Why do women get mad when men cheat

If marriage is such a ridiculous concept, why do all the faggots want to get married now? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Well, tax benefits, spousal benefits, visitation rights, inheritance rights, the dignity of being considered equals, etc. are all plusses of marriage. I'm beginning to think you may not be a real lawyer...

That said, marriage is a ridiculous fucking concept.

I'm not nor have I ever been married (see: above), so I can't comment on the effect the marriage dynamics have on cheating. However I did "cheat" on one girl in college (it was just a drunken makeout/half-handjob! She meant nothing to me, baby!) and was cheated on by another girl shortly afterwards. The one I cheated on, after I told her what happened, she teared up a little then finally asked "What made you want to cheat?" (real answer: booze + having a penis....but I didn't say that). After about a week she let me know she couldn't see me anymore because she didn't think she could trust me again.

As for the girl that cheated on me, after she told me about her little tryst with the junior manager of the women's basketball team, I had one question and one question only for her: "Was his dick bigger than mine?!?"

I am a child.

In summation: In my experience, women are more deeply emotionally hurt by cheating than by the act itself -- they're being cheated on emotionally as well as physically -- while men just get pissed that some other mutt was sniffing around our food bowl. Or something like that.
bradjbeale you said these are benefits for being married "Well, tax benefits, spousal benefits, visitation rights, inheritance rights, the dignity of being considered equals, etc. are all plusses of marriage. I'm beginning to think you may not be a real lawyer..."
1.There is no tax benefit there is the marrage penalty which is why there are so many baby mommas and baby daddys now.
2.The only spousal benefit is that she or in this case he or she doesnt have to blow you anymore and you are lucky to get anything so take what you can.
3 visitation rights you only get if you are divorced so I dont have any Idea what that has with being married and 2 people of the same sex cant make a baby
4. inheritance rights even if you are married you still need a will or your estate could go to probate and civil unions take care of that
5. the dignity of being considered equals could be the only argument for being married but 2 guys living together for 20 years and 2 guys being married for 20 years there is no difference. They are still 2 gay guys which will be loved in their arenas and hated in others getting married wont change that
So I dont see any plus for anyone getting married gay or straight except for having kids and raising a family but you dont have to be married to do that so why do we do it at all. I dont understand why the gay community is fighting so hard to do something that doesnt benefit them at all
Roxane's Avatar
Actually they're are tax benefits. Having dependents over being single allows you deductions. Allows you to be on your s.o.'s insurance. You don't have the expense of maintaining two homes. And it's socially accepted. Married men live longer and make more money statistics say as well. But more than anything its just human nature to want a partner.
1. There are plenty of tax benefits to being married. One of the most basic is using a spouse as a sort of "tax shelter", or gifting them a large non-taxable sum out of your estate.
2. Im talking about spousal benefits for social security and retirement plans.
3. Visitation rights, as in hospital visitation rights. If you want to see your partner in the hospital but you technically aren't their "spouse" or "family", you're out of luck. Want to have some say over their healthcare, or want to be the one to decide if they should be pulled off life support? Unless they've thought of this beforehand and explicitly put you in charge of these decisions, you're up Shit Creek.
4. Not everyone has a will. If you don't have a will, your estate goes through the rules of intestacy, which will give a "spouse" or "next of kin" a portion of the estate, but nothing to a "partner."
5. This is a whole new can of worms, but I'll say this: During segregation, the thought was that "separate but equal" was fair. Then with Brown v. Board of Education everyone came to their senses and realized that "separate" is inherently unequal. To tie that all to this convo, those who claim that civil unions are as good as marriage for homosexuals are just trying to keep marriage and civil unions separate.

What was the topic again?? Sorry for the hijack.
  • DSK
  • 02-06-2015, 08:55 AM
Actually they're are tax benefits. Having dependents over being single allows you deductions. Allows you to be on your s.o.'s insurance. You don't have the expense of maintaining two homes. And it's socially accepted. Married men live longer and make more money statistics say as well. But more than anything its just human nature to want a partner. Originally Posted by Roxane
Married men live longer and make more money because wives are less likely to divorce a guy who makes money, and guys on disability/sick guys don't attract wives.
Roxane's Avatar
That also is human nature, to want to marry and/or procreate with an alpha male. Survival of the fittest.
I'm totally open to marrying a gay man with a lot of money.

And it's totally cool with me if he "cheats".

So any of you rich gay men out there needing a passable straight marriage with a very understanding and supportive cookie-cutter wife who doesn't mind your cock-loving ways then shoot me a pm. Let's talk.
TexTushHog's Avatar
If marriage is such a ridiculous concept, why do all the faggots want to get married now?
Anyway, I think women get mad because they have an emotional commitment and public image intertwined with the marriage. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Because marraige is like a besieged medieval city -- those on the outside desperately want in, and those on the inside desperately want out!
Just remain single. Problem solved.
Iaintliein's Avatar
I'm totally open to marrying a gay man with a lot of money.

And it's totally cool with me if he "cheats".

So any of you rich gay men out there needing a passable straight marriage with a very understanding and supportive cookie-cutter wife who doesn't mind your cock-loving ways then shoot me a pm. Let's talk. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Are you really willing to give over complete control of the interior decorating of your abode?
DarthDVader's Avatar
I think for the same reason men get mad when women cheat. Originally Posted by Kayleehotchick
Are you really willing to give over complete control of the interior decorating of your abode? Originally Posted by Iaintliein
Does a bear shit in the woods?
I gues the topic is why would your wife get mad if you cheat with someone who is doing her job for her. If she doesnt like to suck dick then why not outsource.
rexdutchman's Avatar
all the above
i'm single and simply don't understand why GUYS put up with that shit.
Dump her and move on.