Trump leading in polls

By all accounts, you're an old, fat piece of shit who pops a pill to get hard. That's not my fault. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Sorry, wrong again, as usual. In fact, I'm something of a fitness fanatic, and in fact all of my equipment, not just my brain, works very well!
I recognize the nuance just fine, and understand economics and taxation vastly better than you do. What Sanders believes in, generally speaking, is what we refer to as "social democracy," and a rather robust form of it, but most of you fools who fall into that camp seem not to realize that your political heroes dare not tell the public about the sort of tax system that's required to finance it. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
You don't know me... and 'vastly' wasn't the best word choice there. You wanted to go fancy, when 'much' would have done the trick. Rookie mistake. We realize the taxes that come with it. Where do you think the money will come from? I'm willing to pay my fair share. Are you? Hell no you aren't. You'll go on about this great country and how we're the best and all that shit, but when the rubber meets the road, you're a chickenshit who wants to keep it all for himself. Fuck your fellow man, right?
Sorry, wrong again, as usual. In fact, I'm something of a fitness fanatic, and in fact all of my equipment, not just my brain, works very well! Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
You're a fanatic all right. Regardless of whether it works now, you're on the downward slide. Good luck.

In fact, and in fact.
You don't know me... and 'vastly' wasn't the best word choice there. You wanted to go fancy, when 'much' would have done the trick. Rookie mistake. We realize the taxes that come with it. Where do you think the money will come from? I'm willing to pay my fair share. Are you? Hell no you aren't. You'll go on about this great country and how we're the best and all that shit, but when the rubber meets the road, you're a chickenshit who wants to keep it all for himself. Fuck your fellow man, right? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Yeah, sing that song bitch.

I never said I was ok with 90 percent. I like Bernie. You assumed the rest. France isn't the US. No, it certainly isn't. If anything, an ultra-high tax rate would be an even harder sell in the U.S. Problem is, if you're going to support Bernie Sanders, you've got to accept the whole package -- even his most lunatic views. As for my life, I'll rephrase that; my life is better than I ever thought it could be, in my wildest dreams. Your inability to be happy for a fellow human being, on any level, is sad. Oh, I am always happy when my fellow human beings succeed. That's good for all us as a society and an economy! This is a hooker board, where we bullshit about politics. Don't make it into something it's not. I'm not.

And to put me down, you continually put down a woman you've never met and have no idea about. I wish you'd stop. Then stop attacking me with gratuitous, unprovoked insults. You started this shitstorm, remember? If you're going to go around attacking people without cause, don't you think it might be wise to see to it that your own house is in order? If you want to put me down, that's fine. You can be man enough to do it to me and not through her. She doesn't deserve to be talked about by the likes of you. I already noted your obvious insecurities, but remember that anything you post is fair game if you choose to come after me. Besides, if anything, this discussion -- to the extent that anyone is likely to see it -- is probably more apt than not to benefit the fine lady of your choice, not harm her business prospects. After all, there are lots of extreme bargain hunters out there who don't object to a bit of extra fat! By all accounts, you're an old, fat piece of shit who pops a pill to get hard. By "all" accounts? You sure do make a practice of getting your info from poor sources! That's not my fault. Take it out on someone who gives a fuck. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You don't know me... and 'vastly' wasn't the best word choice there. You wanted to go fancy, when 'much' would have done the trick. Rookie mistake. Rookie mistake? Hardly! The word 'vastly' works just fine here, and is quite appropriate. We realize the taxes that come with it. Where do you think the money will come from? I'm willing to pay my fair share. Are you? Hell no you aren't. I'm willing to pay whatever the code requires. Nothing more, nothing less. Right now, I pay tax at a 23.8% rate, since almost all of my income is capital gains and dividends. I realize that you probably think the rate should be much higher, but I suggest that you do a bit of research and learn what happens whenever progressives push the capital gains tax rate to higher levels. You'll go on about this great country and how we're the best and all that shit, but when the rubber meets the road, you're a chickenshit who wants to keep it all for himself. Fuck your fellow man, right? You completely missed the point of my earlier post, which was that if you wish to enact a Bernie Sanders-style progressive agenda, that takes money -- lots of it! You can't get the extra revenue by jacking up tax rates only on the "one percent." You've got to go after the middle class with something like a VAT. Try selling that to non-1%ers. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You're a fanatic all right. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Well, yes. And it's official, too!

I have a beautiful plaque from the well-known Cooper Fitness Center with my name engraved, along with the words "fitness fanatic." Got it for finishing a master's race (running) under a certain time.

Have you ever achieved any laudable fitness goals?

