Im Bored

I’m having the time of my life! Enjoying this time to really work out and work on my OnlyFans...

Getting my skills to highest level ever...
ready for me to tour yet fellas?
I am finally Ready! Xo

Check me out Originally Posted by Vanessa Ink

Very nice Vanessa!
amexgold's Avatar
Awesome! Awesome! Super Awesome! Vanessa
Awesome! Awesome! Super Awesome! Vanessa Originally Posted by amexgold
I agree. We understand it may not be until later in the year because of Corvid 19 but I hope Vanessa will tour Dallas . It’s not just the tats. She is an exceptionally beautiful woman.
Grace Preston's Avatar
One of my favorite sayings in chat.. and it still holds true.

You're not bored. You're boring. A person who isn't boring will never be bored.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 03-26-2020, 12:25 PM
One of my favorite sayings in chat.. and it still holds true.

You're not bored. You're boring. A person who isn't boring will never be bored. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I'm still waiting for these ads to be a little original, it shows their level of intelligence when they're all bored or looking for a place to eat at. Monkey see, Monkey do
Lucas McCain's Avatar
These ThreAds won't be getting more origininal. Many of them don't even realize how absurd their posts are during these trying times for many. These hookers just want money and fuck the dangerous consequences for many others to catch something is their mindset.

I'm fine with my money, but many are not so I understand. But it is irresponsible and stupid to ignore what is obviously out there that can easily be spread for just a few bucks from tricks to put in your pockets.
Hobby Jon's Avatar
ready for me to tour yet fellas?
I am finally Ready! Xo Originally Posted by Vanessa Ink
I've been asking you for this for a looong while. Check your p411 messages.
Evelyn QV's Avatar
I've been asking you for this for a looong while. Check your p411 messages. Originally Posted by Hobby Jon

I feel a love connection

I love it!
According to CDC statistics, 2019 regular flu deaths were over 57,000 in USA--not a word about this in the media-
-Texas has 29 million people, 7 deaths from covid 19, and entire state shut down---makes no sense to me--i feel unnecessary panic has been created by media-
-of course the usual precautions are necessary to avoid catching covid 19, but TOTAL self-isolation not necessary, in my opinion- Originally Posted by Sherry of DFW
Texas is now up to 38 total fatalities but we still do not have an exponential increase in deaths over the last several days. I'm hopefull we have flattened the curve.

Testing in the USA is up by a remarkable amount so we are making progress.