Medicare, You Gotta Be Shitting Me!!!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-27-2014, 11:46 AM
Fuck, I'm 68 - but when I was younger I worked long days, you fucking commie faggot Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

68 huh? quite an accomplishment, dickheads like you usually wind up dead about 30 seconds after they piss off the wrong person
LexusLover's Avatar
68 huh? quite an accomplishment, dickheads like you usually wind up dead about 30 seconds after they piss off the wrong person Originally Posted by CJ7
Sounds like the "wrong person" shouldn't have been in the way of "the pissing" to me.
LexusLover's Avatar
I build one house a year and do not start another until that one is done and I self finance LexusLiar.. Any more dumbass assumptions? Originally Posted by WTF
Oh, that's no assumption ... nor is it "dumbass."

We're talking paying "the max"!!!
Federal Income Taxes
Property Taxes
Local taxes
And illegals working on your job site .....

Can your ace lawyerS ..... spell RICO?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2014, 03:14 PM
Oh, that's no assumption ... nor is it "dumbass."

We're talking paying "the max"!!!
Federal Income Taxes
Property Taxes
Local taxes
And illegals working on your job site .....

Can your ace lawyerS ..... spell RICO? Originally Posted by LexusLover
I can spell RICO and I can spell dumbass. Are you threatening me with a RICO charge Mr. Prosecutor ?

Is that wtf you are trying to do?

Your ass is ignorant of the house building process if you think I have any liability criminal or otherwise in say who David Weekly hired to build a home I contracted that company (DW) to build for me and I then resold. That would go for any local builder they say built 30 homes a year and one happened to be from me. I have no control over who a local contractor hires.

Enough of your lying ass bullshit, unless you want to keep making a fool of yourself like JewishLawyer seems want of.
LexusLover's Avatar
I can spell RICO ... Originally Posted by WTF
That's about it.

Can you spell "conspiracy" ...too?

Lots of huffing and puffing you got going on there, Mr. Contractor.

On edge a bit are "we"?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I can spell RICO and I can spell dumbass. Are you threatening me with a RICO charge Mr. Prosecutor ?

Is that wtf you are trying to do?

Your ass is ignorant of the house building process if you think I have any liability criminal or otherwise in say who David Weekly hired to build a home I contracted that company (DW) to build for me and I then resold. That would go for any local builder they say built 30 homes a year and one happened to be from me. I have no control over who a local contractor hires.

Enough of your lying ass bullshit, unless you want to keep making a fool of yourself like JewishLawyer seems want of. Originally Posted by WTF
If you use the same fucking contractors over and over and you know that they hire illegals that is a continuing criminal enterprise.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
68 huh? quite an accomplishment, dickheads like you usually wind up dead about 30 seconds after they piss off the wrong person Originally Posted by CJ7
Some of us dickheads know how to fight, and tend to avoid pissing off bigger, tougher guys. Unless you are over 6'2" and 225, I'm not too worried.
Do you know how to get to Love Field...LOL
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-27-2014, 09:30 PM
If you use the same fucking contractors over and over and you know that they hire illegals that is a continuing criminal enterprise. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well I do not use the same Builder every time you dip shit.

If you knew anything about building , you'd know that the Builder does not even use the same subcontractors ever time. Subcontractors might be busy on another job working for another builder. That is why business works. It is not as simple as you and LexusLover like to paint it, though it is still pretty damn simple....not sure why you two are having such a tough time with it.

On edge a bit are "we"? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not at all Mr. Hypocrite/Speculator.
LexusLover's Avatar
Well I do not use the same Builder every time .... Originally Posted by WTF
That right there doesn't surprise me one bit ....

.......... for some "reason" you continually proclaim your superior knowledge on any subject and PRESUME in your posts that others who disagree with you lack the knowledge to challenge your posts.

I have repeatedly tried to tell you that your "tactic" may work in the Bimbo World you have created for yourself, but it doesn't work "on the street."

How many times you been sued for the "retainage"?

And it damn sure doesn't work on here. FLUSH!

Since you only build one project a year .... that means the last one went broke trying to get paid for last year's job ... so you have to find a new mullet!

How many "retainages" have you refused to release?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
That right there doesn't surprise me one bit ....

.......... for some "reason" you continually proclaim your superior knowledge on any subject and PRESUME in your posts that others who disagree with you lack the knowledge to challenge your posts.

I have repeatedly tried to tell you that your "tactic" may work in the Bimbo World you have created for yourself, but it doesn't work "on the street."

How many times you been sued for the "retainage"?

And it damn sure doesn't work on here. FLUSH!

Since you only build one project a year .... that means the last one went broke trying to get paid for last year's job ... so you have to find a new mullet!

How many "retainages" have you refused to release? Originally Posted by LexusLover
He probably only builds one house per company, bankrupts it out, creates a new one, gets another sucker on the line, etc.
WTF, you have amply explained the way the construction industry works. Use illegal aliens for less than the going rate, have your subs hire them and not pay their taxes or benefits, and since everyone cheats, you say fuck it and call us uninformed and impractical.
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  • WTF
  • 03-28-2014, 07:48 AM

Since you only build one project a year .... that means the last one went broke trying to get paid for last year's job ... so you have to find a new mullet!
Originally Posted by LexusLover
God you are an idiot on this subject.

Let us say I used David Weekly Builders to build me a house.

Do you think David Weekly went broke?

Homebuilders get paid at certain stages . Say after the slab is poured. Then after it if framed. etc. They do this because they do not want to build a house and get stiffed. They put a lien on the house if you do not pay them and you can not sell the house. You ever heard of a title search? You know anybody that has every bought a home with a lien.

Don't you have a plane to find LL. Wasn't you and JD telling us how the plane was hijacked and hidden on some island , right next to the house I contracted to build but then didn't pay for yet was able to sell!
LexusLover's Avatar
God you are an idiot on this subject. Originally Posted by WTF
Were the bimbos impressed with this post? Did they swoon? Gasp with awe?

Let's see .. this thread is about "Medicare" .. doesn't cover your psychological "issues"! Sorry.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-28-2014, 08:42 AM
Were the bimbos impressed with this post? Did they swoon? Gasp with awe?

Let's see .. this thread is about "Medicare" .. doesn't cover your psychological "issues"! Sorry. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The only bimbo I know reading this post is LexusLiberace

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-28-2014, 11:12 AM
Some of us dickheads know how to fight, and tend to avoid pissing off bigger, tougher guys. Unless you are over 6'2" and 225, I'm not too worried.
Do you know how to get to Love Field...LOL Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

I qualify, and I'm pretty sure you'll be totally amazed at how much I LOVE contact sports ... me know where Love is? I'll find an empty hangar with your name on the floor !!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I qualify, and I'm pretty sure you'll be totally amazed at how much I LOVE contact sports ... me know where Love is? I'll find an empty hangar with your name on the floor !!! Originally Posted by CJ7
Love Field Airport, Dallas Texas - google it, fucking commie