Where White Man Went Wrong

Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-18-2012, 08:31 PM
white man's hate greed & arrogance will b his downfall. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
And you think white men are the only greedy and arrogant people. You need to take off those rosy colored glasses, and wake the fuck up...
cptjohnstone's Avatar
white man's hate greed & arrogance will b his downfall. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
she says she know ya
Af-Freakin's Avatar
i think about u dumbazz crackers & laugh 2 myself everytime i cash my guvmint job paycheck or bang 1 ov da little white slut bitches on my desk who call me boss. it must kill u mutha fuckas 2 think u havta pay me & i make more than u. LOL!
joe bloe's Avatar
i think about u dumbazz crackers & laugh 2 myself everytime i cash my guvmint job paycheck or bang 1 ov da little white slut bitches on my desk who call me boss. it must kill u mutha fuckas 2 think u havta pay me & i make more than u. LOL! Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
I think I may have seen you the other day. You were at an intersection begging for food. You were huffing glue out of a brown paper bag. It looked like you hadn't bathed in months. I gave you a nickel.

Why are you lying about having sex with white women? Why is that something for you to be proud of? White men would never lie about having sex with black women. It's not something we'd want anyone to know about. Why is it that rich black men (entertainers and athletes) always get a white girlfriend. You don't see rich white men with black girlfriends. Why is that?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-19-2012, 05:21 PM
i think about u dumbazz crackers & laugh 2 myself everytime i cash my guvmint job paycheck or bang 1 ov da little white slut bitches on my desk who call me boss. it must kill u mutha fuckas 2 think u havta pay me & i make more than u. LOL! Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
AF, you are a prime example that stupid statements can come from either side of the political spectrum. Stupidity knows no political bounds.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
babble babble, you drunk, tired or both, I see your posting at 4am

yea, we have a few more years of payback be it in snooreman or Stillwater. Funny thing is next year we will be 3X on defense Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The rantings of one scared agroamerican - that's about the limpest effort you've trotted out in quite a while. Condi Rice probably knows you, too.

cpLj, your 15 minutes are up - deal with it. Time to get back down there with Ft Worth Christian Academy and Waco Baptist in the "One Year Every 25 or so We Get Lucky" Division.

Glad you're concerned about my sleep habits. Those of us who work for a living often adhere to "The Early Bird Gets the Worm" theory of whipping up on the competition.

Nah, I'm not going to give you a freebie - before you try to make any "worm" witticisms - remember Condi's been measuring that distended clit you ambitiously call a swinging (?) dick. heh heh heh
cptjohnstone's Avatar
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The rantings of one scared agroamerican - that's about the limpest effort you've trotted out in quite a while. Condi Rice probably knows you, too.

cpLj, your 15 minutes are up - deal with it. Time to get back down there with Ft Worth Christian Academy and Waco Baptist in the "One Year Every 25 or so We Get Lucky" Division.the last time you played those two teams, you lost, your glory days are gone, stick a fork in it

Glad you're concerned about my sleep habits. Those of us who work for a living often adhere to "The Early Bird Gets the Worm" theory of whipping up on the competition. I know the mid night shift at McDonads is tuff

Nah, I'm not going to give you a freebie - before you try to make any "worm" witticisms - remember Condi's been measuring that distended clit you ambitiously call a swinging (?) dick. heh heh heh Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
that is a swinging richard, an old army term but you long hair hippies would not that

I am sorry, it was this gal talking about you
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Her saying, "Missed it by THAAAAAAT much," is probably more like it. Usual stoolwater whining. BTW, she looks like Ann Coulter dressed in halloween orange - that's disgusting on so many levels.

You might want to make that "Little Richard."
cptjohnstone's Avatar
again, posted at 5:29 am, how was the night shift at McDonalds?

what does a zerou grad say, "do you want to super fries"?
bladtinzu's Avatar
European excursions into the new world introduced a number of diseases the native population was not use to. It wasn't by design just a nasty side effect of exploring a new area of the world. Sad thing was the natives had no natural immunity to any of this and it pretty much decimated the population like the Black Plague did in Europe. But unlike the Plague which brought about the Renaissance and the basic start of the Industrial Age this brought out no good at all.
bladtinzu's Avatar
white man's hate greed & arrogance will b his downfall. Originally Posted by Af-Freakin
And sadly black on black violence with be the black man's downfall. Why shoot and kill someone because they made fun of your big shiny chrome rims? Or better yet.. "Dissed" you?? Seriously where are the rev. bro. Al and Jesse when this happens??
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-21-2012, 04:33 AM
And sadly black on black violence with be the black man's downfall. Why shoot and kill someone because they made fun of your big shiny chrome rims? Or better yet.. "Dissed" you?? Seriously where are the rev. bro. Al and Jesse when this happens?? Originally Posted by bladtinzu
I agree with you, but I doubt AF cares. I doubt AF is actually Black.
I agree with you, but I doubt AF cares. I doubt AF is actually Black. Originally Posted by Old-T
I doubt it too, says he is employed and a boss.
joe bloe's Avatar
I doubt it too, says he is employed and a boss. Originally Posted by nwarounder
AF claims he works for the government. That makes his claim of having a job seem more believable. He may have an affirmative action make-work job, the kind of job that only requires that you are black and have a pulse. As far as being a boss, if his IQ is in the high eighties he may be supervising fellow affirmative action types with IQ's in the (more typical) mid eighties. Providing government make-work jobs for AF, and others like him, is a big part of the reason we have a fifteen trillion dollar national debt. AF's lifelong Democrat vote is paid for at a very high price.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The revenge of the indians......tobacco