For lack of a better Title: Where's the old guard?

Where's the old guard? Originally Posted by vnurse
Vicki, you know where they are. Hi Fawn.
Most of them are Mod's now, lol
This forum is Moderated by 3 members of the old guard.
a few of them left the mod ranks but are still lurkers.
Some rules have been modified to protect the riff-raff

geezerdude2's Avatar
I am still here Vicki.... And Doc you are so right we need the old crew reunion and I am just the woman to make it happen!

I miss all the fun we use to have and great conversations and the comradery was awesome! Now it is all drama,
rip offs, bashing, outing and down right cut throat shit....This is why most of the crew is just lurking now..... Originally Posted by fawn

Yepper. {lurk, lurk}
Now let's see I know Vicki, Fawn, and Darhma does that make me old guard by default??? I think I just know quality when I see it.
Life has gotten far too fast, we all need to stop and smell the rose scented pussy more often, lol
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
as kool as this place is and dont get me wrong i love it but it will never be what aspd was that was someting special and i truly
miss guys like maddog a marine fighter pilot god rest his soul
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
and please never forget amber who made place's like this happen
WOW! I had no idea that I would get this many responses here but it is great!

I remember ALL of the wonderful gentlemen for sure...thanks for your responses. And I am STILL using my little brown folder that you gave me, old grump!

Fawn darlin...I could probably rattle off a dozen names of ladies that don't seem to be here any more. I'm curious but won't name anyone publicly. I guess I shouldn't stay gone so long any more.

And Dharma...I see a spa day in our future for sure! Let's see if we can come up with something to start a "spirited" discussion without the drama like we used to in the old days...I think it would be fun!
OldGrump's Avatar
Vnurse, you mean you've been sharing our little brown folder with other guys? You loose woman you.
LOL! Well, what can I say? I'm just easy! Of course you are welcome to come and visit it any time!

And I am looking very forward to our little "party" TSRV!
cookie man's Avatar
vnurse it's like you say...a natural progression. Eccie is great and the new crew have evolved into their own identity. I'm sure the "old guard" are still checking out the scene, but I gotta tell ya the same old shit just gets rehashed over and over....boring. Let the kids find their way...and they will.

It's a great place to pass through, but we really shouldn't linger too many years on these sites. Still it's been most enlightening and fun.
pyramider's Avatar
Life has gotten far too fast, we all need to stop and smell the rose scented taint more often, lol Originally Posted by MUSHROOM MAN

Fixed it for you.

If there is a get together of old p handles, do I have to bring all of mine? It could get crowded.
WOW! I had no idea that I would get this many responses here but it is great!
And Dharma...I see a spa day in our future for sure! Let's see if we can come up with something to start a "spirited" discussion without the drama like we used to in the old days...I think it would be fun! Originally Posted by vnurse
Yes, I remember the last one was punctuated with a lot of "you what? For how long?" And I think they ended with "We're in the wrong business..." Sure was a lot of fun though! Spa day it is then!
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 01-09-2013, 06:59 AM
Vicki, you know where they are. Hi Fawn.
Most of them are Mod's now, lol
This forum is Moderated by 3 members of the old guard.
a few of them left the mod ranks but are still lurkers.
Some rules have been modified to protect the riff-raff

CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0
Hey baby, how are you?

Fawn darlin...I could probably rattle off a dozen names of ladies that don't seem to be here any more. I'm curious but won't name anyone publicly. I guess I shouldn't stay gone so long any more.

And Dharma...I see a spa day in our future for sure! Let's see if we can come up with something to start a "spirited" discussion without the drama like we used to in the old days...I think it would be fun! Originally Posted by vnurse
I loved aspd and I truly love eccie don't get me wrong we just have a new breed of people among us now....
Vicki, you are not the only one that has noticed the incline in the old timers posting rather it be female or males!

Yepper. {lurk, lurk} Originally Posted by geezerdude2
I love lurkers!

Now let's see I know Vicki, Fawn, and Darhma does that make me old guard by default??? I think I just know quality when I see it. Originally Posted by diddleman
And you know us well diddleman..

Vicki and Dharma, please don't forget me when scheduling your spa day I could really use it....
maxim_232's Avatar
Can't speak for everyone, but some of us at least still check in here to see what's up or find some new talent. There seems to be a trend here for some people to get in to other peoples business these days, so it makes a lower profile more desirable. Admittedly I myself didn't have much of a profile to begin with,
"There seems to be a trend here for some people to get in to other peoples business these days."

I was trying to figure out what's different. Maxim hit the nail on the head! It's as simple as that.