Im Hiring a Male Escort

Roothead's Avatar
Did that for my SOs 40th whilest we were in Vegas ....friggen hard (pun intended) to find a gigalo that is not "bi"...took a bit of sleuthing and the help of a very cool young lady concierge at one of the most respectable / top end properties ..... and of course 3 benjis for her time and effort
I would have to agree maybe try an hour first and then decide if you want the 24 hr experience. Just my opinion and if you want to fly me to florida for a weekend if would not cost you that
pyramider's Avatar
I will finally just say it ... For 3K expectations will be high emotionally and sexually. That being said the odds of success are low. I do know I can disappoint you emotionally and sexually for a lot less.
ICU 812's Avatar
I think I get it too. Outside of the hobby context: It seems to me that is pretty much what any woman wants. I think most women want to be desired rather than just get-off. Thats where the flowers/candy/gift action comes from. The opposite scene is the "You-always-take-me -for-granted!" drama that can happen in any real-world relationship.
Read any thread that starts out "Men: Why do you hobby?" Along with a lot of wise-guy $h!t, there will be many posts that say they see escorts to avoid dealing with a woman's desire to be wanted (or persued, wooed, romanced etc).
I don't mean to be cynical. I just think I understand the OP.

Check with Katharine Butler. She has posted on a thread here that she has done exactly what you describe.
I do agree with several other posters who recommend that you start off with a lower level of service; shorter time and so on. You have to buy him dinner and breakfast: Will he buy you flowers with your own money?. . .See how this flips the equation really fast? Another option is some combo of this guy and a "girl friend". Spend some on the clock time with a female provider for non-BCD girlfriend stuff. Meet her for lunch and shopping, followed by late afternoon drinks where your guy meets you and she leaves (or stays, who am I to say?).
Thanks everyone, its on my to do list. February is a little ways away so I do have time to possibly meet someone to fill the need, who knows. If so Ill just spend it on a vacation or something. I am pretty wound up though about this experience or an experience that is all about ME. The only thing I do have an issue with is that if he is gay or bi. Maybe its bad of me to think this way, but I feel that if he is that it is a higher health risk if something were to happen sexually. How would I find out if the person I am seeing is gay or bi? Do you think they would answer that honestly? Originally Posted by kymberlane
Kym, I am 100% straight. You do not have to worry about that with me. I believe every woman should be treated like a woman. Let me be your romantic getaway. I am P411 if interested. PM me!.
B.Wayne's Avatar
Oh baby I am way cheaper than him. I run specials and ill spend 24 hours with you for like 100 bucks. I also have that pelvic muscle you are talking about but what happend was, it is slightly sunk in because see, what happend was., was I was saving kittens from a building that was burning..yeah it was a burning building and Im pretty sure there was some puppies too. Yeah I think I saved some puppies while I saved the kittens so anyway I got injured when I saved those poor animals. So thats why it looks the way it does. Anyway I am 100 percent Indy. I drive myself and I have a wide open menu. I dont answer blocked calls but text pm email is ok.
Mature Companion's Avatar
You'll be pleasurably pleased, for sure! George Spelvin has a twin. To find out who? You'll need to find out in person. He's sweet and sexy and even I want to read that review of him.
And if you want to hire a male escort. Take a trip to Vegas. Plenty of gigolo's there.

If I am ever your way I might take ya up on it. My Bday is in Feb so Ill be sure to write a review lol. Would that be allowed? Originally Posted by kymberlane

There's no need to be insulting to a lady who expresses her personal needs & desires.
Thank you Wicked Milf! My first referral going the other way. ;-)
Huh? Im lost
  • 09-04-2012, 09:19 PM
For my birthday I have decided to hire a male escort. Ive got him picked out and Im in the screening process right now. Im ready to be on the receiving end where its all about ME! Im going to spend about 3k for 24 hours.

How many ladies would do this? Guys what ya think? Ive been dying to try it, I want to see what the thrill is about and have him cater to all of my needs--which doesnt happen in personal relationships. Im totally stoked! Originally Posted by kymberlane
Wow been thinking bout doing that myself let us know all juicy details I bet you'll have a BLAST oh and if ya get tired I'll come help out for your birthday girl H a p p y b I r T H D A Y G I R L
I would not put 3k down for a car much less a man without a test drive...
What agency are you using?
Kymberlane.... you started a really interesting discussion here...

It's been my experience that most providers don't allow much time for catering to their needs at all (or even expect that). It's too bad actually, because the pampering of a lady is what I miss the most and why I got into this hobby in the first place after losing my SO (you know, the back and foot rubs, intimate hotbaths, seeing her open a gift that relates to a particular hobby or interest, nice dinner, trip to new place together, etc...).
It's pretty easy to find a lady who will get you to come (as quickly as possible, of course) and then send you on your way. It's rare to find one that will allow you to partly return the favor.... I guess it is the nature of this business that "time is money", and that pushes everyone to rush through everything. I suppose that a few providers may specialize in this sort of "GFE" experience, but it is usually beyond the budget of most people.

Nonetheless, I hope you have a great experience and that it is everything you hope for. It's your birthday, after all.

(As some have suggested, though, I would recommend some "shorter sessions" with a couple of your top choices before you spring for an overnight. That way you can select someone that you really click with, or it may be a long night....).
I travel to Florida a lot, I'd love to contribute to your naked scrabble fund. I think its a cool as the other side of the pillow idea. Whats even sexier is a girl that goes after what she wants, so go for it.

Your Ebony Dream's Avatar
Yay for you girl !

I totally would love to have a piece of man candy !!!

Spoil yourself who gives a crap what anybody else says , like you said its all about you have fun girl!!!
thewickerman666's Avatar
Happy birthday. I am for it, hope you don't have out of the world stipulations. Lol