Ekim the Inbred remains an ignorant fuck who cannot discern the kernel thought in a simple sentence. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Poor IB who sifts through his shit daily looking for a kernel...
markroxny's Avatar
The Obama agenda for a second term is spelled out very plainly and clearly right here for all to see Whirlyturd.

From your link MarkyMarx.....
"Under President Obama, we've seen 32 straight months of job growth, adding 5.4 million private sector jobs, including nearly 479,000 manufacturing jobs since 2010"
This isn't a plan for the 2nd term......it is a pep cheer.

Your vacuous response proves you Obamazombies don't know why or what you voted for last week.
markroxny's Avatar
From your link MarkyMarx.....
"Under President Obama, we've seen 32 straight months of job growth, adding 5.4 million private sector jobs, including nearly 479,000 manufacturing jobs since 2010"
This isn't a plan for the 2nd term......it is a pep cheer.

Your vacuous response proves you Obamazombies don't know why or what you voted for last week. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
did you actually go to the link whirlyturd?

There are full detailed plans.

But of course you don't want to read them, because it destroys your argument that there is no plan.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fast Gunn do you know stupid you sound. Look at what you wrote;
Obama got us out of Iraq? Bush had won the war in Iraq and Obama got us on the Bush timetable. Do you give Truman all the credit for winning World War II? Only a fool would think that. Obama and Hillary did fail to get the Forces Agreement which was one goal of the war.

He was courageous enough to oppose the war before it started. Who really cared if a state senator from Illinois cared about anything (if he did, you've offered no proof). The democrats in the Senate and Congress voted for it.

He is winding down the mess in Afghanistan...he is losing the war and has wasted the lives of those who haved died in Afghanistan. He delayed on the surge, he gave the generals a third of what they wanted and it seems they were right and he was wrong. More soldiers have died under Obama than under Bush in Afghanistan. We have suffered some embarassing battles defeats under Obama; the helo shoot down as payback for Osama, the attack on a marine air base costing us six aircraft and a squadron commande, etc.

Arrested (?) Bin Laden? When did we ever try to arrest Bin Laden? The SEALs involved said this was a kill mission from the get go dummy. As for Pakistan and arrests, what about all the drone strikes on American citizens without warrant, charges, or due process?

He save Detroit? Have you looked at Detroit lately? Are you being very premature (is that a ongoing problem?). Detroit is bulldozing parts of their city to reduce services. You have a patient who continues to decline due to cancer and you're going to give the doctor credit for saving them. I gave you more credit than that. I guess that was my mistake.
Actually, there is no FEDERAL role in providing charity. It's not in the Constitution. However, if the states feel the need to tax their citizens for charitable purposes, it is completely within their jurisdiction to do so.

State run, or private run is preferable to federal control. When the federal government provides charity, more money goes to the bureaucracy than the beneficiaries. It's not only unconstitutional for the Federal government to be involved, it's stupid economically.

If you think the only worthy role of government is to provide "free stuff" for it's people, you are an idiot, and a big part of the problem we face in this country. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't think that at all, and I never said so. Please attribute all your stupid opinions to yourself, not to me.

If the states or privately run charities are the answer, then why aren't they doing something about children who live in poverty and go hungry? What's stopping them?

Your bizarre ideas that the federal government cannot be a force for good are ridiculous.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
to drive the right wing nuts loonier than they were the first four... Originally Posted by ekim008
Is that even possible? I wouldn't have thought so, but could be proven wrong. That does bring up the seminal question of whether someone who is totally loony can become MORE totally loony. Thought anyone on this important topic?

Maybe they will just self-secede and self-deport! LOL
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
The Obama agenda for a second term is spelled out very plainly and clearly right here for all to see Whirlyturd.

http://www.barackobama.com/plans/ Originally Posted by markroxny
Aw, they won't believe that socialist propaganda just tell them it is to surrender our sovereignty to the U.N. and have the U.N. tax us all while turning all Americans into socialist serfs. That is WAYYYYY more reasonable.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Do you give Truman all the credit for winning World War II? Only a fool would think that. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you give all credit to Reagan for winning the Cold War? His, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall" was truly terrifying but only a fool would think that.

Obama and Hillary did fail to get the Forces Agreement which was one goal of the war. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The Status of Forces agreement was an Iraqi referendum and there was nothing Obama and Hillary could have done to get it.

A permanent SOFA was one goal of the neo-cons of PNAC who got us into it in the first place. Having an enormous permanent base in Iraq is a terrible idea.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-12-2012, 11:12 AM
his agenda should be to fuck with the rightwing idiots as much as they fucked with him .. and Mitch should be the poster boy with a dick in his ass
markroxny's Avatar
I'm so glad Obama won re-election.


LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
his agenda should be to fuck with the rightwing idiots as much as they fucked with him .. and Mitch should be the poster boy with a dick in his ass Originally Posted by CJ7
+1 - just like we do here LOL
markroxny's Avatar
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Your bizarre ideas that the federal government cannot be a force for good are ridiculous. Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah, the Constitution is bizarre. You are a sad case, Timmy.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-12-2012, 11:57 AM
Yeah, the Constitution is bizarre. You are a sad case, Timmy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

the constitution isnt a force for good?

if its not, why the hell are you constantly defendng it then?