You can cry and bitch and tell mommy

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Biden couldn’t fill a high school gym and these guys think 80 million different, alive people voted for him.
Please provide a link to that poll. I tried to find it but could not do so. Thanks in advance. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
... It's the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, mate.
They do 'em every month... FOX-News mentioned it
and so did Tucker Carlson... Go take a look.

Trump's the Most Popular politician in America! ...

#### Salty
oilfieldace's Avatar
Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
Please provide a link to that poll. I tried to find it but could not do so. Thanks in advance.
... It's the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, mate.
They do 'em every month... FOX-News mentioned it
and so did Tucker Carlson... Go take a look.

Trump's the Most Popular politician in America! ...

#### Salty
Salty Again is offline Report Post

Nailed it Salty
matchingmole's Avatar
But Trump will run and win in 2024. Not a damned thing any ok the skirt wearers can do to stop the TRAIN Originally Posted by oilfieldace

He will have real sore jaws in 2024.............
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yes they did. The RCP average of recent polls before the 2016 election had Clinton winning the popular vote by 3.2%. She won it by 2.1%.

Trump lost in 2020 by 7 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes. And that was before he tried to steal the election. Why would he do better in 2024?

I'm with Winn Dixie on this one. Republicans should not nominate Trump in 2024.

And kudos to Eccieuser. Many from his side of the aisle would dearly love to see Trump run in 2024, because it would be an easy win for Democrats. But we're better off without him being involved in a big way in the political system. All of us, including people like you and me, Oilfieldace. I agree with many of your thoughts on the economy and energy. But Trump's not going to take us there, because he's not electable. And even if he were, it's not worth the risk to American Democracy. Originally Posted by Tiny
Thanks for the Kudos.

I don't think he will run. If he does, I can only envision Kamala Harris tearing into his ass like she did to Biden in the nominee debate. Who else, but Bernie, would do that to his face?

Give examples of how he is a Fascist, racist, failure at business and all-around evil-reincarnation-of-Reagan piece of shit. Most on my side of the spectrum are trying to persuade the independent or non-party affiliate voter. So, for the most part, Democrats are soft. Except her.

She'll probably take the minority vote for granted, as usual. In her pocket. Then, clinically, she should pick away at him if he runs. She has a good sense of humor. Too bad she's not good at the details of policy. Explaining and presenting, anyway. But as a debater and prosecutor, she would rip him a new one.

The look on Barrett's face is priceless. In just thirty seconds. Love it!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Thanks for the Kudos.

I don't think he will run. If he does, I can only envision Kamala Harris tearing into his ass like she did to Biden in the nominee debate. Who else, but Bernie, would do that to his face?

Give examples of how he is a Fascist, racist, failure at business and all-around evil-reincarnation-of-Reagan piece of shit. Most on my side of the spectrum are trying to persuade the independent or non-party affiliate voter. So, for the most part, Democrats are soft. Except her.

She'll probably take the minority vote for granted, as usual. In her pocket. Then, clinically, she should pick away at him if he runs. She has a good sense of humor. Too bad she's not good at the details of policy. Explaining and presenting, anyway. But as a debater and prosecutor, she would rip him a new one.

The look on Barrett's face is priceless. In just thirty seconds. Love it! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
What a gift that would be to Republicans, might as well just cede the election. Cum dumpster Kamala couldn’t even take a primary in her own state and dropped before a single vote was cast. She’s one of the few people in the country more unlikable than Hilda.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... It's the Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, mate.
They do 'em every month... FOX-News mentioned it
and so did Tucker Carlson... Go take a look.

Trump's the Most Popular politician in America! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Here is the October poll mate, and there is not one mention of Trump.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
There is no way in hell Biden got that many votes. The reason Trump can and will win is most people are smart enough to see this . Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Got any proof to support that statement? Didn't think so.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes they did. The RCP average of recent polls before the 2016 election had Clinton winning the popular vote by 3.2%. She won it by 2.1%.

Trump lost in 2020 by 7 million popular votes and 74 electoral votes. And that was before he tried to steal the election. Why would he do better in 2024?

I'm with Winn Dixie on this one. Republicans should not nominate Trump in 2024.

And kudos to Eccieuser. Many from his side of the aisle would dearly love to see Trump run in 2024, because it would be an easy win for Democrats. But we're better off without him being involved in a big way in the political system. All of us, including people like you and me, Oilfieldace. I agree with many of your thoughts on the economy and energy. But Trump's not going to take us there, because he's not electable. And even if he were, it's not worth the risk to American Democracy. Originally Posted by Tiny
Actually in looking at the 2020 polls once again, yes they were correct at the national level but overestimated Democratic votes at the state level in many instances -- Ohio, Florida, NC, Wisconsin for example. Why? It certainly was not the intent of pollsters to intentionally be incorrect. And the pollsters are trying to make corrections to their samples to eliminate the errors of the past 2 presidential elections. Here is an excellent article on the issue.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-19-2022, 08:58 AM
Nothing worse than someone who claims to be a Patriotic American but can’t seem to understand how good Trump is for America. The greatest economy in history, energy dependent thanks to his policies.. it’s like a white boy trying to be black., not in the cards. A bidness man showed the so called politicians howto actually govern. Anyone can’t see that by the results that his policies bore is not a true American Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Please explain why you think we are not "energy independent" right now
oilfieldace's Avatar
Please explain why you think we are not "energy independent" right now Originally Posted by WTF
Is that a serious question?
eyecu2's Avatar
There is no way in hell Biden got that many votes. The reason Trump can and will win is most people are smart enough to see this . Originally Posted by oilfieldace
I wish I had blind faith like you election deniers do. If you had/ have any proof of that being the case, perhaps you could cite the source and location? - (I mean besides a gut feel kinda thingy.)
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-19-2022, 12:18 PM
Is that a serious question? Originally Posted by oilfieldace
Yes...but it may require its own thread.

I encourage you to Google America energy independence....and after doing the research, start a thread concerning what the facts are....not what you hear right leaning political parrots repeat nonstop.

You obviously do not understand this subject as yet.
oilfieldace's Avatar
Yes...but it may require its own thread.

I encourage you to Google America energy independence....and after doing the research, start a thread concerning what the facts are....not what you hear right leaning political parrots repeat nonstop.

You obviously do not understand this subject as yet. Originally Posted by WTF
You google, I will state facts not someone definition and certainly not the liberal rag google,

Why are buying any oil from anyone? Why are we raiding the SOR? It is you sir that truly doesn’t understand. Why did congress deny Trump filling the SOR when oil was next to nil? That’s a rhetorical question , any sane individual should know the answer