Obamacare Costs Are Shrinking

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Creating a voter base? Is that really what you think this is about? If you do, I think you have replaced IB Hankering as the dumbest idiot on this board. Take a step back, and for one god damn second look at this with some objectivity. Do you think, that if our healthcare system was so peachy in the first place, ANYONE would have even dared introduce healthcare reform??? I'll save you the trouble of thinking this one through; the answer is NO. Read my last post, it links to an article that proves that our Healthcare costs were going up by 10% each year. THIS WAS BEFORE ACA WAS IMPLEMENTED. Under Obamacare they went up 8% last year.
That's a reality we all have to face: that our healthcare system is ridiculously expensive and equally ineffective. What do you think caused this price increase. An idiot above mentioned the term "simple economics". Well does "simple economics" not dictate to you what caused this price increase without any government intervention? No, it doesn't, because you would rather be blinded by your hatred for anything Obama than listen to logic and reason.

And don't think I believe your "personal experience" bullshit for a second. It is a fact that if you qualify for healthcare subsidy, your healthcare market plan CANNOT cost you more than 9.5% of your income. That's beside the tax credit. Your friend is obviously living below the 400% Federal Poverty line limit, and therefore qualifies for a subsidy. Therefore, she can not pay more than $3000 per year for her market plan, no matter if she chooses a plan that has a high deductible or a low deductible. That right there is the socialist part of the healthcare plan. The ACA is definitely socialist in nature, thats what "healthcare for everyone" means but for you to claim that someone as poor as her is getting fucked by the ACA even though she is specifically the kind of person the act is built for, well that's just absolute utter bullshit. Don't get me wrong, its a huge possibility that you aren't making this up. But the only other alternatives are that she is either lying to you (probably a republican) or she is not aware of what she qualifies for and therefore is not getting the best plan she could get. I don't claim the healthcare system is perfect. I personally could think of alternatives that could be better. But I have no clue as to their real life practical application. But apparently, everyone on this hooker forum board is a Ivy League economist who can each come up with their own brilliant plan to get this country on track. Face it, if any of you had any credibility, you wouldn't even be here in the first place.
Originally Posted by shanm
I'm not "a Ivy League" economist, and you obviously aren't either. Did you not hear any of Gruber's comments on this? It was all a sham (no pun intended) from the start. Totally based on lies. You probably even bought into the idea that this was about healthcare. It's not. It's about control. Dependent people are dependable voters.
  • shanm
  • 03-10-2015, 04:27 PM
I'm not "a Ivy League" economist, and you obviously aren't either. Did you not hear any of Gruber's comments on this? It was all a sham (no pun intended) from the start. Totally based on lies. You probably even bought into the idea that this was about healthcare. It's not. It's about control. Dependent people are dependable voters. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If you shake off the retard for a second you can go back and read my I earlier posts. I know and understand what Gruber said. He basically called it a socialist plan, but that is a necessity if EVERYONE is going to have a healthcare market plan in this expensive marketplace, and that should have been obvious to even a moderately educated voter in the first place. That's the "simple economics" that your ignorant jack ass butt buddy Whirlie-turd mentioned earlier.

I'm not "a Ivy League" economist, and you obviously aren't either.
I never said I was you fucking idiot. That was the entire fucking point
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm not "a Ivy League" economist, and you obviously aren't either. Did you not hear any of Gruber's comments on this? It was all a sham (no pun intended) from the start. Totally based on lies. You probably even bought into the idea that this was about healthcare. It's not. It's about control. Dependent people are dependable voters. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

This little gem is just priceless:

"Take a step back, and for one god damn second look at this with some objectivity.
Whenever anyone starts off with "idiot" ... "you can't read" ... etc., etc., in response to a legitimate comment ... what follows is utter bullshit and they are trying to legitimize it by marginalizing the poster and what the poster wrote. It's an age old game of those with limited mental resources and even less knowledge base with which to produce any thoughtful discussion.

Little Shammoooo needs to "step back" and sit on the bench awhile.

The ACA was "originally" touted to "cover" an estimated 50 million people out of around 300 million living in this country aka about 1/6 of the U.S. population. That number was reduced mathematically by logical deductions of groups, like those who weren't going to sign up anyway and those who didn't qualify (or couldn't because of "status" in this country), and when it was finally digested the numbers were around 11 million, may be 15 million in a stretch. So, all this shit was over 15 million people.

