What happened to all our lib friends?

and now the race card. who would have guessed?
"you can't handle the truth"

Or my interpretation of you is that you would not know the truth if it hit you in what must be by now your very sore, loose, and hemmoidal ass.
you sure do seem to refer to mens asses a lot. anything you want to tell us? just saying.
I frankly don't want mine penetrated.

I do understand how a long sea cruise can make the men a bit restless and how they came for you in the night.
there ya go again. lmao..just keep digin a bigger hole.
Just go home son you are over your head............but then again that is your normal position
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Is that spittle on the screen? You are so done, someone stick a fork (or something) in CDN. You know CDN, for all of your rant you almost sound envious. Sounds like some of your fantasies being revealed.

You know I asked what happened to our liberal friends. When I was a kid there was a rotary fan in the bedroom. It would blow air but it also had this squeak when it moved from one side to another. After a time you got used to the sound and couldn't sleep without it. That squeak is CDN and his ilk. All sound and supposed fury but no substance. So laugh it up everyone, these are the jokes.

I was about to compare CDN to Harpo Marx breathing heavy and trying to act angry but it occurred to why Harpo was so popular; he didn't say anything.
Bartman1963's Avatar
What is the point of talking to you JD? Are you going to listen? Its not that we don't have opinions or ideas. Its just that you make it absolutely no fun to post them. You're like the smart kid who thinks that the most important thing is getting what you want. Not being pragmatic, or adopting someone else's ideas once in a while, heaven forbid. Just getting what you want for the sake of it. Who wants to talk to someone like that but others just like you?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I didn't see you post anything to respond to. I'm waiting
ideo·logue noun \ˈī-dē-ə-ˌlȯg, -ˌläg\
1 : an impractical idealist : theorist
2 : an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology

I'm a fiscal conservative, but never have I seen a group that fits this definition more than today's Tea Baggers. Unfortunately, as with many fringe groups, they started with what was ostensibly a good idea--rational, accountable spending--and then proceeded to pervert it beyond all recognition. How did it go from an economic movement all about small government to the new shadow of the American Taliban? How did it evolve from an original idea in favor of one thing (economic responsibility) to apparently being in favor of nothing except opposition to Obama?

Tea Baggers aren't particularly patriotic, they have no class or grace and certainly aren't in any way magnanimous or service-minded. If the founding fathers they worship--gentlement all--were to see the know-nothing bumpkins who've hijacked their identities to pimp some half-baked dogma they'd probably work harder at a compromise with George III.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
B63, how does that make JD any different from anyone else who posts here? As far as I know I have been the only one to back of a position due to information learned on this board.

I don't particularly care for the Tea Party, but I will admit that I was impressed by the 87 guys who didn't back down from principles in the face of tremendous opposition. They were elected to cut spending, and they held to it, and didn't support this phony "deal" now being perpetrated upon us.

And Catnip, they are not destroying the country. That happened long ago. If you want to preserve your IRA, invest in gold. It will still be around when our economy crashes because of TOO MUCH spending, not too little spending.
U.S. Economy Grinds To Halt As Nation Realizes Money Just A Symbolic, Mutually Shared Illusion

Same for gold. Besides, gold is overpriced already, so buying now is probably the worst thing you could do.
dirty dog's Avatar
You know JD your stomping around today like you actually did something. Nothing was accomplished, this deal did nothing that wasnt going to already be done. Its not going to save us money, so stop already.
Oh and stop acting tough, your not, never will be, your a FART you raise a stink, annoy people and then disappear, shit who does that remind me of hmmmmmm oh yeah, John Galt.

COG its easy to stand on your principles when you vote no longer matters, they knew they had enough votes to win, so their vote represented re-elections not real positions on spending. Do you guys really believe that anyone in office truly makes a difference, but the time you wade through the lobbyists, special interest groups, big buisiness, doing whats best for America is not given a moments thought.
Bartman1963's Avatar
COG (by the way are you Spacely or Cogswell?) that is exactly my point. JG sorry, JD asked on page one, where we went. This forum is about hobbying. The Sandbox has been used for about two years now as a ever increasing "Rant and Cursebox" against our political opposites. What is the point anymore? It bores me. It bores a boatload of other people.

We are in Kansas and Missouri. Surprise! Lots of conservatives.

I get tired of the same old tired arguments and don't participate much anymore, because no one LISTENS. We all just preach, and pontificate, and mock, and get mad. What's the point of posting anymore? Am I going to get you or JD or Fritz or anyone who is conservative to listen? Maybe

You want to know what I think? I think the modern conservative movement vilifies. That's all it does. Comes out with a "you are trying to make socialists of us all" or "you are not a true American" or "you hate your country" for every position a liberal takes.
No new ideas from ya'll either. Not one. Deregulate, and its not enough. Need more. Lower taxes during two concurrent wars and the deficit booms and the economy doesn't show much bounce except for the richest. Hell, didn't lower them enough.

Judas Priest, as my Mom used to say.

Again. Where did we go? We got bored and left you guys to your own devices, because a lot, maybe not all, but a lot of the posters here just do not post without vilification. It's tiresome....Aggh. I have become tired of talking about being tired.
Anyway Samantha Silver, otherwise known as Karen Fisher is gonna be in town 8-8 thru 8-10. Porn star, provider, has her own web site. Knock out if you like the milfs. See pic below. No I'm not a pimp, but if I were, boy could I do worse!
Bartman1963's Avatar
Looks a little like Christine, but way taller I hear.