t laws madating requirement of vaccinations

bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Apparently it's pretty common in California especially the SF Bay area.

The theory put forth and furthered by celebrities like Jenny McCarthy that some of these vaccines cause autism has been thoroughly disproved.. Originally Posted by boardman
I get a big laugh when anyone takes advice from some celebrity

I wonder what makes a "celebrity" so "important?"

well they are either just hot, Or have been in TV/movies, etc

then I think back to high school
no sane person listened to the "hot girls", so why when the same concept is older, do I listen to models?
the drama people, from plays/musicals, no one gave a shit about those NNNEEEERRDSDSS , so why would I listen to them when they are older?

so I listen to Jenny Mcathry about austism/vaccines because she has a few college degrees, pH.d and does research...
isnt that what she did on "singled out" and playboy? scienctific work?
it's the same reason people give a shit about uma thurman, right?

the only celebrty I give a shit to follow is mckinney and that's cause I wub burgers
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
"The vaccine industry is fraught with dishonesty and misinformation."

That quote is from Dr. Suzanne Humphries MD. She was a conventional doctor for nearly 20 years, most of that time working as a highly paid kidney specialist at a hospital. In 2009 she began to link the kidney problems of certain of her patients to their vaccinations. That began a 2 year struggle with hospital officials about the safety of vaccinations. In 2011 she quit in disgust and since then has been studying FULL-TIME everything there is to know about vaccinations and has written a book on the subject called Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History. You can find many of her talks on YouTube, such as:

Excerpts and high points of her talks:

Dr. Humphries is now an "alternative doctor," very big on nutrition and vitamin C

. Dr. Humphries seems to talk much more about aluminum currently in vaccines.

Anyway, today's vaccines contain aluminum, polysorbate 80, formaldehyde, and plenty of other crap! Vaccinations are absolutely doing harm and the evidence suggests probably no good at all. Dr. Humphries goes into much detail and has the data.

Her website is:
http://drsuzanne.net/dr-suzanne-humphri ... ccination/
go back to the FIRST POST and read where it says,
"Scientific evidence demonstrates that individuals vaccinated with live virus vaccines such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), rotavirus, chicken pox, shingles and influenza can shed the virus for many weeks or months afterwards and infect the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.1,2 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Furthermore, vaccine recipients can carry diseases in the back of their throat and infect others while displaying no symptoms of a disease.11,12,13

so even though you are vaccinated, you are still a carrier for the dz. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
Irrelevant bullshit even if it is true.

You need to learn the difference between "can" and "probably".

Assuming that you CAN shed the virus for weeks and that it CAN live for some short period of time in your throat (I assume from kissing a sick person), that still lasts for only a much shorter period of sickness that if you got the disease.

"Herd immunity" is a FACT, not fiction. If you could so easily be a carrier your whole life even if you are vaccinated, then herd immunity would not work.

Vaccinations work because when the virus invades your body and multiples, your immune system kicks in and attacks and kills the viruses before they can make you sick. You may briefly have an elevated level of the virus, but your chances of spreading it are much less because your are not heavily infected and it doesn't last very long.

It is a game of odds. That is why herd immunity works.

so you saying that you are not allowed to control what happens to your own body
that's a retarded view, or is are you just being a retard in real life?
please go on the record. Originally Posted by bigcockpussylicker
You can control what happens to YOUR body, but the rest of us can control what happens to OUR bodies.

So, if you or your children don't get vaccinated, your kids can't attend school.

If you don't get vaccinated, you can get fired from work.

If you don't get vaccinated, you either don't get treated for the disease or you are forced to pay for your treatment out of pocket.

If you don't get vaccinated, you can be banned from flying, barred from entering a hospital, barred from entering any facility where large numbers of people are in attendance.

So, enjoy your absolute autonomy over your body. But you will be broke and lonely.
bigcockpussylicker's Avatar
Irrelevant bullshit even if it is true.

You need to learn the difference between "can" and "probably".

Assuming that you CAN shed the virus for weeks and that it CAN live for some short period of time in your throat (I assume from kissing a sick person), that still lasts for only a much shorter period of sickness that if you got the disease.

"Herd immunity" is a FACT, not fiction. If you could so easily be a carrier your whole life even if you are vaccinated, then herd immunity would not work.

Vaccinations work because when the virus invades your body and multiples, your immune system kicks in and attacks and kills the viruses before they can make you sick. You may briefly have an elevated level of the virus, but your chances of spreading it are much less because your are not heavily infected and it doesn't last very long.

It is a game of odds. That is why herd immunity works.

You can control what happens to YOUR body, but the rest of us can control what happens to OUR bodies.

So, if you or your children don't get vaccinated, your kids can't attend school.

If you don't get vaccinated, you can get fired from work.

If you don't get vaccinated, you either don't get treated for the disease or you are forced to pay for your treatment out of pocket.

If you don't get vaccinated, you can be banned from flying, barred from entering a hospital, barred from entering any facility where large numbers of people are in attendance.

So, enjoy your absolute autonomy over your body. But you will be broke and lonely. Originally Posted by ExNYer
dude, kan u read at?
I again suggest you look at the 1st post.
I'm not against vaccinations, I'm against being forced.....
how does me not being vaccinated affect you?
It's mostly about proper nutrition to prevent reactions to vaccines.

why is that interesting?
that is the same graph dr s uses on here page here

The most important remark I read from this page, MD who is anti-vaccine is:
Yet there never was a widely used vaccine for scarlet fever. Scarlet fever and its resulting complication, rheumatic fever – has clearly been shown in the medical literature, to be nutritionally driven. -
people in stable social environments, without much money, who understand and follow effective nutritional pathways, will be on the scale of low susceptibility because it really is the nutrition and well being, that counts.

Which brings me back to my post about blaylock, who noted if you are forced to get vaccines, the make sure you have good nutrition
Likewise, it was found that children who were deficient in zinc had a high mortality rate. Zinc is very protective against vaccine toxicity.

This makes sense to me, much in the same way running to lose fat is not for everyone. For some people, running will cause more damage and there are better ways to lose fat. Why isnt that the same way with vaccines? Some people arent healthy enough to take in some extra aluminum. Universals are rare, so "vaccines are safe for ALL people" seems pretty farfetched.
pyramider's Avatar
Polio is making a comeback in other parts of the world and is expected to rear its ugly head here since so many have not been vaccinated. There are only six polio clinics in the US. The doctors running those clinics are in their 70s and 80s. Since polio is not a glamorous disease the young doctors are not learning about polio. So much information on polio, the treatment, and understanding the disease will likely be lost in another decade.
ZedX79's Avatar
Another problem is that people who are anti-vaccine don't trust the government for medical advice or anything related to it. The government needs to work on that aspect of it.