I'm Starting To Like Rand Paul

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Welcome to the police state Amerika, WE. Your ignorance reaches biblical proportions. Of course we are a free country, as long as we do what the government wants us to do. In that case, the Soviet Union as free, too.
  • shanm
  • 06-01-2015, 01:04 PM

Like I said:

"Erroneous speculation."

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Tone it down, lexietard. Upping the font and screaming like a retard doesn't really help your case.

What did I say? Rand Paul organized this filibuster to boost his political ratings. He could have done this years ago in 2011, when Obama extended it. But we didn't hear a peep from him right up until the act was about to expire. He waited right around election time and jumped on it before anyone else could. The fact that he objected in 2010 has no relevance (actually works against him because the Obama extensions were made in 2011). A hundred others also objected to the patriot act from its inception. He's upped his tone on it because he feels its the perfect time for the idiot Jihad to focus on something else.

Where in your maniacal drivel do you address any of this? I know you have a real penchant for straying off topic, but lately it seems like you haven't even been trying. The old age seems to be catching up on your dumb ass.
Three terrorist attacks have already happened on US Soil that we know of:

The Hassan Fort Hood Attack
The Army Recruiting Center in Arkansas Attack
The Boston Marathon Attack

In all those attacks, all the signs of radicalization where known to the US govt. The Tsarneav brother got back into the country supposedly because of a typo.

The Underwear Bomber attempted attack happened on a US bound plane, we were warned by the boy's father.

And we need the Patriot Act so that the FBI can share information with the CIA? Ridiculous.

Didn't all these attacks happen during Obama's watch? Originally Posted by gnadfly
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Welcome to the police state Amerika, WE. Your ignorance reaches biblical proportions. Of course we are a free country, as long as we do what the government wants us to do. In that case, the Soviet Union as free, too. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am very sorry COG that you feel that way - if you want to be a passenger on an airplane and enjoy the luxury of getting to your destination safe and sound than something has to give - you can't have it both ways. You are living in a fantasy world if you think the enemy isn't plotting somehow and some way to put you in harm and all you are concerned about is whether Uncle Sam is listening to your phone calls than you are a bigger fool than I thought. You keep bringing up this 4th amendment bullshit on a document that was written many hundreds of years ago when the world was a much safer place and free of Islamic jihadist hell bent on killing Americans.
Be careful what you wish for COG, but if the patriot act gets over turned and there's another major terrorist attack on our soil - the blood of anyone who gets injured or dies will be on your hands not mine.
I hope you will be able to sleep at night and value your phone calls over the lives of your fellow Americans - you really are a sad excuse of a human being - and honestly you are not a true American you put your privacy ahead of safety God will forgive you but I can't forgive a selfish fool like yourself who puts his personal privacy over the protection of this great country that makes me sick to my stomach. You just took a shit on the grave of every American that lost their lives during 9-11. Do you have any honor ? Don't you think this is what Americans who lost their life during 9-11 - they don't want ever want this happen to again.
dirty dog's Avatar
Sir that wasn't necessary - I don't know who you have this agenda against me - I should have the right to speak my mind without many of you personally attacking my character and integrity. Are you now admitting that George Bush made a drastic mistake with the patriot act? Do you not think that ISIS wants to attacks us by all means and that the moment we let down our guard is the moment we will be vulnerable ? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Fuck off with this agenda crap. Yes Bush got it wrong, unlike you and your ilk, I am not willing to let the government infringe on my rights in the name of this weeks bogieman. See unlike you I understand the "slippery slope" and "give and inch and they take a mile" realities. When you allow the government to begin infringing on individual rights you must be prepared to lose the rights you do care about.
dirty dog's Avatar
The patriot act doesn't do that sir it just protects us against the terrorist - trust me the act had prevented a lot of disasters. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I don't trust you so list them please. Please list when and how the patriot act prevented a lot of disasters.
Budman's Avatar
I don't trust you so list them please. Please list when and how the patriot act prevented a lot of disasters. Originally Posted by dirty dog

Nobody trust him. He's a proven fucking liar.
dirty dog's Avatar
I am very sorry COG that you feel that way - if you want to be a passenger on an airplane and enjoy the luxury of getting to your destination safe and sound than something has to give - you can't have it both ways. You are living in a fantasy world if you think the enemy isn't plotting somehow and some way to put you in harm and all you are concerned about is whether Uncle Sam is listening to your phone calls than you are a bigger fool than I thought. You keep bringing up this 4th amendment bullshit on a document that was written many hundreds of years ago when the world was a much safer place and free of Islamic jihadist hell bent on killing Americans. Be careful what you wish for COG, but if the patriot act gets over turned and there's another major terrorist attack on our soil - the blood of anyone who gets injured or dies will be on your hands not mine.
I hope you will be able to sleep at night and value your phone calls over the lives of your fellow Americans - you really are a sad excuse of a human being - and honestly you are not a true American you put your privacy ahead of safety God will forgive you but I can't forgive a selfish fool like yourself who puts his personal privacy over the protection of this great country that makes me sick to my stomach. You just took a shit on the grave of every American that lost their lives during 9-11. Do you have any honor ? Don't you think this is what Americans who lost their life during 9-11 - they don't want ever want this happen to again. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
You a serious work of shit WE, your such a simpleton that you don't even understand that the freedoms you have are based on tis "worthless 200 year old document". But I guess that's understandable since you have never had to put any "skin into the game". You sit back and run your mouth and you don't even have an idea of what its really means to be an American. You don't fool anyone with your false concern for "the American people", if your god Obama was against the Patriot act and the shoe was on the other foot you would be screaming how wrong it is to be spying on americans and screaming about the evil republicans and their attempts to steal your rights. If ISIS comes I sure hope they hit Allen TX first. You talk out your ass but I remember your posts on the other board asshole so I know how full of shit you are especially when it comes to the Patriot act, I am surprised COG doesn't remember you being adamantly against it then. I guess now that it has the black seal of approval your all for it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Tone it down, lexietard. Upping the font ... Originally Posted by shanm
Didn't have my Big Chief tablet for you with the lines. Did the best I could.

