posted by London Rayne

Gotta love it!
Elsewhere? Where would that be? Oh and don't act like either one of you two ladies (london & naomi) are innocent of doing the same. Helloooooo pot, kettle calling.

I have no problem speaking my mind to people. If I don't like someone, they know it. I don't beat around the bush nor do I insinuate.

You guys are doing the same damn thing you're used to doing on this board.....speaking your mind, if someone disagrees with you or stands up to you, the insults start flying and those insults usually start with, you're fat, you're old, you're cheap, you're ugly, etc.

The best part of it is......one of you two always seems to hit that RTM button when the thread doesn't go your way and someone stands up to you.

You can't have it both ways, this ain't burger king and have your way.

London, you're a smart girl....use your brains and stop lowering yourself to the games that are played on this board. You let people get to you and then you don't stop. You have to keep coming back to respond instead of just letting it go and being the better person.

Naomi, you have a chip on your shoulder that's the size of Texas and when someone knocks it off your shoulder, you're going to be in for the shock of your life. If you stopped acting like you're better than everyone else on this board, you probably wouldn't get banned or have people "attacking" you. You put your pants on the same way as everyone else, your pussy isn't made of platinum and you breath air just like we all do.

Feel free to let the fur fly and the claws come out.
jughead1171's Avatar
SNL and Naomi, glad you were able to resolve it. The apology in my opinion was too little too late for the comments made.
London Rayne's Avatar
Elsewhere? Oh and don't act like either one of you two ladies (london & naomi) are innocent of doing the same. Helloooooo pot, kettle calling.

I have no problem speaking my mind to people. If I don't like someone, they know it. I don't beat around the bush nor do I insinuate.

You guys are doing the same damn thing you're used to doing on this board.....speaking your mind, if someone disagrees with you or stands up to you, the insults start flying and those insults usually start with, you're fat, you're old, you're cheap, you're ugly, etc.

The best part of it is......one of you two always seems to hit that RTM button when the thread doesn't go your way and someone stands up to you.

You can't have it both ways, this ain't burger king and have your way.

London, you're a smart girl....use your brains and stop lowering yourself to the games that are played on this board. You let people get to you and then you don't stop. You have to keep coming back to respond instead of just letting it go and being the better person.

Naomi, you have a chip on your shoulder that's the size of Texas and when someone knocks it off your shoulder, you're going to be in for the shock of your life. If you stopped acting like you're better than everyone else on this board, you probably wouldn't get banned or have people "attacking" you. You put your pants on the same way as everyone else, your pussy isn't made of platinum and you breath air just like we all do.

Feel free to let the fur fly and the claws come out. Originally Posted by MsElena
Actually, NO Elena I don't do it! I don't have to hide somewhere to speak my mind like you do. I don't come in here and act all nicey then call people names behind their backs hon. You are the main one who always complains about how Naomi and I post too much, how you are so drama free (LMAO), then you are the main one doing the same thing once we are banned. Shall I bring up all the flirty, hijacked threads you participated in? You know, the very thing you said annoyed you so much about us. How you could not participate in a thread because of all the flirting WE did? Yea, check mate! I think what you really meant to say, was you were annoyed because you couldn't get any freaking attention when certain people were around lol.

That's all I am going to say to you other than, if you have a problem so be it, but don't dance around the issues. Make up your freaking mind already! I give two sh3ts if you like me girl. Really! I also find it amusing how you jump all over me because you assumed I was talking about you yet again lol. Gulity much?

YOU act like you are so different and more mature, yet you do the same crap you claim you hate in others! I make no bones about speaking my mind..that's how we differ. I made ONE blanket statement, and you felt the need to type out a full page dissertation lol. Priceless! How you got Naomi and I out of that, is beyond me, but at least it's obvous now.

I have never called anyone on here fat, ugly, etc. just based on them not agreeing with me. It's usually them doing it themselves.
Naomi4u's Avatar


Wow. I didn't even know you had some beef with me. I'm shocked. *sigh*
What you're talking about has nothing to do with this thread. The problem is now gone. SNL had been dealing with this guy for 12 hours and the guy would not leave her alone. Sometimes with stalkers you have to stalk and harass them back/publicily humilate them to leave you alone - That's what I did. Obviously banning wasn't helping because he kept creating handles to harass her. Sorry you have that much hatred in your heart for someone you don't know. You cared more about bashing me than SNL's issue with the guy. Bless your heart. Have a great day.

Might want to practice what you preach because....

This is the kind of crap people get tired of seeing on this board. Originally Posted by MsElena
Now you can go back to your little corner and talk shit about me .

London,You beat me to it. I was about to bring up the hijacked threads -darn!
I'll respond once and then the MODs can feel free to warn me or point me for "hijacking" a thread that was already hijacked. If you do give me points, please give me a smoke and a martini with it. Thanks.

Actually, your names weren't mentioned out of my mouth or typed by me while you were banned. I didn't give you guys a second thought, so nice try on trying to turn it around to you once again.

As for being the hijacking queen, that I have to laugh at since I haven't done it in months and this is my first "hijacking" since. I complained the most? That's grand. I'm guilty of doing the same thing you guys were doing? I'm flattered that you kept track of my posting habits. But, I didn't. I really haven't posted a lot in the national forums. Nice try though.

I didn't get attention that I wanted on a hooker board? LOL Darlin', I don't need a hooker board to validate me unlike some. I validate myself by the acts that I do in my real life, the life I live, the family I have and what I give to others.

I'm glad SNL got her problem taken care of and I sent her an email this morning before I even responded to the thread.

I don't have hatred in my heart for either one of you. In order to have hatred that means I'd actually have to give a fuck about you.

Now, have a great day ladies.
Naomi4u's Avatar

As for being the hijacking queen, that I have to laugh at since I haven't done it in months and this is my first "hijacking" since. Originally Posted by MsElena
But you did it. The same thing you complained about us doing. That's funny.

I don't have hatred in my heart for either one of you. In order to have hatred that means I'd actually have to give a fuck about you. Originally Posted by MsElena
I can't tell. You do the same.
London Rayne's Avatar
Yet she finds the time to post to us...but does not care lol.

Elena you are a hypocrite...plain and simple. You did the very things you said you hated about us, and I can bring the threads up to prove it.

Bye now!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ok, ladies......Everyone is aware we have this cool PM system here, right? Operative word being "Private"

All three of you know how short my patience fuse is for this type shit.