Cyberstalking in threads

Dev Null's Avatar
I'm gonna leave you with this. I bumped a thread from a year ago just out of curiosity. If you read the thread I stuck up for sue when someone wrote something medical related. And in that thread she thanked whispers for the uptick in business she received from it being made.

Now she has a problem with it when at the time she didn't. There are several more out there similar to that one, but I won't be bumping anymore, the curious will have to search on their own. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
A thread that resurrected a myth about her doing BBFS when she doesn't even do CFS?

You can spin it any way you want to. My best guess is that you have issues with her for some reason that you are not disclosing.

I won't speculate on those reasons because I don't know what they might be.

Maybe you could shed some light. I won't hold my breath.
Me and another poster got into an argument, he brought my family into it, including my little daughter. He made some horrible references that I cannot repeat. She joined in with him. I sent her a p.m. asking her change what she wrote and she ignored it. That's the kind of person you are defending.
Dev Null's Avatar
I don't think that I'm defending anyone. I'm just pointing out that someone here has been a target of cyber-bullying in recent threads, in my opinion.

If you think that that kind of activity is justified, maybe you could post a link or some other kind of proof instead of us just having to take someone's word for it.
You are hard to please aren't you. I can't post a link or the thread, I will get banned. You're just going to have to look it up on your own if you want. Believe me or not I don't care. It's the truth.
Dev Null's Avatar
what if you pm me the linK?
I will look it up later and send it to you. I remember who I was arguing with but I don't remember who started the thread. I need to look through all my post to find it.
sue_nami's Avatar
Me and another poster got into an argument, he brought my family into it, including my little daughter. He made some horrible references that I cannot repeat. She joined in with him. I sent her a p.m. asking her change what she wrote and she ignored it. That's the kind of person you are defending. Originally Posted by Kickrocks

I have NO IDEA what you are talking about. ZERO. This never happened. produce a thread link or some shred of evidence. and I never got a PM from you about anything. this entire thing is a sheer fabrication. as to why? I have no idea, but this never happened.
Dev Null's Avatar
I will look it up later and send it to you. I remember who I was arguing with but I don't remember who started the thread. I need to look through all my post to find it. Originally Posted by Kickrocks
Well, let me know if you find it. Life is too short for holding grudges. Maybe we can sort things out.
I wish it weren't true. I will find it, just give me time. I did send you a p.m. sue.
sue_nami's Avatar
yea well pm it to me too since I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
There are a lot of things that are interpreted by the reader that wasn't intended by the writer. There are also a lot of things that are taking and twisted up by other and spread around as fact that many others will believe simply because they want to believe it.
Whispers's Avatar
A thread that resurrected a myth about her ....... Originally Posted by Dev Null
In reference to no particular prostitute plying her wares here.....

There are not a lot of prostitutes on the BBFS lists that ADMIT to doing BBFS. Yet they do.

You obviously choose to believe what a prostitute says.

I choose to believe what other men have to say.

Even the hottest and most in demand will cross that line in the right moment at the right time and especially when offered additional money.

In the case of less desirable prostitutes it quickly becomes a way of life.

Perhaps after you've seen 100 or more of these girls you'l come to realize how common it is...
Whispers's Avatar
.....If you do a quick search you will see she has started up at least a dozen of so threads about the same subject....... Originally Posted by Kickrocks
I don't know the count but it has been multiple for sure and SHOULD be considered exactly what it is.

Dev Null's Avatar
As Treetop pointed out in another thread, he has gone national in what appears to be a thinly-veiled campaign to recruit more cyberstalkers to the Austin forum. That's my take on it anyway. Here's the post so you can decide for yourself:
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-18-2018, 01:23 PM
Generic you.

Jesus, do we have to take everything personally? Originally Posted by Dev Null

Some do--or are at least selective in what they take personally.

There are some posters on here who are very "fluid" in their logic.

They use the general "you" when they want to claim they were not attacking someone--and then quickly misinterpret others who use it when it suits them.

They liberally apply innuendo that can only be taken one way in the context of the thread--and act pure and innocent when called on it.

They rant with great hyperbole, claiming they didn't really mean what they actually said--readers are just too sensitive--but nit pick others' posts trying very hard to "find" what isn't there.

Welcome to the semi-Wild-West that is Austin.