"We" were also told it would increase jobs and reduce the deficit, as well as reduce health care costs. We were also told we could keep our doctor if he liked our doctor and we could keep our insurance if we like our insurance.

It was the "center piece" of Obaminable's Presidency, and it should be passed without knowing what was in it, so we could see how it worked.

And here is the "final gem":

Originally Posted by shanm View Post: "Face it, if any of you had any credibility, you wouldn't even be here in the first place.
So, Little Shammooo ...

..................ain't got no "credibility" by his own standard!!!!!
  • shanm
  • 03-10-2015, 04:46 PM
Ahhh LLIdiot, how many times must I put you in the ground before you realize that it is not right to interject and show your ignorance when adults are talking?

Whenever anyone starts off with "idiot" ... "you can't read" ... etc., etc., in response to a legitimate comment ... what follows is utter bullshit and they are trying to legitimize it by marginalizing the poster and what the poster wrote. It's an age old game of those with limited mental resources and even less knowledge base with which to produce any thoughtful discussion.

Originally Posted by LexusLover

I happen to agree with you on this one. You wouldn't say idiot...unless the other person said it first. So here is your butt-buddy, who's comment I was responding to:

What she deserves?
Fucking idiot. Originally Posted by boardman
I was talking to him in a completely civil manner until he came up with this. And you LLIdiot, you just got stepped on like the cockroach that you are. but that's not new to you is it?

This little gem is just priceless:

Whenever anyone starts off with "idiot" ... "you can't read" ... etc., etc., in response to a legitimate comment ... what follows is utter bullshit and they are trying to legitimize it by marginalizing the poster and what the poster wrote. It's an age old game of those with limited mental resources and even less knowledge base with which to produce any thoughtful discussion.
So, Little Shammooo ...
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ozombies are taught this technique at the Soros Media Matters Community College. undercunt and Ishanm were average pupils, Rejects actually.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you shake off the retard for a second you can go back and read my I earlier posts. I know and understand what Gruber said. He basically called it a socialist plan, but that is a necessity if EVERYONE is going to have a healthcare market plan in this expensive marketplace, and that should have been obvious to even a moderately educated voter in the first place. That's the "simple economics" that your ignorant jack ass butt buddy Whirlie-turd mentioned earlier.

I'm not "a Ivy League" economist, and you obviously aren't either.
I never said I was you fucking idiot. That was the entire fucking point Originally Posted by shanm
They lied to get it passed. You're ok with that? It's not working as they promised. You're ok with that? It may fall because the idiots drafting it assumed too much. I'm ok with that.

It's a bad law. It's a dangerous law. It is built on lies and fed by corruption.

Oh, and it's clear you're not "a Ivy League" anything. Did you miss third grade English?
If the SCOTUS decides according to precedent, it will shrink to nothing. Originally Posted by LexusLover
They lied to get it passed. You're ok with that? It's not working as they promised. You're ok with that? It may fall because the idiots drafting it assumed too much. I'm ok with that.

It's a bad law. It's a dangerous law. It is built on lies and fed by corruption.

Oh, and it's clear you're not "a Ivy League" anything. Did you miss third grade English? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It's not a bad or a dangerous law. It's a law designed to provide a basic human need that virtually every other civilized nation in the world provides.....health care. If you get sick, you should be entitled to health care. Decent treatment for all when it's needed. How can you be against it? And, it's working better than promised...or at least better than all of you haters predicted....and a damn sight cheaper per the OP.

Stings to be wrong, doesn't it?
its a bigger scam than madoff. it sucks and is very expensive to the average citizen.
It's not a bad or a dangerous law. It's a law designed to provide a basic human need that virtually every other civilized nation in the world provides.....health care. If you get sick, you should be entitled to health care. Decent treatment for all when it's needed. How can you be against it? And, it's working better than promised...or at least better than all of you haters predicted....and a damn sight cheaper per the OP.

Stings to be wrong, doesn't it? Originally Posted by timpage
It's a bad "law." My insurance premiums have gone up tremendously in the last few years as well as my co pays and deductibles. Please don't give me the bs about how much health care costs have been going up over the last thirty years, I know, I lived it.

