Press #3 for Arabic

My wife is a school administrator and deals with these people every day. We better wake up. I am not as bad as my S. Ga. buddy with 4 AR15's and 5000 rounds of ammo, but things are changing. My wife had a mother walk up to her the day after Osama was killed, look her straight in the eye and ask "Are you happy now ?" Originally Posted by SkyDriver

I hope your wife looked straight into the lady’s eyes and said, “YES!” I know I’m glad he is dead.

I think there is a serious push back in this country because ethnic groups aren’t assimilating like they used to. I don’t know about the rest of the country, but here in Texas, California and the Southwest, the Mexicans never did fully integrate. We are just too close to the Border. I remember Hispanics saying they didn’t speak Spanish, but I knew they did, because it was not vogue. Now, thankfully, that is a rarity. I think everyone should be proud of his or her heritage. Before the war in Mexico, I was semi-expatriated there. I love the culture. When the war is over, I will go back to living there at least two, long weekends a month.

I cannot abide is insurrection. I honestly feel that the militant Muslim movement in this and other countries like France is an insurrection. I do not believe in ANY law other than those of the State. That includes Sharia, Talmudic, radical Christian law or any of the radical, Ruby Ridge type, splinter groups that infest our nation and resist our laws. I do not believe in multiple wives. I do not believe in honor killings. I do not believe that a woman is subjugated to her husband our male children’s will. These things are all not only illegal, but they violate one of the very tenants of our Constitution: Separation of Church and State. These laws are all tied up in their God not social justice and concern like the laws we have established.

I do not care for any group that flaunts their distaste of our laws. The litmus test though is if they break our laws.
If they just have a distaste for our country and culture, but mind the laws, I don’t like them, but I feel they should have the right to stay. Personally, I think they should go the fuck home if they hate us and our country so much, but that is neither here nor there. If they break our laws, follow Sharia law, commit crimes in the name of their God and his laws, they should be prosecuted, and then they and their dependents should be deported if they are not citizens.
I B Hankering's Avatar

I hope your wife looked straight into the lady’s eyes and said, “YES!” I know I’m glad he is dead.

I think there is a serious push back in this country because ethnic groups aren’t assimilating like they used to. I don’t know about the rest of the country, but here in Texas, California and the Southwest, the Mexicans never did fully integrate. We are just too close to the Border. I remember Hispanics saying they didn’t speak Spanish, but I knew they did, because it was not vogue. Now, thankfully, that is a rarity. I think everyone should be proud of his or her heritage. Before the war in Mexico, I was semi-expatriated there. I love the culture. When the war is over, I will go back to living there at least two, long weekends a month.

I cannot abide is insurrection. I honestly feel that the militant Muslim movement in this and other countries like France is an insurrection. I do not believe in ANY law other than those of the State. That includes Sharia, Talmudic, radical Christian law or any of the radical, Ruby Ridge type, splinter groups that infest our nation and resist our laws. I do not believe in multiple wives. I do not believe in honor killings. I do not believe that a woman is subjugated to her husband our male children’s will. These things are all not only illegal, but they violate one of the very tenants of our Constitution: Separation of Church and State. These laws are all tied up in their God not social justice and concern like the laws we have established.

I do not care for any group that flaunts their distaste of our laws. The litmus test though is if they break our laws.
If they just have a distaste for our country and culture, but mind the laws, I don’t like them, but I feel they should have the right to stay. Personally, I think they should go the fuck home if they hate us and our country so much, but that is neither here nor there. If they break our laws, follow Sharia law, commit crimes in the name of their God and his laws, they should be prosecuted, and then they and their dependents should be deported if they are not citizens. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I know you do not watch much if any TV, but HBO currently has a very informative documentary running. It’s called “Love Crimes of Kabul.” The film relates the true story of women (and some girls) being held in the Badam Bagh prison in Kabul for so called “moral crimes.” Warning: it’s in Dari and Pashto with English subtitles.
surcher's Avatar a WOMEN speaks, I tend to listen..OOhh YAH, no TELEPROMPTER!![/url] Originally Posted by JONBALLS
If you bought what she sold in this video, then Iran has the capability to, and is in the process of destroying Israel. They also had bombs that could could reach D.C., NYC and the entire east coast two years ago. I think you need to have some prerequisites set on women you listen to, starting with common sense. Maybe you wanted to hear that type of rhetoric and it supported your use of fear to get others to believe, instead of rational, fact based thought. I can't believe you posted that 4 year old video, especially if you knew it's content. Her credibility after that is gone.
DFW5Traveler's Avatar
My father served (KW), my brother did as did I (GW) and I continue to serve to ensure your rights aren't stripped away as stupid politicians listen to the idiot extremists and further strip away social programs you and all veterans need. Idiots like DFW5 who wear their patronage on their sleeves and on their taglines do nothing to further serve this country, nor it's veterans. Sickening.

