
HoeHummer's Avatar
Why not just remove the dirty old bastard from office?
lustylad's Avatar
Different leaders stupid. Different circumstances. Don't try too hard to use any logic dumbass. It doesn't work for you. Remember, before you post. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Uh-oh... funny how you start sprinkling lame insults into your posts whenever you know you're losing the argument.

"Different leaders stupid"? No fucking kidding I'm talking about two different Presidents! One had no balls and wouldn't stand up to Putin's aggression in any meaningful way, the other said let's quit pussyfooting around and start shipping them real hardware that can stop Russian tanks dead in their tracks.
lustylad's Avatar


Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Uh-oh... there's yet another problem with your bullshit LA Times story seeking to blame Trump for Ukraine battlefield deaths, LibtardKoolaidUser9500. According to NSC official Tim Morrison's testimony, shipments of those vital Javelin anti-tank missiles were never frozen.

It looks like Shifty Schiff omitted this inconvenient tidbit from the transcript summaries he released of Morrison's closed-door deposition. That's called withholding exculpatory evidence. Prosecutors usually face severe penalties for pulling stunts like that. But not Shifty! He is above the law!

Morrison testified that other foreign aid being offered by the U.S. at the time was reportedly under review — not just to Ukraine. And he confirmed earlier testimony that the aid being held up did not include the essential Javelin anti-tank missiles, which were being delivered to Ukraine through a separate procurement process.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Adam Schiff is a sodomae!
  • oeb11
  • 11-22-2019, 04:01 AM
Different leaders stupid. Different circumstances. Don't try too hard to use any logic dumbass. It doesn't work for you. Remember, before you post.

+1000 Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Anyone disagreeing with DPST is automatically patronized at a "Dumbass"
What a wonderful world of debate the DPST's live in.

  • oeb11
  • 11-22-2019, 04:04 AM
Why not just remove the dirty old bastard from office? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

Fake canuck - in America , we have elections for POTUS every four years.

Citizens, and non-citizens in kalifornia with DPST exemptions are eligible to vote in the election.

So - cast your vote for H... from mom's basement - in austin, Tx - not the yukon territories.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I came across this exchange that does nothing to disprove the fact that trumpys are uneducated morons.

When asked a very specific question, they prove they don't understand the information being requested. Or they do know and are being disingenuous with their reply in an attempt to divert the discussion.

In this case, the simple question asked was if the number of Benghazi investigations could be recalled.
Doubt was expressed that the moron could.

Do you recall how many Benghazi investigations there were?

Of course you don't. Originally Posted by WTF
The response did not include a number. The number of investigations is at least 8 in case you're curious.
It did admit that there were many while trying to deflect the subject to why there were so many investigations.
The moron expressed doubt the first person knew why.

And not content to leave the issue alone, the moron jumped up and down screaming "look at me" while proving a version of the old adage, "A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient".

This "doctor" not only treated himself but attempted surgery on themselves.

Do you recall WHY there were so many Benghazi investigations?

Of course you don't. Originally Posted by lustylad
This particular "patient" went on to use his own quote as a source to answer his own question. Which it didn't do.

"Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
The Benghazi investigation could have been wrapped up a lot more quickly if hildebeest hadn't stonewalled it. The State Department kept saying they didn't have any of her emails. It took 2 years for everyone to figure out why. She stored everything on a fucking private server! The Republicans were incompetent not to have uncovered her dishonest subterfuge sooner! The reason she set up a private server in the first place was to keep her emails beyond the reach of Congressional subpoenas and FOIA requests. It took a fucking Romanian hacker named Guccifer to uncover all of this.

So you and the rest of your ilk are being totally disingenuous when you whine about those "constant Benghazi investigations". Hildebeest is the one who dragged everything out for 2 years by hiding her emails. Fuck you and your historical revisionism!"

The person's quote doesn't address the number of investigations or why there were so many investigations. He could have said any number of other things that had nothing to do with this post but he chose to go with his own quote. Typical "Look at Me!!!" behavior.
He either really doesn't get it (Dunning-Kruger effect) or is so used to lying he can't help it.

Actually the idiot SHOULD remember. I already bitch-slapped him the last time he whined about the same thing. I guess he enjoys being bitch-slapped! Originally Posted by lustylad
You don't know the difference between "how many" and "how long".
What a chump.
The bitch-slaps here were either self-induced by you or done to you.
You received at least 2 while delivering none. You "win" again.

You can go now.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Debate? "Patronized at a dumbass"? Talk much?

You haven't engaged in a debate during this impeachment process.

Anybody who disagrees with you gets your made-up acronym. Your "facts" get refuted and you call people names.

Why can't you debate? Pretend your 5th step-father is going to let you sit at the big people's table next Thursday.

Oh, wait. Russia doesn't have Thanksgiving.
Anyone disagreeing with DPST is automatically patronized at a "Dumbass"
What a wonderful world of debate the DPST's live in.

Pathetic! Originally Posted by oeb11
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I came across this exchange that does nothing to disprove the fact that trumpys are uneducated morons.

When asked a very specific question, they prove they don't understand the information being requested. Or they do know and are being disingenuous with their reply in an attempt to divert the discussion.

In this case, the simple question asked was if the number of Benghazi investigations could be recalled.
Doubt was expressed that the moron could.

The response did not include a number. The number of investigations is at least 8 in case you're curious.
It did admit that there were many while trying to deflect the subject to why there were so many investigations.
The moron expressed doubt the first person knew why.

And not content to leave the issue alone, the moron jumped up and down screaming "look at me" while proving a version of the old adage, "A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient".

This "doctor" not only treated himself but attempted surgery on themselves.

This particular "patient" went on to use his own quote as a source to answer his own question. Which it didn't do.

"Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
The Benghazi investigation could have been wrapped up a lot more quickly if hildebeest hadn't stonewalled it. The State Department kept saying they didn't have any of her emails. It took 2 years for everyone to figure out why. She stored everything on a fucking private server! The Republicans were incompetent not to have uncovered her dishonest subterfuge sooner! The reason she set up a private server in the first place was to keep her emails beyond the reach of Congressional subpoenas and FOIA requests. It took a fucking Romanian hacker named Guccifer to uncover all of this.

So you and the rest of your ilk are being totally disingenuous when you whine about those "constant Benghazi investigations". Hildebeest is the one who dragged everything out for 2 years by hiding her emails. Fuck you and your historical revisionism!"

The person's quote doesn't address the number of investigations or why there were so many investigations. He could have said any number of other things that had nothing to do with this post but he chose to go with his own quote. Typical "Look at Me!!!" behavior.
He either really doesn't get it (Dunning-Kruger effect) or is so used to lying he can't help it.

You don't know the difference between "how many" and "how long".
What a chump.
The bitch-slaps here were either self-induced by you or done to you.
You received at least 2 while delivering none. You "win" again.

You can go now. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

if you say so.

Debate? "Patronized at a dumbass"? Talk much?

You haven't engaged in a debate during this impeachment process.

Anybody who disagrees with you gets your made-up acronym. Your "facts" get refuted and you call people names.

Why can't you debate? Pretend your 5th step-father is going to let you sit at the big people's table next Thursday.

Oh, wait. Russia doesn't have Thanksgiving.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

if you say so.

thank you valued poster!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I have one question for the stupid people.

How the fuck are they withholding evidence when anyone can look at the transcripts?

"Transcript summaries"? How stupid are you? Only a moron would look at a "transcript summary" when they had the actual transcript.

Which came first? The transcript or the summary of the transcripts?

For all you buttfart readers, once again, transcripts of behind closed door testimony aren't released before public hearings because trumpys will lie.

First, you get their testimony under oath and on the record. Then you make them tell the public. After they tell the public, you show what they said behind closed doors.

You show what they said using a "transcript".

The 47 assholes who had total access to the closed-door testimony are making you look stu...wait.

You are making you look stupid

Do they match?
Uh-oh... there's yet another problem with your bullshit LA Times story seeking to blame Trump for Ukraine battlefield deaths, LibtardKoolaidUser9500. According to NSC official Tim Morrison's testimony, shipments of those vital Javelin anti-tank missiles were never frozen.

It looks like Shifty Schiff omitted this inconvenient tidbit from the transcript summaries he released of Morrison's closed-door deposition. That's called withholding exculpatory evidence. Prosecutors usually face severe penalties for pulling stunts like that. But not Shifty! He is above the law!

https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2...-tim-morrison/ Originally Posted by lustylad
Munchmasterman's Avatar
It's great to watch you bend over for your girlfriend. Or should I say "girlfriends"?
We all love seeing a good WONKing. You lept to defend her while the ringing sound of the bitch-slap was still echoing.

Your "if you say so" is correct.

I said so, he said so, and finally, you said so.

Thanks for corroborating the posts.

if you say so.

if you say so.

thank you valued poster! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's great to watch you bend over for your girlfriend. Or should I say "girlfriends"?
We all love seeing a good WONKing. You lept to defend her while the ringing sound of the bitch-slap was still echoing.

Your "if you say so" is correct.

I said so, he said so, and finally, you said so.

Thanks for corroborating the posts.

Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

if you say so.
lustylad's Avatar
In this case, the simple question asked was if the number of Benghazi investigations could be recalled...

The response did not include a number. The number of investigations is at least 8 in case you're curious...
It did admit that there were many while trying to deflect the subject to why there were so many investigations...

The person's quote doesn't address the number of investigations or why there were so many investigations...

You don't know the difference between "how many" and "how long"... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Hey jackass, as your lying bitch hildebeest would say "what difference does it make"? Do you even have a point? No, you don't.

Your lying bitch hildebeest stonewalled the whole Benghazi shebang and that's why the investigations went on and on and on. Whether her stonewalling caused there to be 3 investigations or 103 investigations is as fucking irrelevant as you are.

You're the fucking deflector - you won't deal with the reality that your lying hildebitch in collusion with odumbo and Ben Rhodes and ratface Susan Rice lied about the abject failure of their "lead from behind" policy in Libya and covered everything up because the Benghazi fiasco inconveniently occurred just weeks before the 2012 election.

And when the Republicans said this ain't right and started to investigate, your bitch stonewalled and said I ain't got nothing to show you. So "what difference does it make" if your bitch's stonewalling resulted in 2 investigations or 102? If your bitch had just 'fessed up and handed over the classified emails she stored on an illegal server in her basement bathroom like she should have done when she got the first Congressional subpoena then everything could have been wrapped up in one investigation. But you're too stupid to understand that aintcha?

I'm done with your bullshit. You don't have a point worth anyone's time and your head is stuck so far up your ass that can't see the forest for the trees.
lustylad's Avatar
I have one question for the stupid people.

How the fuck are they withholding evidence when anyone can look at the transcripts?

"Transcript summaries"? How stupid are you? Only a moron would look at a "transcript summary" when they had the actual transcript...
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Hey douchebag, a word of advice - timing is everything. In your career, in your love life, in your investments. Oh wait - you don't have any of those, do you? My bad.

Your buttboy Shifty Schiff manipulated the timing and released cherry-picked "summaries" with great fanfare way ahead of his quiet late-Friday news dumps of the full transcripts.[

Or are you too stupid to understand how the dim-retards collude with the fake news media to spread only their version of the story?
  • oeb11
  • 11-23-2019, 06:56 AM
Poor MMM - nothing to offer but namecalling and scatology.

What a shame to waste a life as such.