Like I said ... Erroneous speculation.

LexusLover's Avatar
I'll play the devils advocate.

Honestly, who the fuck cares if the government is spying on you? Why do you care if some nitwit in washington is aware of what you were texting? It's irrelevant. We've moved into an unprecedented age, where terrorist networks like Al-Qaeda and ISIS have their own fucking twitter accounts. Don't you think the government should be monitoring them and any one who might associate with them, so they might possibly save someones life? Rand Paul is just doing it for political points, he doesn't give a flying fuck.

With that being said, I would definitely like to see the results of this NSA program, and see just how many, if any, terrorist plots it has prevented. Originally Posted by shanm
Erroneous speculation. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Not really. He had all the time in the world to take a stand, but, surprise-surprise, it becomes an issue right when election time rolls around. As soon as speculation starts and candidates start declaring their candidacy...He could have taken a stand long before the expiration date.

He wants this to be a platform for his presidential bid, that's plain as day. Originally Posted by shanm
You keep being wrong.


2010.... 5 years ago?

"The Founding Fathers warned of a Federal Government bent on usurping the power, rights, and privacy of its States and citizens. In the last nine years, the Federal Government has expanded the scope of its power at an alarming rate, while blatantly ignoring the Constitution.

"Whether it’s passing the 315 page Patriot Act without a single member of Congress ever reading the bill, proposing a National ID Card, establishing FISA courts and utilizing warrantless searches, or betraying the medical privacy of ordinary citizens, the Federal Government has overstepped its limited powers as stipulated in the Constitution.

"Rand Paul seeks to reassert the rights and privileges of the 50 states and over 300 million Americans. The Federal Government must return to its constitutionally enumerated powers and restore our inalienable rights. Rand proposes that America can successfully protect itself against potential terrorists without sacrificing civil liberties. Rand rejects the premise that the Federal Government must be given a blank check in the name of national security.

"America can prosper, preserve personal liberty, and repel national security threats without intruding into the personal lives of its citizens."

Like I said:

"Erroneous speculation."

More "good ole police work"??? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Tone it down, lexietard. Upping the font and screaming like a retard doesn't really help your case.

What did I say? Rand Paul organized this filibuster to boost his political ratings. Originally Posted by shanm
Fool. You change your shit to cover your ass. You are lame at best.

What did you NOT SAY ... "FILIBUSTER"!!!!

Nor did you post any of that other shit ... you just posted.

No wonder you got Gruberized.

More "good ole police work"!!!!!

You're a minnow trying to be significant.
  • shanm
  • 06-01-2015, 04:45 PM
Fool. You change your shit to cover your ass. You are lame at best.

What did you NOT SAY ... "FILIBUSTER"!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Jesus Christ you are a dim bulb.

Rand Paul is just doing it for political points, he doesn't give a flying fuck. Originally Posted by shanm
What do you suppose "it" is?

He could have taken a stand long before the expiration date.
Originally Posted by shanm
Forgive me if I didn't spell it out for you, moron. Didn't think I had to, especially since it is in the context of an entire FUCKING thread dedicated to "the filibuster".

