Providers with significant others can it work

Without being devious some things are best left untold.
For some people it can work and for others it would be imposible.
In the adult film industry some actors only act with each other, when in a relationship.Sometimes the lady will only do girl, girl films.Others carry on as usual.
It is possible but the problems that you have in relationships are just magnified.
I think most men to look at it as just a job is impossible, most of the guys and I'm saying most not all usually find it acceptable when they benefit from it in some form.
This is my point of view but I don't see the point in being in a commited relationship if you are not going to be exclusive with each other.Thats just me and I have no problem with people that have open relationships, swing or work.
burkalini's Avatar
I would think they both would have to have the same mentality as an open marrige. If they both are into it then it could work. Not for me though.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-21-2011, 01:45 AM
Despite opinions to the contrary... it is only a simple fact that open hobby relationships can and do work!*It is fairly easy to understand why many cannot understand... it takes a very unique match of strong, secure personalities and sexualities.*To those who do live the lifestyle... it actually comes quite natural... and there's nothing "strange or difficult" about it!

As long as most people can be open enough to "imagine " that it "might " be okay for others... that's all we ask.*To those who absolutely declare the "impossibility" of success.... you are, by definition, a closed-narrow-minded person, with zero imagination... and that is a shame!
I'll put it like this. The majority of my life I've been single so I know what it's like to be single and sexless. I live a very simple life.

Now I'm going to be honest. If she's as hot as a fire cracker, sexy as hell, has an insatiable desire to please me, I'll more than likely let her slide with being a provider as long as my needs are being taken care of. She can fuck 3 guys in a day for $250 each as long as she knows to shower, mouthwash, brush, douche, at her spot by 10pm, pull up into my apartment by midnight when I'm tired as hell and horny, wear a sexy short dress with heels, crawl into my bed as I'm lying on my back, and seductively GFE+PSE all night till I'm 4 in the morning...

Shiiiit. I just got pussy-whipped and satisfied. Why would I "cheat" on that? I'd have no other sexual need to be fulfilled b/c she's fulfilling it both in the fantasy realm (dressing sexy and putting on the role as my sex queen ie being on the pill, letting me hit it raw, and letting baby talk be something in the distant future) and in actuality (fucking/suckin/seducing/making love to me). So on that aspect I'm good. I'm not "cheating" on her. I'd be monogomous to that.

I mean..then what the hell else would I want? Seriously? To go shopping together? ok no problem. watch tv and hang out? ok..when I have the time.

So what she fucks other dudes. Look at her, she has legs for days, a slim tummy, a sexy face, tits, ass..she's a banging chick. Guys see her and think "sex" automatically. You ever see a provider, porn star, or woman in general who's so sexy you just thinkg "damn, that body can be a hot commodity..a money maker.." Think Esther Baxter in her prime. Guys sometimes need to step outside the box. They see a super sexy female and want her to themselves, fantacize about her, etc..Dude, keep it real. She's sexy as fuck and her body can bring $$$. It's like me dating a world class female sprinter and me telling her not to train and go to the olympics b/c I want her to myself in the house to cook, clean, and hang with me to make me happy..FUCK THAT..go out there and do your thing girl you're good at what you do and you got the skills to back it up.

Now of course this just can't be any ol' chick. You have to fit the role. You can't be a chick who can blend in with civilian life. No, there's a sexy distinction about you that triggers lustful thoughts from men everytime you dress up to go out.

I've only encountered one chick on this site that I have in mind who has both the inner freak, sexiness, and the sex game to keep me blinded from reality, morals, traditional companionship desires, etc.. and that's Amazing Asia
Despite opinions to the contrary... it is only a simple fact that open hobby relationships can and do work!*It is fairly easy to understand why many cannot understand... it takes a very unique match of strong, secure personalities and sexualities.*To those who do live the lifestyle... it actually comes quite natural... and there's nothing "strange or difficult" about it!

As long as most people can be open enough to "imagine " that it "might " be okay for others... that's all we ask.*To those who absolutely declare the "impossibility" of success.... you are, by definition, a closed-narrow-minded person, with zero imagination... and that is a shame! Originally Posted by MrGiz

Also point out the inherent hypocracy.

Yes, a lot of clients are married anyways.

I remember a point in my life where true in deed, I was too good of a guy to have a girlfriend who's having sex with other dudes. See, to me it's not just about what you do sexually when the lights are on and when you're with someone. That's bullshit. The true test is how much sex you're denying yourself when no one is watching.

Live an upright lifestyle or attempt your damnest to be. Practice being abstinent for periods of times while you're not with anyone. So when you get with someone you can appreciate the intimacy greatly. Constantly getting your sex on and then turning on a switch once a relationship starts is bullshit. Fucking Maury Povich type of dealings.

So now I look at my life, the shit I've done that I've never thought I'd do. The street hookers I've pulled off the street, the late night calls and desires to pay for sex from strange women I don't know, the desire to receive unprotected fellacio from strange women I don't know..I mean shit, being honest with myself I'm a nasty boy and I've done some nasty things.

How the fuck am I going to turn around and demand and expect to get with a woman who's sexually, romantically, mentally, exclusively just me? A woman who's been practicing being chaste and has the abstinance thing down pat b/c she's been saving herself for me and is ready to embark upon a journey of monogomy. Why would I expect/demand that?

Come on now, my sexual engine has been revved up from all these hookers I've been doing. Give me a chick that's going to satisfy those sexual urges immediately and we can work on other shit later..but as a requirement u gotta satisfy those sexual urges b/c I'm a point, click, or drive away from getting a hooker to do it for me. In my past pre-hobbying "good guy" days we could do the whole "not sex each other/get to know each other sans sex in order to build relationship" if she's down and committed with it. I deserved it back then b/c I was living a lifestyle where I purposely stayed away from the whores to keep a good reputation.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-21-2011, 02:38 AM
Well... early on... you brought up a good point.

If over half of the horndawgs here are married and sneaking, hiding, cheating, and fucking around on their S.O.'s.... how can they possibly have a problem with a sex-provider having one? *
For the relationship to "work" as mentioned by the OP, there has to be something beyond the sex as mentioned in many of the previous comments. It's quite understandable for individual couples to jointly decide that a woman serving as a provider would be a source of conflict in a relationship. That's a personal decision. If that decision is based on sexual satisfaction and not on mutual respect, there will be significantly less opportunities for a successful union.

Of all the providers I've seen, more than half were in some kind of committed relationship at the time. Some were very open about it, some decided to share this info eventually. I have all always greatly respected these women, and feel that such provider relationships are indeed possible.
Still Looking's Avatar
To each his/her own and more power to them... but there's no way in hell I could do it if it's "love". Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
I wouldn't share you!!! I'm not go at sharing any way! LOL
  • Laz
  • 10-21-2011, 07:35 AM
Never say never. The right person, the right situation. Who knows.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I wouldn't share you!!! I'm not go at sharing any way! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
I play well with others but don't like to share either

I think it can be done and as long as everyone's happy that's all that matters, wouldn't work for me, but that's just me.
None of us are in a position to judge what works for others, but merely to give an opinion on what would or would not work for ourselves.
So for the ones that can, rock on