What should we do about Donald Trump?

Dev Null's Avatar
The question isnt whether Trump will be impeached. He's going to be impeached by the House.

What we need to ask is whether the Senate will remove him? Highly doubtful unless the economy takes a turn. As much as people talk about GDP, stock numbers and etc, we are on an economic bubble. Originally Posted by Agent220
He will go down in history as the only president to be impeached for corruption and trying to throw an election by using the power of his office to bribe and extort a foreign country.

But he has the support of old white males who don't like brown people, so he probably won't be removed from office for it.

Karma is a bitch though. The backlash may not happen soon, but it is inevitable. Wouldn't be surprised if future generations deport us from our nursing homes to Guatemala.
pleasurem's Avatar
Once again, Wrong!!!
pleasurem's Avatar
The economy was stagnant for years because of O’Bama... he was ( is ) a horrid fool!!!
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The economy was stagnant for years because of O’Bama... he was ( is ) a horrid fool!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Stagnant? I made a ton of money as the DJIA went from about 6,600 to almost 20,000 under Obama. Unemployment went from 10% to 4.6%.

Obama was given an economy in the middle of the worst downturn since the Great Depression and turned it around. Trump took a healthy economy and made it better. Congratulations to both men.
The results of this poll are interesting. I would of thought more people who live in the Peoples Republik of Austin would of voted him out. But then again - those secret Trump voters are everywhere!
Dev Null's Avatar
The results of this poll are interesting. I would of thought more people who live in the Peoples Republik of Austin would of voted him out. But then again - those secret Trump voters are everywhere! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Not all Austinites are liberals, although urban areas tend to skew more liberal, probably due to higher education. Major corporations in urban areas tend to be more inclusive, since it's the law, and also because diversity and LGBTQ-friendliness have proven to be good for business.

But this is not a poll of the Austin population in general. I'd guess that participants on this site are mostly older white males, since that group tends to have more disposable income. That group also tends to skew more conservative.

And anyone who's ever taken an introductory course in statistics knows that polls based on a self-selecting respondent base are far from scientific.

It was just for fun and not intended to prove anything, however the numbers came out.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The results of this poll are interesting. I would of thought more people who live in the Peoples Republik of Austin would of voted him out. But then again - those secret Trump voters are everywhere! Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Interesting statement. Everyone I know in the Austin area is capitalist to the core.

My original vote was "Not enough info, continue with impeachment inquiry".

I think, based on the testimony of those who appeared, Trump deserves to be impeached. I believe, again based on the testimony, that he held up funds from the Ukraine until they agreed to a quid pro quo to investigate the Bidens. Unfortunately, Trump would not let Giuliani, Pompeo, and Mulvaney to appear before the impeachment committee. Obstruction of Justice?

With that said, unless more comes out against Trump in the trial, a trial which it looks like will happen, I don't think what he did merits removal from office.

So my current vote would be an option not offered "Impeach Trump but do not convict him." Then let the voters decide what should happen to him in November 2020.
Yes, I would like to see a trial. Yes, indeed I would Speed. And I agree, let the voters decide in 2020. Btw, I really like Andrew Yang. I liked Mayor Pete also but I like Yang better. He's a smart man.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes, I would like to see a trial. Yes, indeed I would Speed. And I agree, let the voters decide in 2020. Btw, I really like Andrew Yang. I liked Mayor Pete also but I like Yang better. He's a smart man. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Unfortunately Yang does not get much air time in the debates. Obviously he is a very smart man and makes a lot of sense when he talks. But I don't like his proposal to give every adult $1,000 a month and pay for it with a VAT (Value Added Tax). I see nothing that says only poorer people would receive the $1,000 a month. I wouldn't mind an extra $1,000 a month but I don't need it and I think it could be best used elsewhere, such as rebuilding our infrastructure.
I understand. I don't need the extra one thousand a month either. However, for low income families it makes sense especially where child care costs are concerned. Also, for folks that are desperate this could be a way out. And it would provide extra security fo elderly folks. To be honest, I haven't read his entire proposal on his web site but I think he has a big future in politics.

Unfortunately Yang does not get much air time in the debates. Obviously he is a very smart man and makes a lot of sense when he talks. But I don't like his proposal to give every adult $1,000 a month and pay for it with a VAT (Value Added Tax). I see nothing that says only poorer people would receive the $1,000 a month. I wouldn't mind an extra $1,000 a month but I don't need it and I think it could be best used elsewhere, such as rebuilding our infrastructure. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
winn dixie's Avatar
He will go down in history as the only president to be impeached for corruption and trying to throw an election by using the power of his office to bribe and extort a foreign country.

But he has the support of old white males who don't like brown people, so he probably won't be removed from office for it.

Karma is a bitch though. The backlash may not happen soon, but it is inevitable. Wouldn't be surprised if future generations deport us from our nursing homes to Guatemala. Originally Posted by Dev Null
You may leave our country at anytime!
Dev Null's Avatar
I wouldn't mind an extra $1,000 a month but I don't need it and I think it could be best used elsewhere, such as rebuilding our infrastructure. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Trump talked a good game about infrastructure while he was campaigning in 2016. Too bad it was all talk.

Reminds me of the Julia Roberts line in "Charlie Wilson's War":

"Why do politicians always say one thing and do nothing?"
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I understand. I don't need the extra one thousand a month either. However, for low income families it makes sense especially where child care costs are concerned. Also, for folks that are desperate this could be a way out. And it would provide extra security fo elderly folks. To be honest, I haven't read his entire proposal on his web site but I think he has a big future in politics. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
I don't disagree with you on giving money to low income families but isn't that a type of income redistribution that Republicans are against? One of the main problems with the tax reform package was it gave me a higher percentage reduction in taxes than it did the lower income people and I didn't need the extra money. It should have gone to those further down the income chain. And people further up the income chain got a greater percentage income reduction than me. Neither fair nor helpful to those who really needed it.

I am hopeful Mayor Pete moves on to Rep. Pete or Senator Pete in the near future.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump talked a good game about infrastructure while he was campaigning in 2016. Too bad it was all talk.

Reminds me of the Julia Roberts line in "Charlie Wilson's War":

"Why do politicians always say one thing and do nothing?" Originally Posted by Dev Null
One of his many failed campaign promises. No infrastructure plans. No health care. No border wall without stealing funds from Congress approved projects. (But Mexico will pay for it.) No lowering of the national debt (in fact it has gone up more than under any other POTUS when the economy is good). Promised to get the GDP at or over 3.0%. Said that the tax cuts would pay for themselves. And lastly, Trump promised to "drain the swamp".

"I think he's been filling the swamp with more alligators, rather than draining it," said Shaub, who's now a senior adviser for the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Trump has left open many doors for whoever the Democratic candidate turns out to be to hammer him hard prior to the 2020 election.
Trump is amazing.
I honestly don't know how you can't love the guy.
I think the people who hate him just ignore him and listen to whatever the media tells them.
He's not going to get impeached, and I think he has a good chance of getting reelected.
I for one am proud of who we elected as president.