How the hell do

tikkler33's Avatar
Paul, in case you don't understand some of these uncomplimentary references and why they might affect your business, you might want to spend a long afternoon reading a bunch of old posts to see how the lady who sold you the business was viewed around here.
Hopefully you will get off to a much better start.
boardman's Avatar
Now this is where things get a little confusing. Is it still a coin-op or is it now an agency? If it is a coin-op then you only need a scheduler not a manager right?
Hmmmmmmm...................... ....This all sounds familiar. I need to do a search.

At any rate get one of the Sofias to explain the signifigance of the blue's very important...........but as a seasoned hobbyist you probably already knew that.

I am available for management consultation and provider checks.................PM me.
Wayward's Avatar
Nothing is for sale. I would not sell a thing in a thriving business. I have nothing negative or positive to say about Sofia except she had a hell of a business. It would be a necessity to have a manager not providing. I do not think it would be wise to have a provider managing as there would be a conflict of interest. Sofia is still around for a while to help with the transition. Originally Posted by HoustonHotties
Paul, Father Wayward is here to help, I don't care if you need someone to go after a Mac or a PC with a sledge hammer or an axe at 3 AM. If you need me to run over all your cell phones with a dump trunk I'm on it! Need pointers in how to retire, stop posting or get rep points on another board I am here for you. Want to add six or seven layers of arcane screening we have access to secret decoder rings, one time code cyphers and other trade craft.

We and by "we" I mean the Houston Hobby community that you have long been part of(?) are here for you. Let's get together for drinks if not today then sometime this week. It takes a village to have a super successful coin-op and we want to remove or install as many or as few barriers to that as you see fit. Cheers to your great new beginning on and all the new friends you are going to make.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Miss Wild, I have several franchises and different businesses as well as been a hobbyist for years. Originally Posted by HoustonHotties

I find it very interesting (not being sarcastic) that you have legit businesses’ yet decided to get involved in something that is kind’a .. ahh, well illegal. Why would you want to own a prostitution ring? Now I’m sure you will say that is not what you have purchased but that is exactly what you have purchased.

Kind’a seems like you have just taken a step backwards in life.

Regardless, best of luck to you & welcome to the board.
bigbadbill969's Avatar
I find it very interesting (not being sarcastic) that you have legit businesses’ yet decided to get involved in something that is kind’a .. ahh, well illegal. Why would you want to own a prostitution ring? Now I’m sure you will say that is not what you have purchased but that is exactly what you have purchased.

Kind’a seems like you have just taken a step backwards in life.

Regardless, best of luck to you & welcome to the board. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Damn Brooke!!! I admire the shit out of you. You call it exactly the way you see it......Bill
HoustonHotties's Avatar
I'm semi retired, bored, I'm a risk taker. I don't have to keep it forever and it seems like an interesting venture. On the contrary this is not a step backwards, I've done very well in business. You have to be a risk taker to do well in the business world and no matter what anyone says, it is a man's world honey. I will categorically deny this is anything but a Reiki Energy Group. I'm sure what you do is perfectally legal . I'll sell it to the next taker once I'm bored with it. Just like any business.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
What exactly did you pay her for? The instruction manual? The LaCoste towels? Surely it could not have been the brand identity.
In all seriousness, I wish you the best of luck. You have some fine ladies over there who have good reputations. If sofia had a good business even with her bipolar personality and shitty attitude, then I have no doubt that a rational, solid individual can make it a great business.

I know you didn't ask me, and I don't care, but my advice is to contact Gina with P411 and try to get your girls listed there. I know she wouldn't have anything to do with sofia, but maybe, maybe, she'll come around now that someone else is at the helm. Just my opinion though. Good luck.
dearhunter's Avatar
Ok.....I'll play along.

Do you get to sample the product?

Make sure you keep the blue water flowing.
Wayward's Avatar
I'm semi retired, bored, I'm a risk taker. I don't have to keep it forever and it seems like an interesting venture. On the contrary this is not a step backwards, I've done very well in business. You have to be a risk taker to do well in the business world and no matter what anyone says, it is a man's world honey. I will categorically deny this is anything but a Reiki Energy Group. I'm sure what you do is perfectally legal . I'll sell it to the next taker once I'm bored with it. Just like any business. Originally Posted by HoustonHotties
So you are here to hit it and then quit it. That's cool Phil, have you posted on any of the local boards over the years? Have any friends you made along the way, ATF providers to give us an idea of the type of ladies you will be adding to the coin-op? What was your best hobby experience? Mine was a couple if local women that have moved on and a delightful year in Brazil. But you can read all about that on the other local and national boards my life is an open book. Let's throw out the welcome mat and get to know one another, I'd still really like to meet for that drink but understand if you are feeling a little shy. Risk takers are always shy, heck I'm shy until you get to know me.

What are you plans for the coin-op, more locations? Getting back on P411? Maybe starting your own message board? Recruiting some new ladies? Hey how about having an open house?
pyramider's Avatar
What exactly did you pay her for? The instruction manual? The LaCoste towels? Surely it could not have been the brand identity. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
The blue water, of course.
simpleton's Avatar
What exactly did you pay her for? The instruction manual? The LaCoste towels? Surely it could not have been the brand identity. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

I had that same conversation with Sofia. She said she had over $ 75,000 in stuff like imported art, computers, cameras, sofa, knick knacks, towels, and a big box of condoms.
simpleton's Avatar
Who's Phil? I thought his name was Paul?
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar

I love this post. So you bought a business you know nothing about? I hope you used your disposable income. I don’t see bright days in your future.

You should’a just bought a subway franchise. Everybody loves subway! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Tooo funny. Come home soon...

I find it very interesting (not being sarcastic) that you have legit businesses’ yet decided to get involved in something that is kind’a .. ahh, well illegal. Why would you want to own a prostitution ring? Now I’m sure you will say that is not what you have purchased but that is exactly what you have purchased.

Kind’a seems like you have just taken a step backwards in life.

Regardless, best of luck to you & welcome to the board. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Dang... and you were doing so well... Ok, you've been bad... go to my room...

Paul please overlook the subtle attempts at humor from my peers. They mean well... who am I kidding... no they don't but at least you aren't Chicago Sun...are you? Anyway... Sofia did a good job at gaining name recognition for the business... though it may take you a while to overcome some of that. You have a tremendous opportunity to leverage that notoriety, if you act quickly and positively.
  1. Mend the fences with Gina at P411 and get relisted
  2. Host a meet and greet or an Open House and introduce the "New" management
  3. Buy Condoms and don't confuse whore them with hoard them
  4. Run a Grand Reopening Special
  5. Do Not and I repeat Do Not post stuff that makes even your friends cringe
  6. Take all references to the past owner, blue water etc with a sense of humor
  7. Become a well known AND respected board member

I suffer from Old Timer's Disease and spend most of my day napping, but, the few hours I manage to stay awake I'll be glad to lend my decades of expertise in the fine art of Cat House operation to help you get started. No charge... I feel like I should give something back to the industry that has given me so much.

That said... ya got any nekkid pictures of Sofia ... or with clothes on... beggars can't be choosers...
TexasGator's Avatar
Who's Phil? I thought his name was Paul? Originally Posted by simpleton
To avoid the confusion caused by the many differing personae of the previous "Owner" of the Coin Op, Father Wayward chose to assign separate names to the various personae as they surface this time around. Trust me, there's a madness to his method.