providers' preferred cash denomination

pittlicker's Avatar
Showing ID at your bank is standard practice, especially with new tellers who haven't dealt with you before. Unless the law has changed, the filing of paperwork for larger deposits doesn't occur until $10,000.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
The majority of banks won't ask for ID if you're making a straight deposit.
A few require an ID for any type of cash transaction, Chase specifically. They got into hot water a few years ago for it.
Heard this in a bar...FDIC and/or OCC regulators require a Suspicious Transaction Memo (STM) for all deposits or withdrawals of $10,000 or more. Individual banks may have more strict internal policies for lesser denominations.
TeeTaylor's Avatar
20's are easier to deal with , I just put the 100's in the bank.
TailHooked's Avatar
The $10,000 rule has been around for years. So use a atm. They take stacks of bills at once. You can do multiple deposits if you have that much. I would assume the ladies use cash for a lot of their day to day life. Groceries, gas, nail, hair, clothes, restaurants,etc can be bought with cash. The remainder put in the bank for mortgages, rent, car payments, etc.
5T3V3's Avatar
  • 5T3V3
  • 01-07-2023, 12:30 PM
I use whatever denominations I have on hand, never gotten a complaint.
I've only seen one profile where the lady specified it had to be in $20 bills & in an envelope but never met her.
If the lady has a specific preference I'm sure she'll let you know beforehand.

Reactions are interesting to me, I always set the donation down, have never handed it to a lady. Some don't even glance at it, others pick it up and count it out; one lady even broke out a bill marker/pen & checked every one. Originally Posted by MarcellusWalluz
I am surprised more don't use a bill marker pen. I typically do regulars so only look for a new one every couple years, and the clock becomes far less important on the 100th visit so we talk a lot more about things - I was surprised to know that being passed fake 100's was quite an issue in the biz. Sometimes they are all fake which is a scammer and sometimes it is just one bill that gets flagged when the lady goes to use it which come be an accident but it is still hers to eat so it potentially through up a red flag. Almost every lady I have scene going on 7 regulars now - has had multiple issues with fake currency. So carrying a currency pen seems smart to me. I am suprised more don't do it.
PaigeSavage's Avatar
If I'm a verified ECCIE gent and you count the money in front of me, I'm snatching it out of your hands, giving you a $50 for your time, and leaving. If you don't trust the gent you are seeing then you are not doing a very good job of verification. And if a verified ECCIE gent (or P411 for that matter) cheats you then you will be able to ruin his future by putting him on blast. Blatant disrespect from the provider counting in front of him. Originally Posted by CryptKicker

Cryptkicker, where did I indicate that I, or any provider, would count the money in front of the client? It is common practice for incalls, when you leave the patronage on the table and excuse yourself to freshen up, we count the patronage. If the patronage is in bigger bills, we can manage to do this quickly before the client steps back out. It is common practice for outcalls, that the patronage is left on the bathroom counter and when we excuse ourselves to freshen up, we count it there. What I'm basically indicating is make it easy on us to verify the full patronage is there so we aren't shorted or given counterfeit money.

Also, I've had verified P411 clients shorten the patronage. I choose to believe that it was on accident as every single one has remedied the mistake expeditiously. It's not uncouth to let the client know that something is amiss but I do find it uncouth to count the rate in front of the client.
Pangolier's Avatar
In the banking industry they are known as SARs, and that stands for suspicious activity report. Tellers have to do this for certain things they are told to look out for. Over 10K is large currency transaction. This is presented to the customer, but the SARs they can't tell you about.

See, for the girls who spend their money on Gucci handbags, no cashier in a pretentious retail store is going to bat a 2nd eye when you pull out $2,000 in cash. My guess is for things like rent they just go out and buy money orders. That's a favorite tactic of tax cheats. Honestly, between crypto currency and credit cards, hardly anyone uses cash anymore except for SW and drug dealers.

There were certain girls I used to see, and on outcalls collecting the envelope was literally the VERY last thing they would ever do before opening the door handle to leave. They wouldn't pick it up before putting their final garment on, brushing their hair in the bathroom, grabbing their purse, giving me a hug; anything. Right before walking out the door they would pick it up, then a moment later they would be gone. I know some girls don't want to open the envelope during an incall for various reasons. First of all, if your prospective date turns out to be a cop, you can no longer tell a jury that you weren't being paid because you saw cash in the envelope. In many states sex with someone other than a spouse is technically illegal, but these laws are rarely enforced. Laws regarding prostitution though, are. I've had other girls count the very moment I walk in the room; sometimes while I am in the restroom, and other times before I leave. It runs the gambit. The ones who are most "polite" and service oriented, just don't touch the envelope at all, unless it's outcall and they are about to leave. Riskier for the girl, but it's a better way for her to retain repeat business.
I don't have a preference, as long as it's not change, or really small bills.
I prefer Jacksons and Benjamins.
VeronicaTurbay's Avatar
benjis lol
Ripmany's Avatar
Maybe a 100 trillion dollar bill.