Dummy; he claimed I called it a scandal................I did not !

I called it a lie...........................

You are more dense than a Bodark stump ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Again, Bullshit.

I'm not talking about just THIS thread, you hair-splitting moron.

I said you are obsessed with turning everything into an Obama scandal.

Oh BTW, since you are trying to spin the story now that you were only referring to Obama's "lies", and not "scandals", is it your position that a Presidential lie is NOT a scandal?

I'd like you to go on record with your answer.

Because if Obama telling a lie about Benghazi IS a scandal, then everything you've said in this thread about referring only to "lies" not "scandals" is a itself a lie.

And if Obama telling a lie about Benghazi IS NOT a scandal, then you cannot in the future refer to any dishonesty from the President as a scandal.

Pick your poison, mouth-breather.
In the context of Benghazi; one lie isn't the scandal you stupid turd. After months, you still don't understand what the Benghazi scandal is about ?

Whirlaway got so intoxicated on fantasies of impeachment that his brain shut down.
In the context of Benghazi; one lie isn't the scandal you stupid turd. After months, you still don't understand what the Benghazi scandal is about ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
YOU said this Benghazi thread was about the lie, NOT me. YOU said you were not referring to scandal.

So the question still stands. Apart from the rest of what happened, if Obama lied, is that a scandal IN AND OF itself.

What's your answer?

Whirlaway got so intoxicated on fantasies of impeachment that his brain shut down. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
"Shut down"?

That implies it was once operating.
You are welcome CM; your not that good at sarcasm...............what would you like me to post,,,,tell me your wish list,,,,your do's and don't's..............

Your such a whiny cry baby................you don't like my posts, then my advice is to stop bumping them....it is that simple ! Follow my lead. I completely ignore your ignoramus posts on insects and such.....

But thanks for the opportunity to keep my thread at the top of the Sandbox board....

Keep up the good work........... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You're not very good at English, either.

But I'm sure you think we all need to speak American in America. Or is that, "Amurrican"?

"Protecting ellipses and apostrophes since 1776!"

Whirlaway got so intoxicated on fantasies of impeachment that his brain shut down. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight

Trendy did the same thing during the summer and fall of 2012 when he allowed himself to become intoxicated with fantasies of:

"Wisconsin and America are Trending Romney."

The results were the same both times, "his brain shut down!"

Trendaway really needs to learn how to hold his liquor! He is an obnoxious drunk!
Try as you might to deflect/hijack the thread topic; it ain't gonna happen..............

I don't think FACT Check got their Pinocchio Count wrong when they awarded Obama the Whopper Lie award !

“The day after it happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism.”
— President Obama, remarks at a news conference, May 13, 2013

Four Pinocchios - The Whopper Lie !
"Shut down"?

That implies it was once operating. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Well, I suppose that depends on the definition of operating. It is operating well enough to command his fingers to hit a keyboard.

But did it ever "operate" in anything other than a sub-70 IQ fashion? Very doubtful!
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  • CJ7
  • 05-14-2013, 05:19 PM
In the context of Benghazi; one lie isn't the scandal you stupid turd. After months, you still don't understand what the Benghazi scandal is about ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

It was about Obie until the rightwingfarts figured out they couldn't get a 2/3rds vote in the Senate needed to impeach a president .. so the focus shifts to Hillary just to taint her in 2016 ...

everyone knows that, and everyone knows more than likely she will leave her Sec of State position and announce her intentions to run for office in 2016, and when she does, the Witch subject to the Benghazi hunt will have a couple of years to chew the republicans up so fast they wont know what hit them. Regardless how long the right hammers her, she will get the Dem vote, the womens vote, the minority vote and her share of the swing vote.

Republican ass whippin'

AGAIN and AGAIN in 2020
Trendy did the same thing during the summer and fall of 2012 when he allowed himself to become intoxicated with fantasies of:

"Wisconsin and America are Trending Romney." Originally Posted by bigtex
Ah, yes. I remember that now.

Didn't he hog the forum by starting thread after thread on that, too?
Ah, yes. I remember that now.

Didn't he hog the forum by starting thread after thread on that, too? Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Trendy has grown tired of having to eat that crow!
Keep up the good work, Whirly. Obamacans BE DAMNED!

I don't get this so called "PROBLEM". I will stand with my Brother against his enemies.
Keep up the good work, Whirly. Obamacans BE DAMNED!

I don't get this so called "PROBLEM". I will stand with my Brother against his enemies. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Be careful now IIFFY! Trendaway may swing the same way his Brother COG does. You know what they say about "two peas in a pod?"

Next thing you know Trendy will be whispering in your ear that you have a "Sweet Ass."
Be careful now. Trendy may swing the same way his Brother COG does. Next thing you know he will be tell you that you have a "Sweet Ass." Originally Posted by bigtex
Got some OKool-Aid. feltching

To remove sexual fluids from partners anus via sucking or licking... feltcher