What I find baffling is the folks in this thread who don't believe it is happening. Not trying to out anybody but do they work for the govt or the DNC?

If I get hungry, am I entitled to food? I mean its a basic human need too. No, I pay for my food. BTW, Obamacare isn't even health care it's health care insurance.

It's about to unravel anyway. Wait until the mandate tax rises again next year. The Dems will panic and start negotiating with the Republicans finally.
It's a bad "law." My insurance premiums have gone up tremendously in the last few years as well as my co pays and deductibles. Please don't give me the bs about how much health care costs have been going up over the last thirty years, I know, I lived it.

What I find baffling is the folks in this thread who don't believe it is happening. Not trying to out anybody but do they work for the govt or the DNC?

If I get hungry, am I entitled to food? I mean its a basic human need too. No, I pay for my food. BTW, Obamacare isn't even health care it's health care insurance.

It's about to unravel anyway. Wait until the mandate tax rises again next year. The Dems will panic and start negotiating with the Republicans finally. Originally Posted by gnadfly
More bullshit predictions about what will happen in the future....it's your whole schtick, it always has been, and it's what is slowly unraveling.

And, yeah....you are entitled to food if you get hungry you fucking clueless shitbag.....I'm sure you're against that too.
its a bigger scam than madoff. it sucks and is very expensive to the average citizen. Originally Posted by Amy Lynne
That ought to be addressed next. It will be interesting to see the lengths that the right-wing GOP whackjobs go to in order to protect the idea that a hospital ought to be allowed to charge $50,000 for an ER visit.
  • shanm
  • 03-10-2015, 09:57 PM
They lied to get it passed. You're ok with that? It's not working as they promised. You're ok with that? It may fall because the idiots drafting it assumed too much. I'm ok with that.

It's a bad law. It's a dangerous law. It is built on lies and fed by corruption.

Oh, and it's clear you're not "a Ivy League" anything. Did you miss third grade English? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
All I hear is the incoherent rambling of a senile old crackpot.

It might not be working as well as they promised, but it sure as hell is working a lot better than it would be if nothing had been done. Look at Canada, look at Britian, they all have efficiently working healthcare systems that are fully subsidized by the government. Give me one fucking reason why the U.S can't make it work. Oh that's right, the reason is Obama. You're a racist scumbag and having a black president makes your skin crawl. Just come out and say it.

You're like the grandpa that stands at the screen door and yells at the kids on the street all day. Find something to do with your life.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
All I hear is the incoherent rambling of a senile old crackpot.

It might not be working as well as they promised, but it sure as hell is working a lot better than it would be if nothing had been done. Look at Canada, look at Britian, they all have efficiently working healthcare systems that are fully subsidized by the government. Give me one fucking reason why the U.S can't make it work. Oh that's right, the reason is Obama. You're a racist scumbag and having a black president makes your skin crawl. Just come out and say it.

You're like the grandpa that stands at the screen door and yells at the kids on the street all day. Find something to do with your life.
Originally Posted by shanm
You are a complete idiot. Yes, having Obama as President makes my skin crawl, as did Bush and Clinton. Race has nothing to do with it. Dishonesty and corruption does. And Obamacare is a disaster. 100% coverage? That's not even in the long term plan. If he'd really wanted universal coverage, he'd have sold single-payer. But guess what? Single-payer might harm the "evil" insurance companies. Yes, he's in the back pocket of Wall Street and big business. You think he cares about you? He doesn't. He doesn't give a damn about you. Everything they do in Washington is about only two things. ONLY two things. Obtaining and maintaining control. Power. Obamacare is a gift to Big Insurance. And it gives more control to government. It will not produce health care for all. That's not even in the plan.

It was sold on lies, and is fed by corruption. Now go fuck yourself, ShamWow.
LexusLover's Avatar
All I hear is the incoherent rambling of a senile old crackpot. Originally Posted by shanm
You are "hearing" things now. You really need some help, little boy. Or is that your Daddy hollering and the echo in your basement hideaway you "hear"?

Either you are unemployed or unemployable. For a smart-ass little wimp you sure got a lot of time on your hands to show your lack of "credibility" by posting on a hooker board. But with a smart-ass mouth like yours I can understand why you can't get a job or keep one.