Obviously the original sentence was above your head.

I'm sure reading Taliban texts you'll probably find that they share a lot of extremist views like yourself. That must scare you. Scares me. Originally Posted by Sa_artman
If believing in the oath I took to honor the US Constitution makes me an extremist, so be it. I took an oath of honor to defend the US Constitution and that to me means as it is written and until the required majority creates AMENDMENTS to the US Constitution, it stands as is. Semper Fidelis, ALWAYS FAITHFUL, is something I take very seriously.

Wearing my service on my sleeve is a badge of honor I wear. I have two honorable discharges from the United States Marine Corps. I am a Cold War and Desert Storm Veteran of the United States of America. You are most likely a poser. I challenge you to prove you served, I can.

The Taqiyahh is a part of the Qu'ran. I'll bet the day before 9/11, the TERRORISTS were practicing the edict of Taqiyahh just fine while living it up in the strip clubs. Idiots like you have no clue what it's like in the real world. I've been through CTT Counter-Terrorism Training. I know exactly what we as a country are up against and that INCLUDES DOMESTIC terrorism from groups like the Weather Underground of which William "Bill" Ayers, friend to BO, was a member. Or the Earth Liberation Front, who are currently active and believe economic damage to businesses through the use of violence and arson is the way to combat corporations they don't like. Extremism? How about this or this from an FBI mole in the WU?

You can only dream of the same utopia that progressives like the racists Woodrow Wilson and Margaret Sanger only dreamed of, the real xenophobes have infiltrated YOUR democratic party, they are called PROGRESSIVES. They sound just like the Communist Manifesto and Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. If that's you, just admit it and stop hiding behind the Democratic Party's talking points. Wear your socialist radicalism on your sleeve or are you a pu$$y who would rather disguise your contempt for this country?

You might want to think about looking this stuff up, because you obviously don't have a grip on reality. It's fairly obvious though that you don't want to know the truth. That lack of a clue you have is called apathy which makes you pathetic.
If you bought what she sold in this video, then Iran has the capability to, and is in the process of destroying Israel. They also had bombs that could could reach D.C., NYC and the entire east coast two years ago. I think you need to have some prerequisites set on women you listen to, starting with common sense. Maybe you wanted to hear that type of rhetoric and it supported your use of fear to get others to believe, instead of rational, fact based thought. I can't believe you posted that 4 year old video, especially if you knew it's content. Her credibility after that is gone. Originally Posted by surcher
ummm,sure thing.. wont hold our president responsible for not knowing how many states are in America.
Sa_artman's Avatar
If believing in the oath I took to honor the US Constitution makes me an extremist, so be it. I took an oath of honor to defend the US Constitution and that to me means as it is written and until the required majority creates AMENDMENTS to the US Constitution, it stands as is. Semper Fidelis, ALWAYS FAITHFUL, is something I take very seriously.(For someone so faithful, you sure speak a strong anti government rhetoric. Funny how we bite the hand that feeds.)

Wearing my service on my sleeve is a badge of honor I wear. I have two honorable discharges from the United States Marine Corps. I am a Cold War and Desert Storm Veteran of the United States of America. You are most likely a poser. I challenge you to prove you served, I can.(Yes. I can and if you read, instead of spending time on whining...still serving. As I stated, I deal with Veterans all day and most bitch less than you do. Beyond that, when I'm in Dallas come Fall, I'll drop you note and we can do that face to face.)

