Plastic Man's Avatar
Who in the sweet hell does this splitlicker think he is.
You just got a membership as of Yesterday... And here you are just going in on people in a not nice underhanded way...
Personally I think its PlasticMan with another handle and persona... Originally Posted by Angel14609
ooooooo! ...ya done solved a major ...jimmie mystery! ...plastic man needs ...many handles tell everyone to a big shit

...great alert! ...move it to the shitbox where it ...belongs
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I also noticed on a few diffent occasions recently a provider had given out her favorite hotel location in Rochester and Buffalo, along with some hobbiest in the same threads giving their favorite spots up.......

Not smart at all imo.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
ms cannot blame everything on pm.. Originally Posted by aj14620
The hell we can't.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
i forgot what i was going to say, aj avatar distracted me. looking very hot . this should prob get moved to coed, then the discussion will get interesting. Originally Posted by Justin Heranus
Sure I'll move it. Now everyone that couldn't comment on this in Alerts, or in Mr Dicks thread or Ms Angels thread on the same topic can, now that its in coed.
after they read this there is no way anyone gets busted

there is no way in hell they want to put up with this much idiocy at the jail

I can almost hear them.. "you bring any of those retards to my jail and im going to kick you in your CUNT!"
if you cant learn to interact correctly with the poa poa then maybe just retire

shut your trap and enjoy your 5th that's what they put it there for

So... at the splash lagoon holiday inn... if they print out the hooker ad pictures... how many do ya think they catch using fake pics??
I'm not trying to hijack the thread but...

Who in the sweet hell does this splitlicker think he is.
You just got a membership as of Yesterday... And here you are just going in on people in a not nice underhanded way...
Personally I think its PlasticMan with another handle and persona...

Anyway, back to tothe point of the thread by AA
Better to be safe then sorry.
I will be screening harder and vigilantly from here on out. Originally Posted by Angel14609
Im not going in on people. I'm not asking to change the way reviews are written here to suit my needs. You are.
I'm not starting ridiculous threADs to keep my name on the top of the list. You are and you even admitted it here.
I guess because I got my membership here yesterday, I'm not capable of seeing BS when I do and I can't call it out!
Glad to hear you'll be more vigilant in your screening process. Never a bad idea!
Can't wait to see your next threAD. How about, what's your favorite color? Or, do you unroll toilet paper from the top or bottom! Fascinating threADs.
ms cannot blame everything on pm..and folks can read this site without having a membership..just cuz he just joined up doesnt mean he doesnt know you read your posts or maybe even visited you..or me or any provider verified on here..

just screen and do you ..if folks post on threads that just joined..they post on threads..lots of lurkers on this site..never alienate them..ive always found them to be super charming.. Originally Posted by aj14620
You, young lady are a fine judge of character.....even though I live in da hood
Plastic Man's Avatar
The hell we can't..... Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
I'm going to have to check myself into rehab, I'm finding myself agreeing to some of Plastic Man's posts. Oh the humanity...
I'm going to have to check myself into rehab, I'm finding myself agreeing to some of Plastic Man's posts. Oh the humanity... Originally Posted by Perryay

Fuck that... I find myself agreeing with virtually all of his posts lately....

Not sure how good that will work out for him... but Holy Tebow... he's been sharp since his or hers return....
I'm going to have to check myself into rehab, I'm finding myself agreeing to some of Plastic Man's posts. Oh the humanity... Originally Posted by Perryay

DDarkness's Avatar
The issue is clear! Ladies SCREEN and Gents ... it makes sense to be less specific in your reviews!

offshoredrilling's Avatar
DD I disagree, reviewers do not have to be less specific than already doing so as to where.

does LE read the boards duh yes.
But they are not going to go after ya at a incall(non hotel) unless you make self a target.
Well other than Gates at this time for Monroe cty

Gals keep current on what other things you may be doing they(LE) may be looking for. Tell your clients and friends not to make noise, be careful parking, do not drop trash(hell even pick up if see walking to). Keep your area neat and clean. Make sure grass is cut(if landlord bit of slum lord cut yourself). Plant flowers. In winter hell, even brush off neighbors car. Oh back to trash smokers never drop your butt. Take in to her place with you or back to car and dispose of proper. And all be nice to neighbors, all just say hi nice day no matter what they say to you. Do not slam car doors or use the horn.

Even a cop living on the same street can not get you busted unless other neighbors bitch about you. Be the neighborhood hooker that neighbors get upset if they move away. The one they even invite to the block party.

I have seen the above work to the point, the neighbors told the cop to fuck off and move. We will keep are neighborhood hooker thank you. This in a nice city hood.