Learn to pick your battles a little wiser.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You a serious work of shit WE, your such a simpleton that you don't even understand that the freedoms you have are based on tis "worthless 200 year old document". But I guess that's understandable since you have never had to put any "skin into the game". You sit back and run your mouth and you don't even have an idea of what its really means to be an American. You don't fool anyone with your false concern for "the American people", if your god Obama was against the Patriot act and the shoe was on the other foot you would be screaming how wrong it is to be spying on americans and screaming about the evil republicans and their attempts to steal your rights. If ISIS comes I sure hope they hit Allen TX first. You talk out your ass but I remember your posts on the other board asshole so I know how full of shit you are especially when it comes to the Patriot act, I am surprised COG doesn't remember you being adamantly against it then. I guess now that it has the black seal of approval your all for it. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Sir it was a Republican who established this act and unfortunately it's a necessary evil- we live in a totally different world and time from our forefathers- I don't know why you are so blind and ignorant to the fact. You still have your freedom- does the Patriot Act stop you from doing anything that you couldn't do 20 years ago?
Only paranoid fucks like COG will compare this to the Soviet regime. If tomorrow we were to repeal the patriot act and het rid of TSA and have everything back to pre- 9-11 times- ISIS and Al-Queada would be jumping for joy because it would be so easy to infiltrate our country- is that what you want?
dirty dog's Avatar
Sir it was a Republican who established this act and unfortunately it's a necessary evil- we live in a totally different world and time from our forefathers- I don't know why you are so blind and ignorant to the fact. You still have your freedom- does the Patriot Act stop you from doing anything that you couldn't do 20 years ago?
Only paranoid fucks like COG will compare this to the Soviet regime. If tomorrow we were to repeal the patriot act and het rid of TSA and have everything back to pre- 9-11 times- ISIS and Al-Queada would be jumping for joy because it would be so easy to infiltrate our country- is that what you want? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
No shit dick tracy it was a republican who started this what does that have to do with anything I stated. Let me break it down for you one more time. You only support it because your god Obama supports it now. There was a time when you thought it a terrible idea, of course that was when it was suggested by Bush. See I haven't forgot all your comments and posts on the ASPD board, so what changed oh yeah your god now supports it so you do too. Of course if he said drinking bull cum was the thing to do you would by a cattle ranch. By the way mr moving the goal post, no one is suggesting getting rid of the TSA, but having my telephone conversations recorded is a little different. Today their listening for terrorists, next it might be unapproved political conversations, hell they already had the IRS promoting a political agenda, but you go ahead and trust them, at least tell Obama's gone and then I am sure your position will change once again. As for the constitution the idea of free speech, the right to vote, protection against illegal search and seizure are all contained in that outdated paper but I guarantee that you would scream like a virgin if the government infringed on them. There are always idiots who claim the consituation is outdated, have been throughout history and its always the fringe element who want to mold the majority into their limited view of how things should be.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No it's not bullshit and I see you still have an agenda against me- you are just like COG you are a closet racist who blames others for things you probably do behind close doors.
To answer your question - let the govt snoop and eavesdrop on my calls- I have nothing to hide you idiot. If the govt were to monitor me they would have no evidence expect that I am a law abiding God fearing tax paying Christian. Why does it bother you bud man? What the hell are you doing behind closed doors that you so afraid of the government knowing your intentions ? Remember it was the republicans who established this law now you guys are panicking because if we really knew who you were - you all would be on a ton of shit.
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Solicitation alone -- in person, by text, by Twitter, by email or by telephone -- is illegal, WE. Now, WE, can you genuinely claim you're not violating that law when you set up your dates?

Are you still comfortable with the government recording those transactions, WE?

A burner phone is still your best defense, but the laws are changing and making it more difficult to utilize burners, e.g., if you use a credit card at Walmart to buy one, the phone's number is matched to your purchase, and you're videotaped at the register buying it.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
No shit dick tracy it was a republican who started this what does that have to do with anything I stated. Let me break it down for you one more time. You only support it because your god Obama supports it now. There was a time when you thought it a terrible idea, of course that was when it was suggested by Bush. See I haven't forgot all your comments and posts on the ASPD board, so what changed oh yeah your god now supports it so you do too. Of course if he said drinking bull cum was the thing to do you would by a cattle ranch. By the way mr moving the goal post, no one is suggesting getting rid of the TSA, but having my telephone conversations recorded is a little different. Today their listening for terrorists, next it might be unapproved political conversations, hell they already had the IRS promoting a political agenda, but you go ahead and trust them, at least tell Obama's gone and then I am sure your position will change once again. As for the constitution the idea of free speech, the right to vote, protection against illegal search and seizure are all contained in that outdated paper but I guarantee that you would scream like a virgin if the government infringed on them. There are always idiots who claim the consituation is outdated, have been throughout history and its always the fringe element who want to mold the majority into their limited view of how things should be. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Sir you are missing the point- if Al-Queada no longer existed or there were no iSIS hell bent on destroying American than we would have no purpose for the act. The act is only for protecting American lives- where do you get this bullshit conspiracy theory that they will use it for political reasons? You are sounding a lot like Alex Jones. I honestly had no idea Obama was supporting the patriot act.
For the millionth freaking time- if you are not saying anything wrong over the phone why would it bother you? If you know you are not committing a crime than if they eavesdrop on you it's all moot.
I take it that guys like you , Budman and COG would have a problem if you were leaving work and a police car followed directly behind you all the way home. You would start bitching and asking ."why is that police office following me.. or if you were in a department store and the security guard followed you on aisle just watching you- you would feel your rights have been violated right?
Well I got news for you- if the same police officer followed me home- I could give a rats ass- I have nothing illegal in my car and if I obeying all the traffic laws why would I care? If I am not stealing any items - why should I care if the security officer followed me on every aisle.
The difference between you and I dirty dog is that you have skeletons in your closet- I don't!!! You and guys like Budman, and COG are paranoid POS that know if people found out what you really did behind close doors - everyone's perception of you would change. I I WILL ASK ALL OF YOU FOR THE LAST FREAKING TIME- IF YOU ARE NOT DOING ANYTHING WRONG AT HOME- WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CARE?????