High end market

OneHotMale's Avatar
Classy....referring to some as vicious bitches? I'm curious, who exactly are you referring to? I mean, if your going to make such a brash statement and namecall, why not just come out with it? Originally Posted by Valerie

Well I think that MA was probably just making a general comment with no one particular in mind. At times I have the same feelings about some who post in here but will refrain from mentioning any names.
When I think of true HDH's, I think of my girl crush Laynie Harper, Holly Brooks, Veronica Mae, Aina Montero, Chelsey Heyden, Nina Sastri... *sigh*. All women I'd pay to do btw. I can see them seeing just one guy/girl a day just because I want to think that ya know? ...
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
I know two of the names listed very well. One guy a day? More like a couple of guys a month - if that. Generally the high end only see a handful of gentlemen year, it's a small pond with few fish.

They were once part of the community, in fact there used to be a lot of the HDH ladies active, and did in fact leave because of the poor behavior exhibited on the boards.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I know two of the names listed very well. One guy a day? More like a couple of guys a month - if that. Generally the high end only see a handful of gentlemen year, it's a small pond with few fish.
Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
One of the HDHs that once posted here on eccie said she saw one guy a day.
...there ya go. That just goes to show you really don't know what any of these ladies are up to.

However, I'm sure most of them see only a few guys a month.
One of the HDHs that once posted here on eccie said she saw one guy a day.
...there ya go. That just goes to show you really don't know what any of these ladies are up to.

However, I'm sure most of them see only a few guys a month. Originally Posted by Naomi4u

I'm speaking only for the ones I know. The higher your price, the less you'll see.

Despite their refusal to participate on the boards because of the bad behaviour of both men and women, I find they do strongly depend on their community as they send many referrals back and forth to each other. They simply prefer to judge someone over a cup of coffee and then decide whether to block the woman, or add her to their cell phone list.
Despite their refusal to participate on the boards because of the bad behaviour of both men and women Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
You mean the way people, without any supporting facts, question the HDH business model and claim it makes no sense/doesn't exist, etc. Yeah, that would tend to run them off.
Always good to see you so bright and cheerful in the morning!! Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
Well you know how I just hate mornings

Gosh you sound just like Wakeup LOL

I sooo agree though.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Well I think that MA was probably just making a general comment with no one particular in mind. At times I have the same feelings about some who post in here but will refrain from mentioning any names. Originally Posted by OneHotMale
Doubt that was the case, especially since he did give us some intel (ie: White Knights with small dicks )...now we should really be able to narrow it down a bit
I agree that limited editions command a premium. But, limited collection such as the high end car is the thing you display openly to the world and let them know (some may say brag) that you have one. I'm sure most of you will agree that an encounter with an escort is something you want to keep private and not brag to your neighbors about (I certainly hope so anyways). So I'm not sure the same analogy could apply to an escort... unless you want the world to know about your tryst. Part of the thrill in spending so much money on limited editions is not only that you have one, but EVERYONE knows that it's YOU that has one. Not really possible with a "clandestine encounter," is it? :-) Originally Posted by Lovely Victoria
That is true, and part of the reason why those car analogies that we all love so much never hold up. But the concept of exclusivity doesn't necessarily apply just to things you show off. Its also about fitting in in the economic strata where people that can afford to pay $5K a night live. (Excluding in this case the bevy of bunnies ensconced on a yacht -- where the object IS being seen.)

If you are an older successful business man, checking into an exclusive hotel with an attractive 20/30 something on your arm, its pretty obvious that its not your wife (or at least the first wife ). Now if she is wearing 3 acrylic inch stripper platforms or a collection of every logo-ed item (many fake) that she owns, that screams "hooker". Women who successfully operate at the HDH level know how to dress and act, so that they don't raise eyebrows. They are comfortable in that milieu and appear to be a true "girlfriend". (And lastly, they don't show up at the same hotel a few times a month checking in with different guys.)

True, when the couple gets to their hotel room, the same activities will transpire (and everyone they meet along the way knows it), but the difference is image. The gentleman in question may frequent that hotel and although he doesn't mind the staff knowing he has a "girlfriend", he doesn't want the reputation of hiring a "prostitute". Thats what I meant by exclusivity.
OneHotMale's Avatar
Well you know how I just hate mornings

Doubt that was the case, especially since he did give us some intel (ie: White Knights with small dicks )...now we should really be able to narrow it down a bit Originally Posted by Valerie

Well you ladies can try and narrow it down to whom the small dicks are attached to. As for me it is pretty easy to spot the White Knights and whom the ladies are that I referenced in my previous post.
As for me it is pretty easy to spot the White Knights and whom the ladies are that I referenced in my previous post. Originally Posted by OneHotMale
Then why not just say whom you speak of?
OneHotMale's Avatar
Then why not just say whom you speak of? Originally Posted by Valerie

Valerie it is really irrevelant who I think are the drama queens around here. What I do think is relevant is maybe getting the thread back on track and some of you ladies helping Brad spend some of his $$$. Heck maybe since Charles has never had a good date he can refer a lady or two that might just float Brads boat.
whitechocolate's Avatar
Brad, I think you need to spell out what you are looking for with these foreign gals. I dont see they look any different than the top Dallas providers in terms of looks. Are you looking for some sort of special kinky session, photo session etc? I think paying to have exclusive eye candy on your arm is fine if that is important to you. If I were looking for a gal, I have specific things I want from her in terms of looks, her demeanor, her personality, activities etc and I can easily get that from the gals who are 200 to 400/hr now. I might pay a premium for a super model, Miss Universe(1st or 2nd place), one of the top gorgeousss movie stars(Angelina Jolie) etc if I knew she was definitely hot in bed according to People magazine.
That is true, and part of the reason why those car analogies that we all love so much never hold up. But the concept of exclusivity doesn't necessarily apply just to things you show off. Its also about fitting in in the economic strata where people that can afford to pay $5K a night live. (Excluding in this case the bevy of bunnies ensconced on a yacht -- where the object IS being seen.)

If you are an older successful business man, checking into an exclusive hotel with an attractive 20/30 something on your arm, its pretty obvious that its not your wife (or at least the first wife ). Now if she is wearing 3 acrylic inch stripper platforms or a collection of every logo-ed item (many fake) that she owns, that screams "hooker". Women who successfully operate at the HDH level know how to dress and act, so that they don't raise eyebrows. They are comfortable in that milieu and appear to be a true "girlfriend". (And lastly, they don't show up at the same hotel a few times a month checking in with different guys.)

True, when the couple gets to their hotel room, the same activities will transpire (and everyone they meet along the way knows it), but the difference is image. The gentleman in question may frequent that hotel and although he doesn't mind the staff knowing he has a "girlfriend", he doesn't want the reputation of hiring a "prostitute". Thats what I meant by exclusivity. Originally Posted by pjorourke
[**Just an observation: this may be the longest originally written post PJ has ever done.**]
Well you know how I just hate mornings
Originally Posted by Valerie
I see you even have the "oh no it's morning" sunglasses on your avatar!! Can't wait to see you back in NYC - first thing in the....afternoon!!
Well for 4000-5000 you'll still get a CBJ, CFS, Mish, CG, RCG, maybe a little LFK. She may or may not be any better looking than a good 300 /hr girl here.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well for 4000-5000 you'll still get a CBJ, CFS, Mish, CG, RCG, maybe a little LFK. She may or may not be any better looking than a good 300 /hr girl here. Originally Posted by acp5762
Heck I know a girl that charges $1500 an hour and doesn't kiss and is CBJ.