Idiots like you have no clue what it's like in the real world...
You might want to think about looking this stuff up, because you obviously don't have a grip on reality. It's fairly obvious though that you don't want to know the truth. That lack of a clue you have is called apathy which makes you pathetic.That's just it, I deal with the real world. You may hide behind closed doors watching Fox and scouring Youtube for things to confirm your neurotic fantasies while peeping out your window waiting for the next apocalypse, I'm busy being not-apathetic putting people's lives back together. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
The only contempt I harbor is for people who instead of being part of solution, want to become part of the problem. What side are you on?
Sa_artman's Avatar

I hope your wife looked straight into the lady’s eyes and said, “YES!” I know I’m glad he is dead.

I think there is a serious push back in this country because ethnic groups aren’t assimilating like they used to. I don’t know about the rest of the country, but here in Texas, California and the Southwest, the Mexicans never did fully integrate. We are just too close to the Border. I remember Hispanics saying they didn’t speak Spanish, but I knew they did, because it was not vogue. Now, thankfully, that is a rarity. I think everyone should be proud of his or her heritage. Before the war in Mexico, I was semi-expatriated there. I love the culture. When the war is over, I will go back to living there at least two, long weekends a month.

I cannot abide is insurrection. I honestly feel that the militant Muslim movement in this and other countries like France is an insurrection. I do not believe in ANY law other than those of the State. That includes Sharia, Talmudic, radical Christian law or any of the radical, Ruby Ridge type, splinter groups that infest our nation and resist our laws. I do not believe in multiple wives. I do not believe in honor killings. I do not believe that a woman is subjugated to her husband our male children’s will. These things are all not only illegal, but they violate one of the very tenants of our Constitution: Separation of Church and State. These laws are all tied up in their God not social justice and concern like the laws we have established.

I do not care for any group that flaunts their distaste of our laws. The litmus test though is if they break our laws.
If they just have a distaste for our country and culture, but mind the laws, I don’t like them, but I feel they should have the right to stay. Personally, I think they should go the fuck home if they hate us and our country so much, but that is neither here nor there. If they break our laws, follow Sharia law, commit crimes in the name of their God and his laws, they should be prosecuted, and then they and their dependents should be deported if they are not citizens. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Careful, don't want your common sense being contagious.
that nobody commented when I said "mercenary army".
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I couldn't wait for you to turn on the green light!

I never jumped at Campbell but I did have a memorable experience there with lilred robin a couple of years ago. Originally Posted by bigtex
I was always pushing the stick near 28-29 position. It was always informative to be by the platoon Sgt. I've heard rumors there was a set of lights by the door but I was always pretty busy by the time I got there. Try running down the isle of a bus in a harness, 150 lbs (most of it in front of you), pivot by the driver and jump, try to keep your chin down so you don't eat a deployment bag. And oh yeah, the bus is going about 175 knots. After that first jump, my next 9 or 10 were "night jumps" (eyes closed).
Really started to like it at about 15 jumps. Usually one weekend a month you could go out to Nijmegen and "strap hang". The corps headquarters personnel couldn't jump regularly so this was their chance to get that 1 every 3 months to stay on jump status. They would have a couple of UH-1s and a couple of trucks full chutes the riggers brought out. Bring a copy of your orders and if they had extra chutes you got a 3000 footer. Excellent view from that height. Actually had time to look around.
My dad was in the 509th of the 82nd (1st unit in Army to do a combat jump) in WWII. His combat jump was off the back of a truck in Jan. 45. Not a real good time to go to Germany.

Pop quiz. What was the first thing you did after getting your harness off?
Really started to like it at about 15 jumps. Usually one weekend a month you could go out to Nijmegen and "strap hang".

Pop quiz. What was the first thing you did after getting your harness off? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Thanks for the memories, I have not thought of Nijmegen DZ in a very long time. Perhaps I jumped that DZ once or twice but if so, I do not remember it. I do recall jumping the deep sands of both Sicily and Normandy quite a few times. Somewhere in the deep, dark recesses of my memory bank, I seem to recall having jumped a much smaller DZ by the name of St. Mere Egliese once or twice. I might have jumped one or two more DZ's at Bragg but 38-40 years is a very long time for this old timer to still be able to exercise total recall.

As for your pop quiz, it seems as though you might be shooting a trick question my way. But I will play along anyway! I seemed to always end up on the 4th point of contact. I would first take off the harness. I then did a quick check for breaks, pulls or sprains. I would then pick myself up off of the ground, roll up the chute and stuff it in the kit bag! Pretty elementary stuff!