(Maybe you would do well to drop the line about how I'm old and fat.)
It wouldn't be 90 percent effective rate, don't shit yourself. It really worked at killing those boom years... no, wait, it didn't. You're just perpetuating the same lie that all of Wall St perpetuates. It's a scam. I know how capitalism works. It's predicated on cheap labor. When that labor ceases to be cheap, you move it. Sound familiar? Now we don't make shit. And Wall St is making money hand over fist by moving shit from here to there, producing nothing. I also never said I made 'a lot' of money. You keep putting words in my mouth. I made enough to not have to work if I didn't want to.

Why don't you tell us all a whopper about how your dick gets hard W/O the aid of science... Originally Posted by WombRaider
You ought to be used to having things shoved into your mouth woomby ! All those years working the glory holes are proof that you either like it or it's all that you're qualified to do !!
Well, yes. And it's official, too!

I have a beautiful plaque from the well-known Cooper Fitness Center with my name engraved, along with the words "fitness fanatic." Got it for finishing a master's race (running) under a certain time.

Have you ever achieved any laudable fitness goals?

(Maybe you would do well to drop the line about how I'm old and fat.) Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Does performing his " work " " on bended knee " 12 hours or more, 7 days a week while working all of the Arkansas truck stop glory holes constitute a " laudable fitness goal " ? Lots of neck and lip action in his "trade". And he sometimes stays bent forward for an hour or more when providing his "community service " .
Nothing is affecting my brain, you lying fraud.

Bernie Sanders thinks a 90% top tax bracket would be just great. Even the French self-described "socialists" backed off the 75% rate after it blew up in their faces. He has no fucking clue how the economy works or how the tax system works.

Why don't you tell us another whopper about how you made a lot of money and "retired" before you were 40? Fucking insecure phony.

I agree that Trump doesn't believe the bullshit he spews, but it's pretty fucking difficult to be more ridiculous than a loon like Sanders. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
But...but...but...woomby claims to be the owner of all of the gloryhole franchises in Arkansas ! He's got his " hands " (and lips ! ) around the "pulse of the economy" ( at least the part that goes into the Arkansas' truck stop's Men's rooms ) !!! He's got the job he SOOO loves and is qualified for.
. Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Well, yes. And it's official, too!

I have a beautiful plaque from the well-known Cooper Fitness Center with my name engraved, along with the words "fitness fanatic." Got it for finishing a master's race (running) under a certain time.

Have you ever achieved any laudable fitness goals?

(Maybe you would do well to drop the line about how I'm old and fat.) Originally Posted by Ex-CEO
Stop attacking you with unprovoked insults? You're the one who was calling people fucking losers and all kinds of other shit. I simply mentioned that if you were going to dish it out, expect it to come back. And you don't like it coming back, as most bullies don't. Tough shit. Bottom line; you pay chicks to bang you. If you could get 20 year olds on your own, you would, but you can't. Now insert another crack here about my choice of provider and we'll be done. I chose who I wanted to, she's a lovely woman. I knew the review would be public, so I knew people could see it. If I was ashamed of the act, I wouldn't have reviewed it. You're trying to somehow make me feel bad for it, and I simply refuse. Different strokes for different folks.

And we can all see who the insecure one is... nobody gives a shit about your plaque and your master race. Wait, master race. I've heard that somewhere before.
" different strokes.." That's what you hope for every day down at Talleywackers, right woomby ? Long and deep, hard and fast.. you'll take them all in BOTH ends !!!! That must be your version of "multi-tasking" !!! So does shammy know about your $150 piece-on-the-side pegging you ? He did ask about you taking all of the flour out of the cupboard for your " fun" with that hefty gal ?
They say he is a billionaire. Can't the Government of Mexico find where his bank is and seize his assets?

Of course not. They are getting big fat envelopes. And besides, if you refuse the envelope, he will have your wife and kids murdered.

Somebody needs to put a bullet between el Chapo's eyes. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Without a doubt, and no questions asked.

  • DSK
  • 07-15-2015, 08:23 PM
Stop attacking you with unprovoked insults? You're the one who was calling people fucking losers and all kinds of other shit. I simply mentioned that if you were going to dish it out, expect it to come back. And you don't like it coming back, as most bullies don't. Tough shit. Bottom line; you pay chicks to bang you. If you could get 20 year olds on your own, you would, but you can't. Now insert another crack here about my choice of provider and we'll be done. I chose who I wanted to, she's a lovely woman. I knew the review would be public, so I knew people could see it. If I was ashamed of the act, I wouldn't have reviewed it. You're trying to somehow make me feel bad for it, and I simply refuse. Different strokes for different folks.

And we can all see who the insecure one is... nobody gives a shit about your plaque and your master race. Wait, master race. I've heard that somewhere before. Originally Posted by WombRaider
The Ex-CEO is making you look stupid WombRaider - I suggest you quit digging a deeper hole and try to get out with some dignity left.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Besides, if Wormy can only afford cheap, fat backpage providers, that's his business. And don't give Ex CEO more credit than he deserves. Wormy was stupid long before he got here.