But I'm black...

themystic's Avatar
Sounds like an idea the DPST MSM should run with.

Another part of their Plantation politics - DPST owns all black votes. Originally Posted by oeb11
You poor thing. We were so much better in the good old days of the Plantations. Everyone knew their place. MAGA
  • oeb11
  • 01-19-2019, 09:34 AM
have You been watching "Gone with the Wind" again?
themystic's Avatar
have You been watching "Gone with the Wind" again? Originally Posted by oeb11
No Massa. Roots
tinman483's Avatar
This is how most white privilege works. I'm not saying 'it is who ya know' most of the time. White black green or blue whatever!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
white privilege doesn't exist. but from watching the video, it appears that coloured privileged does exist.