I do recall having deviated on one occasion from the normal routine. It involved a chopper jump into an unexpected gust of wind. The end result was an unscheduled water landing near Ft. Sherman, Canal Zone! What an experience that turned out to be!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Thanks for the memories, I have not thought of Nijmegen DZ in a very long time. Perhaps I jumped that DZ once or twice but if so, I do not remember it. I do recall jumping the deep sands of both Sicily and Normandy quite a few times. Somewhere in the deep, dark recesses of my memory bank, I seem to recall having jumped a much smaller DZ by the name of St. Mere Egliese once or twice. I might have jumped one or two more DZ's at Bragg but 38-40 years is a very long time for this old timer to still be able to exercise total recall.

As for your pop quiz, it seems as though you might be shooting a trick question my way. But I will play along anyway! I seemed to always end up on the 4th point of contact. I would first take off the harness. I then did a quick check for breaks, pulls or sprains. I would then pick myself up off of the ground, roll up the chute and stuff it in the kit bag! Pretty elementary stuff!

I do recall having deviated on one occasion from the normal routine. It involved a chopper jump into an unexpected gust of wind. The end result was an unscheduled water landing near Ft. Sherman, Canal Zone! What an experience that turned out to be! Originally Posted by bigtex
The answer was take a piss. In the gear for 3 hours, all the tension that builds up, and after you know you’re alright, the tension is released and that brutal urge hits.
nktatc's Avatar
I have a good idea, why don't the four of you above get the fuck out of the US? Bitching and moaning like a bunch of girls. Go stick your heads in a hole somewhere where the bad, diversified world won't get you. And dumbass Jackie, the Romans were around a hell of lot longer than the USA, to compare our culture and country to them is stupid. Learn some history fucktard. "Tu es stultior quam asinus" Originally Posted by Sa_artman
As the Roman Republic and Empire expand it's territories it also expanded/imposed it's culture to conquered territories. To be a Roman did not mean being born in Rome. The main issue was Citizenship and adoption of Roman societal norms in territories that Rome conquered or acquired.
Rome fell for many and varied reasons. One of the key factors in the breakdown of the Western Empire was the failure of Rome ( and by that I mean parties in control) to integrate the Western Goths fleeing from Hunnish aggression were allowed access into the Empire but were restricted to what we would call Concentration Camps today and were abused wretchedly not over racism but over money. This fomented armed conflict within the Empire that could not be effectively controlled or resolved due to other issues.
The answer was take a piss. In the gear for 3 hours, all the tension that builds up, and after you know you’re alright, the tension is released and that brutal urge hits. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Munchmasterman's Avatar

I do recall having deviated on one occasion from the normal routine. It involved a chopper jump into an unexpected gust of wind. The end result was an unscheduled water landing near Ft. Sherman, Canal Zone! What an experience that turned out to be! Originally Posted by bigtex
Those damn choppers. We were jumping at Sicily at dusk. Plenty of light at 2800 ft. Lots of shadows on the ground. A steady 10 knt wind, they dropped us to compensate for it. I was last out of the UH-1. And screwed. I had to run with the wind in a -1 from the getgo. Thought I would make the drop zone, at 100 ft I knew I wouldn't. Trees coming up, 18 knts of ground speed (10 wind and 8 chute). One toggle yank aimed me at a nice patch of the red sand (only 30-40 ft into the trees from the edge of the DZ) . Still going way too fast, I knew I was going to be hurt. Hoping to only break one leg, I came in hard. Feet hit close to where I intended and as I collapsed, I slammed the peepers shut. My knees touched but no smashing impact. It felt like being blown along by the giant fan. Then it was bouncy. This all happened in a couple of seconds. I heroically opened my eyes and saw I was hanging about 25 ft off the ground, the chute hung up on a large pine tree. It had bent way over and then straightened back up. After squirming around to make sure I was shit free, I deployed my reserve for the first and only time in what ended up being a total of 33 jumps. I then finished my decent.
4 of us quickly torn the chute out of the tree. The policy at that time was to cut the tree down to save the chute. A 2 1/2 foot diameter trunk with 4 axes in 95/95 (degrees/% humidity)? They could bill me.

I have never had the slightest urge to sport jump.

I have never had the slightest urge to sport jump.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I was asked about 5 years ago if I would like to jump again, I did not hesitate in saying no. I have no desire to do it again but it was one of the best experiences of my life!